storyline good. missing bad. makes me sad.

Posts made by Althalus
RE: Fractured newsletter
@prometheus not sure why that happened! did not report as spam. atleast not intentionally. thanks for fixing.
RE: Fractured newsletter
@specter Hi specter the last newlestter I recieved was well before the KS. havent received any since.
RE: Fractured newsletter
I too have not received the last couple of newsletters. there must be some problem on the dev end because my foundation says all newletters have been read but I havent received the last couple of newletters meaning that I dint miss it it just never got sent right?
RE: Aminal Tamer as a Class
@boogis said in Aminal Tamer as a Class:
g slowing down your ping anyway. how they gonna enter horses in the game? same like Albion? selling from stupid merchant who get it from no one know from where? most likely they put wild horses on feilds and forestes nad allow players to tame them. So im asking you. whats a difference between wild horse and tamed horse? no bloody difference. server still have to work on both.
first of all "Dude" doesnt matter how great the developer is more characters are going to put a stress on the server that fact you think they wont and people can magically just add as many items as they wont just shows how much you know about game design. also there is a difference between wild horses somewhere off screen and the 1k different horses that show up at the same time on your screen in town thats why pretty much every game has atleast some lag issue when you enter town compared to the wilds...
RE: Aminal Tamer as a Class
I for one don't need to see thousands of mounts in game slowing down my ping thank you very much... also the devs arent copying albion online.... alot of games mounts disappear when you dismount since there is literally no point in keeping mount in game once you dismount...
RE: Enhanced Character Creation
@muker by temporary skin I think he means having a limited time window in which you can get it, not that skin lasts for a limited time....
RE: Enhanced Character Creation
@rocky said in Enhanced Character Creation:
Event/Holiday Clothing/Skins. This is kind of a no-brainer but in my opinion it adds a lot to the feel of a game when it has holiday themed clothing/skins.
the devs have already said there's a cash shop and everything you've mentioned are pretty much guaranteed to be in the cash shop, just like every other cash shop game... whether there will be free versions in game, maybe or maybe not... if there are free versions in game they would probably not be as cool as the ones in cash shop...
RE: pre alfa date ?
it used to be devs kept quite about their projects until open beta was ready. then they started doing closed beta-> open beta. then they started doing alpha-> closed beta-> open beta. now they've come up with something called pre-alpha... I don't know if we're heading in the right path in terms of game production or not... people become more and more entitled as I've seen players commenting on how devs should move their release dates to fit with the players' schedule. I've also seen devs justify half finished messes as just "alpha" while charging players insane amount of money for the privilege of being part of the testing phase.