My understanding is that there will be EU server at launch. It is kinda pointless to split community during testing phase.

Best posts made by Namus
RE: NO EU server? no thanks!
Life is Feudal MMO OBT starts November 17th
Its a good game to play while you wait for Fractured just keep in mind it will be OBT/Early Access on Steam and it wont officially launch before june next year maybe later so dont expect a game without bugs but there wont be wipes anymore.
Played it since first CBT and i quite enjoyed it just make sure to find guild if you are solo player dont bother trying it.
Payment model is when you start game you spawn on ''newbie island'' and to leave it you need to buy ticket with real money that works on 1 character (so its basically b2p per character just lower cost than full game ofc) and there will be premium sub but not needed to play. There will also be item shop with cosmetic skins for armor and weapons (no stats).
Check it out!
New here
Just saying hello! I used to play Linkrealms so i have high expectations of this game!
RE: Need me some Bardness
I would love to see Bard especially if we can make our own music
RE: Support classes in Fractured
So happy to see Bard will be added i always play one when available!
RE: Whats in the future graphically.
People wont play Fractured for graphics so i dont expect big improvements there.
Latest posts made by Namus
RE: Whats in the future graphically.
People wont play Fractured for graphics so i dont expect big improvements there.
RE: Support classes in Fractured
So happy to see Bard will be added i always play one when available!
RE: Need me some Bardness
I would love to see Bard especially if we can make our own music
RE: NO EU server? no thanks!
@Xzait Why would i pay same money as someone who plays with 30-50 ping. That's 3x higher ping on average.
RE: NO EU server? no thanks!
@Gothix Things are already clear its called physics. Here is an example i like to use because it is impossible to notice until you view it side by side but difference exists:
RE: NO EU server? no thanks!
@Sativo Well then you are minority because most people have 130+. Its fine if they don't open one tbh i just wont play it. Not the end of the world. Also cost of hosting is a bad excuse considering its very cheap now and there is many private servers for various MMOs hosted in EU.
RE: NO EU server? no thanks!
@LonelyCookie I agree with OP tbh. I am tired of being 2nd rate citizen when i am paying same money. Even developer is in EU so there is no excuse not to have EU server. If there is no EU server on launch i wont be playing as well.
RE: NO EU server? no thanks!
My understanding is that there will be EU server at launch. It is kinda pointless to split community during testing phase.