Is Alpha 2 under NDA? no gameplays on youtube...

Posts made by Althalus
Development Roadmap
What is the development road map for Fractured? its already on Alpha 2 how many Alphas left? and then is it Closed beta followed by OB? or are we going to see couple of Closed betas before OB? also will there be a wipe after open beta? most games don't but wipe after open beta isnt unheard of. waiting to jump into game AFTER the final wipe! @Prometheus
RE: Tapestry Rewards
@Gothix they seemed to have gone the easy route with the new set of foundation rewards only adding chests or dynamite gold (not that i'm complaining) but hopefully the founder chest items have some interesting items as the loot table?
RE: Tapestry Rewards
I am hoping they have more decorations items for housing
RE: Foundation
@Jetah said in Foundation:
it's a reward for being active on the forums. i dont see any reason to deny certain people who came late any rewards so long as they put in the effort pre-release.
the problem is at some point were going to have enough new releases that people who come in later will reach lvl 200 ONLY by reading the newletter and MAYBE sharing on facebook and twitter... I DO see a problem because at that point people who came in earlier and ACTUALLY put in the effort on the forums were being penalized... sorry but there's something fundamentally wrong with that... its not about having exclusive items its about recognizing people for their effort...
RE: Foundation
@maze not sure what point you're trying to make... if your point is that she has to start grinding from level 82 well guess what? some of had to grind from level 1... so I don't really think its fair your girlfriend and the people who have been with the game since day 1 end up having the same amount of reward from the foundation when the game eventually releases... the foundation was meant to reflect how much time and support we have given the game... there are people in the top 100 leader board that have enough points fro lvl 400+ in foundation they deserve to get something better than your girlfriend who created the account 2 days ago and is now lvl 82...
RE: Foundation
@Razvan thanks for the link! looking forward to what they come up with... or even more chests with store credits would be nice!
At some point one of the devs mentioned that they are planing on adding more items to the foundation is that still in the books? with the amount of news and dev diaries people can EASILY reach level 70-80 now by only reading the news/ sharing on twitter & facebook. If this keeps up by the game release every one will have level 200... would be nice to see some more tiers and items so the people who have been here for a longer time still have some exclusive stuff they can show off when the game starts...
Dungeons that are time locked
It would be cool to have dungeons that open only once a year (Game time) or maybe even shorter or limited to happen only if certain condition are met like having to kill a world type mob to kill
RE: Don't Have access to my email anymore
@Specter Thank you! I also just sent an email to the support email on the website. hopefully this issue can be resolved... so mad at myself for not changing the email on this account to my current email before I cleared my browser!!! thought I did but guess not...
Don't Have access to my email anymore
I no longer have access to my email that I used for this account anymore. Trying to log in and says I am trying to log in with new device and I need to be activated (it's not, I just cleared my browsing history) what can I do?!?!?! @Prometheus
RE: Where is the news of the next test phase...
@PeachMcD we can only HOPE he leaves but from the reply I can guess that @islesofurth is the type of person that likes to stick around and be rude and obnoxious and make the community toxic...
RE: Where is the news of the next test phase...
@islesofurth the company doesn't owe you anything other than a finished game... they don't owe you to give you status update on when they are taking a vacation... Dynamite has been doing a phenomenal job of keeping us updated compared to some other companies... since you don't even know the difference between mid October and early October (which we are still in btw) obviously we should not expect you to behave any better but cut the rudeness mkay?
RE: Anti-Hack/Cheat/Bot
@Jetah said in Anti-Hack/Cheat/Bot:
so you'll never buy a game or buy from a cash shop? as long as the info is encrypted it's fine but whether they encrypt is another story.
maybe get yourself informed before you talk like you know everything?!?!? there has been countless instances of identity theft and stealing of personal inform FROM banks and government organizations... some common sense would be welcome...
Ohiyo Guzaimasu EdoK20-Sama. O Genki? Hishashiburi Da ne
?!?!?! watashi namae wa
! Yokosou Wagaye. Banatachi. O bento?!?! Banzai, Banzai, Banzai!!!
RE: Anti-Hack/Cheat/Bot
@Jetah said in Anti-Hack/Cheat/Bot:
the gov ID would be better but even those can be forged. unless the company does a KYC it's easy to bypass.
the only people asking for credit card info/ gov id would deter are legitimate players... I have NO intention of handing over my credit card details or even worse my Government ID to random game companies tyvm... with all the hacking and identity theft thats been happening no game is worth putting my personal info at risk....