Finally, a promising game studio.
Bit different but, I just wanna express how much hope i have for this game/ how pleased I am with the devs.
Now that Alpha 1 has happened and the game's first-ish state was shown, I was quite impressed with what was presented, however, what really caught my eye was how the studio treats it's community.
I know it's likely due to the fact that it's a 'small' studio but it just feels like they do care for the game, and for others to enjoy what they put forward, and it's the simple things like including exactly what to expect in Alpha 1- phase 2, rather than what some other games do of "we'll see some new things in the next phase, cya then".
It also doesn't feel like a cash grab, which is a big worry nowadays, not to jinx.
But yea, do others feel the same, if not, why not?
I'm genuinely interested in a new game coming out for once.Also props to the studio so far. (From me atleast)
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I’m just concerned when a big publisher decides to jump on them.
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publishers generally want to get their investment back plus interest and will demand changes. Whether DS will cave in for the money or not is on them.
Tencent, a Chinese mega conglomerate, has increased in nearly everything. Sometimes they change things, sometimes they don’t. But I suspect they’re waiting for the current heads to retire before they change anything. I’ve seen how Blizzard has changed since the merger with Activision and it took AV 15 years to wait out the retirement of the veteran Blizzard heads.
Dynamight Studios have a good amount of fresh ideas, and the best ones are less grindy horizontal character progression and planet concept which caters all playstyles.
I would criticize a lil bit lack of communication between devs and community lately. I understand they have been busy with pre-alphas and alpha one, but still I hope this will change in near future so we can get more information for some hot topics.
Progression is calm, but realistic which I personally like. I do not mind to play testphases so it is not a problem to me if launch is somewhere 2021.
Bad publisher can indeed ruin the game but...
Devs still have an option to chose which publisher they are ok with. So they can avoid publishers with bad reputation that are known to turn games into P2W, and instead go with some publisher that has a good reputation, a publisher that is liked by players.
Also contracts can be made that specify what can and what can't be done by publisher.
Problem in past MMOs was that contracts with publishers were always (usually due to demands of greedy publisher) kept classified (not reveled to players) , so players wouldn't know what publisher is allowed to change, so players would start playing and then publisher would slowly implement greedy changes to the game.
What I would love to see would be a revolutionary change of making a contract with publisher public and all details visible to players.
That, in combination with choosing a publisher with good reputation could eliminate all player doubt in game turning P2W in the future.
I like your optimism, but it's still too early to tell.
I've seen countless games around this phase do well with constant developer feedback and updates but then fizzle out as it comes close to the finish line.
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@Belligero said in Finally, a promising game studio.:
I like your optimism, but it's still too early to tell.
I've seen countless games around this phase do well with constant developer feedback and updates but then fizzle out as it comes close to the finish line.
Good point. Like Ashes of Creation, they decided to took to European publisher..
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@Meiki said in Finally, a promising game studio.:
@Tuoni That and the fact that the BR whatever you would rate that game but definitely neither A nor B class game that is already in beta, but the actual MMO is still not even in Alpha 1
If I ever got my money back (And unfortunately it was not just a little that I spent on their kickstarter -
silly and stupid meEhm I mean naïve me) I would just put everything into Fractured, at least the devs care and are so far honest with us and we got to the Alpha 1!Well that BR deserves double facepalm..
(when one is simply not enough)
I have been more cautions after I felt betrayed by SBI when they made radical changes to Albion concept just before release. I had invest there a good amount of money. That is why I did not pledge AoC and now I am glad of my choise. They introduced BR from nowhere and first told it was just for testing the combat. Later they told how it will become a separated game project, which has now actually delayed the original MMO plan why people pledged at first place. I will test out AoC, but after when it released. Fractured is atm the one I follow most and I have planned to jump in at start of Alpha 2.
Since we won't have any influence on that we should not waste our energy discussing pro and cons of publishers. We all made good and bad experience with those. For now we can just trust our devs and hope for the best.
but discussions shouldn't be halted 'just because we can't influence them'. best case @Prometheus does a search on teh forums, reads this thread then can decide if a publishers offer is worth it.
I like your optimistic way of thinking
I don't like publishers either but Dynamite might need the money.
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I’ve seen a number of worthy studios cropping up in the past few years. Pretty exciting time
@Pluto as am i