Spread The Word & Win A Key!
Hi I posted this in my Guilds Discord and got about 12 People to join the Free Test Week, hope they are hooked as I am ^^
@vitrola2 boa! bom ver a comunidade BR crescendo
I've just cleared up a big backlog of Foundation Point rewards that hadn't been granted yet for the previous two contests.
Congrats and sorry for the delay.
Posted in a pretty large ESO guild I'm a part of. I think a lot of members would appreciate the vision for PVP and crafting/loot here.
my entry ig: ogtubbs
My second post, now in Discord. All my friends got the acess to the next Alpha test, help meeeeeeeeeee. :]
posted on this article:
https://www.mmorpg.com/fractured/news/fractureds-alpha-2-test-3-scheduled-for-july-16-2000118732!got the same name on mmorpg as my hero profile here.
Exciting shit
I have recruited 26 people from this group by posting about Fractured.
I have beta access buy-in but really love to play this game.
The new lower price might tempt some more of my friends in this group to buy in! Just got word that there are layoffs and furloughs in my workplace future (not sure who is going to be affected yet) so even with a price reduction, my hope is that I can win an alpha key for the October test.
Are these new backer pack prices going to stay or for a limited time only sale?
I bought my legend pack for 90.00 about 3 1/2 months ago, so if the new price is perma then where should my other 35.00 be put towards & I would also really feel penalized for supporting early ..
Just a ?
@DjBIGGZ It's a temporary discount. It ends at the beginning of the next alpha test.