@Razvan That´s right. So angels will fall to neutral aligment without further chance to go lower, or will become evil angels (if they can´t go back to demon state)? Hope change back into demon is possible, as it seems not only logical, but also fair (not only for completionists who want all the skills ---> IMO it should be reversely as Demons are full pvp guys; it´s them, who should have access to all the abilities, as they need them them most).

Best posts made by asspirin
RE: Angel? Angel Spells?
RE: Life leech on spells / enchants / buff abilities
@Razvan said in Life leech on spells / enchants / buff abilities:
Either way, I feel that this discussion is more of a subjective thing that reveals our class preferences and doesn't lead anywhere so maybe dropping it is for the best.
Totally agreed.
That's 3 different CC being used there by the tank: pull, stun and root. In this sense, I hope they stack because it would be weird not to be able to stun someone while they were slowed.
Then, in Albion there's the knight helmet, which gives a short aoe immunity buff to push and pull.At least CC should be devided into soft CC (slows and such that only limit your movement/fighting capabilities) and hard CC (stun, petrify, being turned into chicken and similar ones, that leave you fully helpless).
ESO has such thing, why not Fractured. And while SAVES might help, they´re not reliable; it would suck to be unlucky on rolls and be stunned -> petrified -> hexed -> stunned again -> webed or whatever, while being teared to pieces by minions ... and some nukes as bonus. No stack of hard ones please and if so, then with serious diminishing returns. -
RE: Angel? Angel Spells?
@Razvan And we need to know better earlier than later. If demon dude goes angel way to learn all the abilities in furry land to later find out he can PVP no more, we will only have one sad guy with no benefit for gameplay. Why should beastmen have such advantage if they go abomination path - it´s literally the same thing.
Or they can remove possibility to do any "negative karma actions" for angels - but then it would severely affect their gameplay.
And if we´re talking about roleplay, in jewish mythology there sure were angels gone rogue
RE: Life leech on spells / enchants / buff abilities
@Razvan Imo change to CC (that they wouldn´t stack) is quite recent, so we´ll either see it in another free weekend/alpha or devs will inform us through Pills. Let´s be patient.
RE: Class
All in all, melee seems a lot weaker than spellcasters.
which might change with better equipment as warriors / equpment dependant guys are that - equipment dependant guys
However having "more magical damage" enchantment on equipment in game with invisibility makes me little nervous.
And Im curious, whether the game will also favour pet masters in that regard like it has been seen in many arpgs - in Diablo II, Grim Dawn and to lesser extend also in Path of Exile one could finish the game almost naked if pets took the beating
Opening inventory during fight ?
I know it might look like stupid question, but is it possible to open inventory during fight ?
We have 8 slots and its might be advantage to have it filled with nukes while also having opened inventory to click healing / antidot anytime necessary, as it would save at least one slot (not mentioning how strong remedy seems to be against dedicated DOT character). Hope makros won´t make it into game.It wouldn´t be a nice fight to see opponent throw all his nukes at me, run away while healing himself from inventory and attack again when healed a little (maybe with help of invis spell).
Thank you.
RE: Opening inventory during fight ?
@Gothix Like many things this is also matter of personal taste. I personally liked Guild wars 2 system most. You had one healing spell (ability) in separate slot (just like you prefer), but it had fixed CD and there were no healing bottles. And what´s more, you could get dazed/stunned, so your healing went on short cd - best system I´ve seen. In gameplay videos everyone just spams Bandages. It sure will be toned down, but with such low cd and no need of mana, noone will ever use dedicated healing spells, because theyre sooo worse (at least give bandages, remedies, healing potions etc. shared cooldown).
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
@Razvan Then start your own guild
But **** happens and everyone must count with it in FF game (if Fractured will have it), one can just apologise after fight (as long such thing doesn´t happen again). Depends on maturity of guild members of course. -
RE: Opening inventory during fight ?
@Xzoviac why not, but it would be closer to abilities rather than consumables (if such flasks had cooldown). But they would have to be potent, or noone would use them (in DII fireflasks were used as help for low lvl characters, but after few hours of playing they sucked, in GRIM DAWN there were some nice offensive flasks, but you wouldn´t get them from start, so again noone used them)
So make them available from start and let them scale like rest of the abilities ---> but then if no mana would be necessary to "cast" them, it would give quite advantage to user - especially low mana chars (warriors in plate). So either give them mana cost (not logical and potions would become just reskinned spells) or make them cooldown dependant on armour or something (or heavily armoured guys would just spam you with fireball flasks ) or dependant on inteligence (so low int chars would have serious disadvantages, high cooldowns and such).
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
I actually want a game which isn't aoe heavy and doesn't have burst healing
Agreed, getting stunned and instantly vaporized by 20 aoe nukes in zerg isn´t much fun.
So maybe only x% of dmg as FF ? -
RE: Opening inventory during fight ?
No one is saying there should be no health potions in game. Player should just decide whether he wants them in ability slot (just like you can slot remedies and bandages) or not. Of course they will be needed, you can have as low as 6 inteligence and my guess is such character can´t rely on healing spells as much as mage (there are abilities with 0 mana cost such as Second wind ... but CD 80s makes it usable once a fight).
Topic is about something else - if you can get into inventory during fight to get healing from potion of slurp some fire resistance potion when you meet fire specialised enemy, it´s imo same as to stop the fight, have a rest and spec different abilities to counter enemy - this is neccessary in PVE, when you cant prepare for encounter, but in PVP it gives you advantage. -
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
@Razvan Heals are supposed to be aimed too, righ? Depends if it will be "missile", ground targeted skill, aoe or some kind of "well from Guild Wars 2" ... healing totem would be nice however.
RE: Opening inventory during fight ?
@Jetah Have you played Albion online? If I could open inventory to heal while one of my potions (or some kind of bandage) is on CD, or if i could choose right "protection potion" in middle of the fight (when i already know what element specialization my enemy has), I´d virtually have at least 2x as much hp, which is imo quite the advantage.
to opening it in Fractured: we have 8 slots, if half of them is filled with potions, you have 4 nukes; if you dont have to slot potions and use them from inventory, you can have 8 nukes = twice more damage (probably awesome with DOTs). Again advantageous ( i exaggerate to show my point).
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
PS: On the left side you have the party bar. You can use that if you want to heal someone with a point and click spell.
If such feature is there, hopefully it will be. However depends whether heals are aimed or just "click portrait to heal"
PPS: Lmao at that zvz build (with t3 horses and low tier food/hpp).
I know, it was just for illustration
In some grand GvG fight I wouldnt be surprised to see such crowd (and see my fps go to negative values)
Dedicated healers are always a good thing: they stay in the backline, away from CC and damage
lets just hope invisible one shot glass canon assassins will leave them alone to do their thing
Of course I agree that dedicated healer is invaluable in PvE against raid bosses ... in pvp however if they can be silenced (which they can - and I bet there will be way more abilities aimed against casters), their usefullness is limited, as they´re probably lame tanks and their dps ist great either, aside of some buffs their contribution to battle is limited. In that case I´d probably expected "paladin like" healer builds - as healing can be casted in plate.
Just my guess, but healers will mostly be pet masters - healing cant crit, so no use for PER, just max INT and CHA plus some STR for massive tankiness, go plate armour, aoe buffs and heals and leave killing to your pets while you will be quite tanky and some damage will not bother you that much and if silenced, your pets will still dish out some damage. -
RE: PvP Questions
And important detail about human planet - can be invaded by demons (and "corrupted furries")
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
@Razvan Yep, dedicated healer is awesome in pvp too - remembering WoW 2v2s warrrior + priest (war was chasing enemy team and healer was fleeing from from them
). You´re right it does make sense that archetypes will deeply specialise so they do their role as well as they can (but outside their role they suck).
If you are in a guild where this happens more than once a month during zvz, you can probably take it as a sign that you need to be in another guild. Usually guilds have a few scouts around the big group who make sure that their backline isn't steamrolled by a flanking group while engaging the enemy.
Problem is Im always thinking like duelist or participant of maximally 5v5 fight where strategy matters, anything above that feels like chaotic aoe fest where, if you´re focus fired, you melt in 0,1s so I´m not very experienced in big scale fights, however I´m sure you´re right.
Thing is there are saves, so tanks (who will probably max their saves) will not always be stunned. And stuns will not stack, so even if tank gets stunned, there are skills allowing to insta fill health (endurance). IF they survive focus fire ... Problem is fight in Fractured is partly RNG dependant (because of saves and luck is even ingame stat). So lets say five spells in row are resisted with saves = healer not necessary, but then another five successfully hit and some of them crit (also rng) = dead tank = healer not necessaryI know it´s extreme scenario, but who knows.
Also I asked on forum whether one can get out of the stun once stunned even for high cost, no one knows yet (such feature is in Guild Wars2, DIII, WoW, ESO etc.). -
RE: Support/Bard Type Archetypes?
@Marovec restoration, enchanting anything dependant on CHARISMA ... even warfare school has one "paladin" buff. Charisma also makes you possible pet master, so your minions fight for you (so you probably won´t need perception, aim or crit chance, as heals cant crit), so you´ll probably be also ultimate tank and high CHA will give you more luck, so your CC will be also nice (so far many warfare skills hit independently on your aim).
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
PS: It's either a bug or some skills/mobs do damage to your HP (middle/red bar) because in the latest test there were situations when mobs killed me in the Creeping forest while having Endurance (top/green bar) way above 0, and life (middle/red bar) at the minimum.
Doesnt poison do such thing? What skills those creatures had? But hopefully it´s a bug.
PPS: I played both games with rng combat and without, and I'd pick no-rng every time especially when it comes to CC chance.
Yep, but aside of Bloodline Champions, there is always a little bit of rng (crits), which is imo nice, otherwise the fight would become boring and you would only wait for opponent to make mistake (I disliked this in AO). Also I see RNG as a kind of comeback mechanic, to spice the fight up.
RE: PvP Questions
@Savitr Too bad there are only few gods, most of them rather good, and the only opposing deity is "boring" chaotic evil ("im big bad person, i like hurting everyone"). I loved amount of deities in ADaD, each race had their own gods, there were gods for every aspect of life. And not only human - orcs deities were the best. Or Urdlen, "the evil mole"
Wish more gods will appear in the future, prefarably "clever evil" - ones with non flat personality, aka evil you might love