the KS campaign is past the half mark and all they've released in terms of extra info on the player armor skin and horse skin... none of the information on player towns or any of the other promised info has been revealed... they should have planned this better... not sure if they are waiting to hit certain number of backers or funding but they should have released the stretch goals LONG ago to get players more excited...

Best posts made by Althalus
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
RE: Where is the news of the next test phase...
@islesofurth the company doesn't owe you anything other than a finished game... they don't owe you to give you status update on when they are taking a vacation... Dynamite has been doing a phenomenal job of keeping us updated compared to some other companies... since you don't even know the difference between mid October and early October (which we are still in btw) obviously we should not expect you to behave any better but cut the rudeness mkay?
RE: What games (besides this one) is everyone excited about?
@finland me too!!! I KS funded CoE but I think AoC is going to be a better game! but I think theyre both going to be fun! thinking about buying Legends of Aria but its 40 dollars for an indie game that doesnt seem to have a lot going for it atm...
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
@benseine just because some games had income without KS and this game will MIGHT do better in other avenues other than KS doesn't mean they should do nothing and let KS fail... if thats the attitude the devs have then why did they bother with the KS at all? IF the goal for starting a KS was not money but to get free promotion and hype out of it, newsflash a failed KS doesnt bring in good promotion or hype it brings in bad publicity...
One thing I hate about some of the games is how all the items only have one function. for example torches are ONLY used as light source and does nothing else, like setting things on fire. I think that in this game the items should have more than one purpose i.e. torches being used to set things on fire+ lightsource+ heat things.
Dungeons that are time locked
It would be cool to have dungeons that open only once a year (Game time) or maybe even shorter or limited to happen only if certain condition are met like having to kill a world type mob to kill
Night/Day events
We know that the game has night and day cycles! what would be cool is having events that can only be done in those times. For example thieves that show up at night or vampire/ werewolf etc. or even have certain mobs that get stronger at night vs day and get better loot drops.
RE: Night/Day events
@benseine I know couple of single player games that have NPCs with fully flushed out routines where they live their own life. would be great to see that kind of mechanics but I doubt its possible do that with every npc in an mmorpg. but definitely would love to see random NPCs atleast do SOME of the things you mentioned! maybe the merchants and quest givers cant go home and sleep in the night cycle but other non important random npcs can have their own cycles!
RE: Secrets in game
once one person finds the secret the entire world will know about it thanks to the internet... the only way for something to be kept secret would be to make it be random (i.e. once one player finds and item/quest the quest/ item spawns in another place) but even then it would be impossible to make an infinite number of random spawn points...
RE: What games (besides this one) is everyone excited about?
@logain said in What games (besides this one) is everyone excited about?:
(...) buying Legends of Aria but its 40 dollars for an indie game that doesnt seem to have a lot going for it atm...
I think AoC is going for more of a high fantasy than Chronicles of elyria. CoE devs said that only certain people will have magic and that its going to be random and since I like playing a mage that kind of throws me off a bit... ALSO CoE has been going for a scope creep since the KS, they should have released the game this year but they just keep adding more and more stuff and that has me mad as well. for example the whole subject matter expert program, what is the point of it other than being completely extra? I'd rather they deliver what they promised... Legends of Aria seems interesting IF they can deliver all the things they promised on their site including the whole living world idea... but from the little amount of time I spent on game it looks pretty static (as far as I can see). they also switched from shards to legends of aria and I'm not sure how much of the idea on their website they still kept from shards and how much of it they have decided to drop... $40 for an Indie sandbox with very little actual detail is a bit much for me... none of the gameplay videos I've seen show me anything groundbreaking in terms of mechanics... let me know if you think otherwise!
RE: Secret ways in dungeons
@gothix said in Secret ways in dungeons:
Randomizing puzzles cant be that hard to make and would be awesome! even if theres just two ways to solve the puzzle but they keep randomly changing between the two and if you fail you can only retry the puzzle after certain amount of time it would be meaningful and give us something extra to work towards
RE: Anti-Hack/Cheat/Bot
@Jetah said in Anti-Hack/Cheat/Bot:
the gov ID would be better but even those can be forged. unless the company does a KYC it's easy to bypass.
the only people asking for credit card info/ gov id would deter are legitimate players... I have NO intention of handing over my credit card details or even worse my Government ID to random game companies tyvm... with all the hacking and identity theft thats been happening no game is worth putting my personal info at risk....
RE: Night/Day events
@nelchael Sexy elves Vs creepy goat headed monstrosity... sorry going to have to go with the sexy elves!!!
RE: WoW Classic is coming
WoW single handedly ruined the mmorpg genre!!! the mmorpg genre would have been so much different if WoW hadn't been such a success...