@Razvan Good point, walking somewhere 10 minutes to find out path leads nowhere is frustrating.

Best posts made by asspirin
RE: Map clarity
RE: Support/Bard Type Archetypes?
If buffs scale with stats, then you want a dedicated buffer and I'd rather bring my own slave buffer than another player
If buffs scale from stats, then those stats will be INT and CHA. As damage of some spells depend on luck (in case of fireball difference between min and max luck roll is 50% damage), nuker casters will max PER, INT and CHA, so every caster will sure be able buffer. And inf not nuker, then pet masters - those will sure be even better buffers, as they can totally neglect PER and just specialise on CHA for buffs and heals. If equipment will not give bonuses to abilities, enchants on it will not matter.
This doesn't mean all gear will be cheap.
ofc perfectly enchanted item will be valuable, but as everything will wear off eventually, it should be replacable (I wonder how big difference will be between basic primitive item and perfect "magic metal" enchanted item (my guess is 50% of offectivity which is imo bad, but at least there´s something to look forward to).
naked toons
Im probably simpleton, but this is again way too complicated, i´d rather pick invis dude (and every assassin and their mom will sure have at least one invisibility ability). But you´re sure right.
RE: Map clarity
There actually is no reason not to mark roads - even if I´d pick a demon and decided to visit furries lands.
Of course I´d prepare in advance If i decided to make a hunting trip - im sure soon after release the internet will offer a very detailed map of place I´m going to visit, so I´d just plan the path beforehead.Would including roads help everybody? Yes. Would not including the road make game better? No.
RE: Support/Bard Type Archetypes?
@Razvan Ok, then Im simpleton AND lazy guy
It does make sense, but for me it´s just a game and I dont have time to grind 2 chars to be more viable (tbh do have time to play hour a day :D), I´ll just go "honest" way and hope for best.
50% is a huge difference. Even if it's more like 20%, the clear-time greatly improves when you account for 3-4 DPS.
Devs stated difference between tier 1 weapons (primitive) and tier 2 weapons (steel or some metal) is like 20+% damage, so the best metal with strongest enchant will sure be way stronger, woudn´t be surprised to see 50% bigger numbers (but then it absolutelly goes against "horizontal progression").
Please don't insult me thinking I'd ever invite summoners to my farming parties. :))
My apologies
But if one goes nuker way with high CHA, why not have a tank for free, when possible
will high CHA character have anything to compensate, if he goes non-pet way (maybe reduce luck if you pick pets or raise it if you dont)?
RE: Map clarity
@Jetah said in Map clarity:
personally, unless the avatar visits then the map should be blank. unless you have some cartography points it should be very basic. if you wanted to see roads and passable areas then you'd need more cartography points.
Allright. But it only hides the map before i visit the place for the first time. Any time after that I´ probably know the place. It doesn´t add more fun imo, just makes it more complicated (or "realistic" but it´s not reality, it´s game with magic).
but that takes effort.
yep, same as above - it does take effort, but only on first visit. Demons will surely soon know all the important spots and will rush to the closest one the very moment they´re teleported on furryland.
RE: Geting out of stun when disabled?
@Razvan hoops, never noticed this one
nvm, never coming back to it
But still wonder how is it going to be solved here.
RE: Map clarity
Shadow Demons are agile and evasive creatures, aces of disguise and illusion, naturally proficient in the use of traps and poisons. Attuned to obscurity, they enjoy a wide array of benefits during nighttime or when moving through dark environments.
Not sure anything else is known about it yet, but looks like fine choke point defensive skill.
RE: Map clarity
maybe your first visit you just hit the notable spots. maybe the visits after just increase the detail of the map. whereas if you had cartography then it may take less trips. example: without carto knowledge it takes 100 trips to fully detail the map. with carto it may take 35 trips. this assumes the same spawn location and going in the same direction each time.
I ment such map --> dont know how many teleport spots furry land and human land will have, but Im sure each spot will have such map with points of interest (this one is from GRIM DAWN pointing out spawning spots for farm runs). So it will not take 100 trips, but like one or two.
Youre right however about random spawn spots; maybe some divination spell like this one from Baldurs Gate will help with map and resources then.
RE: Race Balance Issues
@Razvan also Demons seem to have passives (hellfire - stone skin depending on % of hp, nightmare - more dmg or aim at night, blood - more damage on attacking enemy) while beasts have to slot their shapeshift skills. Imo planets were ment to be "choice of game difficulty" from beginning.
RE: New skills
In love with Infectious burst (if it does what i think it does), and Totem of decay
however for same reason as "Protection From Fire" I probably hate "Protection From Poison" - either OP or useless - depending on enemy build you meet
RE: Attacks speeds depending on armor ?
if there's a disarm then you should have to find your weapon. that's one thing to hurt bots (at little). make CC abilities actually work on the screen (like wildstar).
Im sure there would be guys with invisibility spell + disarm, who would sneak on you, disarm you, rob you of your weapon and leave (easy money ... and easier duel
). CC was amazing for example in SMITE if you´ve played it. If you were knosked up by Kumbakharna, you actually flew few second, if you were hit by Bakchus´ wine, you couldnt hit anything. CCed by Kabrakan? Just run in circles etc.
But it doesn´t seem like doable in isometric game. Maybe reduce sight to 0 if stunned or so, so you can´t prepare for anything that follows, don´t know.
to topic - thinking about it, will armour progress as fast as damage ? It was stated by devs that the difference between in damage between Tier primitive and Tier 2 will be cca 20%. Will same apply to armour? Or will defence grow slower?
RE: New skills
Each enemy within 4 meters from your position takes [50 + INT * 5] poison damage if it wasn’t poisoned.
Poisoned enemies instead are dealt 3 times that damage, and a poisonous cloud bursts out of their bodies, spreading the poison to any other hostile creature within 2 meters
I was unsure whether its like Shadow poison from Dota 2 - stackable dot which would eventually be "released" to multiply damage based on stacks, or more like Epidemic from Guild Wars 2 which would spread all the conditions (and dots) on enemy to nearby foes basically making it aoe skill.
However it seems to be partially both, so it looks like I have one more ability permaslotted
Totem seems fine, too bad it lacks resist reduction like Fire totem, but slow seems VERY helpful to dot build - except we still dont know how will disables (like slow) work; also you can just run away from totem (which has quite big CD), so it looks more like pve of defensive spell rather than offensive (except in huge zerg, where the totem might make some big numbers)
So you´re going elemental way? From current build Constitution (attribute) sucks, so everyone´s elemental resists will suck as well
RE: All abilities have chance to hit?
@Razvan Just checked wiki and you´re right about such skills as Firebolt, however I didn´t play much but if I remember correctly, skills like Fireball (which qualifies as skillshot) do hit, but opponent still has chance to negate half of damage (which is better than nothing, but still it´s huge drop in damage if one has no accuracy).
Bow skills sure will be skillshots, but archers will max perception anyway (and dexterity as stated in wiki). I´d also say melee abilities and melee attacks can be considered skillshots, as enemy will hardly stand on place and with dex 6 and slow 2h weapon you will have to predict position of enemy to even land hit (unless you cc him to stand on place and eat your hit), even then one must have massive accuracy to reliably land most attacks. On the other hand non-skillshot ability like Bash cannot miss. So probably only ranged skillshots will have no or low saves, right?
Also one huge factor affecting skillshots - L A G -
Hopefully lags will be minimal, but full skillshot dude might be in some serious trouble even with momentary lag spike.
RE: Attacks speeds depending on armor ?
@Razvan So if we have two same guys with same abilities, one with primitive weapon but best possible tier 2 armour with all enchants and guy with tier 2 weapon with all the enchants possible but primitive armour, who would win (if they also had same skill level)
I hope damage will scale faster than defence ... or that enchants on armour will increase dps little more.
RE: New skills
@Farlander It would suffice if wiki was always up to date.
RE: alpha 2 test 2
@Razvan You both are right
: Here
It’s Alpha 2 – Test 2! Starting in late February / early March (exact date to be announced) and bringing to life:
Land parcel management (friends & access levels);
The first iteration of the Vale of Shadows.
Before that happens, we’ll send out a survey to aggregate feedback from the past Open Playtest. That will award you with Foundation Points, so stay tuned!
RE: Attacks speeds depending on armor ?
@Gothix You´re right, it does seem logical ... But if defence will grow faster than offense, then dude with higher tiers of equipment will be unkillable.
In arpgs however it goes like ++++++dmg ++ defence (in Grim Dawn you do just 1/2 dmg to human enemy if you try to pvp (as much as i love the game, don´t
), but duels are still one shot fests. In diablo however dmg difference was so huge you only took like 17% of dmg (1/6).
If in Fractured you can manually dodge most attacks and have heals any time you wish, so I´d rather raise the damage A LOT (as the devs themselves stated "you won´t encounter bubble paladin vs restodruid duel"
). Or give us option to enchant damage on armour also.