Spread The Word & Win A Key!
My talking about my Alpha 2 experiences to my Facebook friends
Posted on EVE Online Forums; off topic section. I'm also a writer at Imperium News which mainly covers EVE stuff but allows for other game coverage as well. I'm planning on writing a piece on Fractured in the future.
Hoping to win a key for the soon-to-begin A2.T3!
'Vida Wanvig' is my fb alias (my gramma, pbuh). I've had 15 people sign up so far from this fb group of Game of Thrones-Ascent refugees.
I'm up to 18 recruits from this group of Game of Thrones Ascent refugees
The fact that the GoTA developers just pivoted to change their company from game development into into one that specializes in helping other games monetize
definitely spurred interest in Fractured's different model
I posted my referral link to one of my gaming Discord channels. Those guys are hardcore gamers and if I can convince them, they will probably join the guild I'm in
Furthermore, I noticed that there is currently no Turkish community in this game, that's why I invited my Turkish friends to join me in Fractured.
This is from another Discord channel I'm in which has nearly 100 gamers
I asked them to check the Fractured MMO website.
@Clinion The first link to your screenshot doesn't work.
@Specter Whoops, sorry about that, correct link should be this one : https://ibb.co/ckNwdC4
@Clinion - you go! Bring in the Turks!
I shared some information about the progression system and the general genre of the game in this FB group. It's kinda crowded place full of gamers. I hope to attract some of them
Hi guys. Spreading the word about fractured
Posted in my WoW guilds Discord. All of us have been playing games together for awhile now, and not just WoW.
didnt type anything special but hope i win
@amrqaz Alpha testing isn't starting in June, it's been going on for a while now. Alpha 2 test 3 will start in June.
I already left his contact for you in the call for youtubers, none the less is something that I would really enjoy to see, as proof i would not give you a contact I would not really apprecheate:
Hope he spreads the word as well and that you can cooperate together, more over that we can chain this even further. I will make some more few contacts also. I really like your project and even not had yet the oportunity to test it, so far is looking pretty good, please keep your motivation and enthusiasm.
Kind Regards
Hey guys!
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this event, I'm looking forward to the next Test phase. I have posted a small article on my personal Facebook page and here's the post:
Facebook Post