@Solaris we will see, I am curious about it.
By the way, the Alpha 1 will be open the same day as Albion will become "free to play" (not really free but you can start to play without buying it).
This could help both Albion and Fractured, since people searching for this kind of game may be interested to see or check how they are working with this product.
Hey hey! We unlocked fishing!
DS should introduce new stretch goals. Something different than just new labyrinth levels, which are kind of boring goals to achieve tbh. I suggest to think options which really appeals to people and makes them want to invest.
Until we didn't reached taming I don't need new goals. I'm just happy that we can fullfil those kickstarter goals. I'm more afraid of new goals because those will delay the development and can cause big trouble.
I'm not even sure which further goals could be asked for.
@Sindariya said in Funding:
Until we didn't reached taming I don't need new goals. I'm just happy that we can fullfil those kickstarter goals. I'm more afraid of new goals because those will delay the development and can cause big trouble.
I'm not even sure which further goals could be asked for.We can still get that taming, I personally hope and believe so.
There should be new goals before current ones are reached. Goals are really good carrots and those should be planned so you can implement the thing what is promised, but still you get a little bit extra to somewhere else. Moreover, IF some delays would happen, does it really matter if there will be more interesting content? I do not personally mind at all.
The only stretch goal they need to include is capes. They need to send us all a physical cape. We need to bring capes back. Because capes rock. I would wear that.
On top of real capes..
There could be for example guild logo package, which could contain a lot of build variations and customization tools.
There could be for example guild logo package, which could contain a lot of build variations and customization tools.
You mean... the Aristocrat Pledge Pack bonus "Design your custom Guild Crest" ?
The only stretch goal they need to include is capes
That already was a stretch goal for the Kickstarter
But prolly a virtual cape, not a real one
@Eurav Ah ok, so that funding page does not have those all goals then..
(...)IF some delays would happen, does it really matter if there will be more interesting content? (...)
Feature Creep is a very real danger in software development. Try to release your minimal viable product in schedule and you can still add content afterwards.
@Logain Good point but stretch goals help bring in money.
Since stretch goals are reached with the money spent on the pledges I don't think new stretch goal will gain more money.
Only a handful will upgrade their pledge or buy even a second account just to reach another stretch goal.
New players will also not come because we have a new stretch goal like capes or tattoos.For the long term support of the game there are already subscriptions planned like VIP-status or the NPC-Carpenter. We will have a store where we can buy perhaps skins, blueprints for houses and decoration or seasonal stuff.
What we need now are new players that buy a pledge. Gladly we already have some great streamers that spread the word about the game. But I haven't found one mmo-magazine that published a review about the first alpha test so more player would get the urge to test it out.
(...)IF some delays would happen, does it really matter if there will be more interesting content? (...)
Feature Creep is a very real danger in software development. Try to release your minimal viable product in schedule and you can still add content afterwards.
There is always risk for delay with every feature added afterwards, but it is not exactly our problem as players to calculate stretch goals profitability. That is devs job to plan goals which can be done with set income.
Hey hey! We unlocked fishing!
Hmmm I wonder how many times over can fish be stolen between players before it gets rotten and starts to stink?
(...)That is devs job to plan goals which can be done with set income(...)
The point I was trying to get across is that it's a lot more beneficial to skip additional stretch goals and instead use all the additional money on making sure that the minimal viable product gets out in time. That is a tricky enough task.
Well, they've already confirmed in-game microtransactions for skins and quality of life items, as a start.
(...)That is devs job to plan goals which can be done with set income(...)
The point I was trying to get across is that it's a lot more beneficial to skip additional stretch goals and instead use all the additional money on making sure that the minimal viable product gets out in time. That is a tricky enough task.
Yeah kind of if you get same amount of money without stretch goals. I understand your point, but idea of stretch goals is to get people invest more so.. Maybe it can go either way.
(...) idea of stretch goals is to get people invest more so (...)
That's a great idea, but figures from other projects suggest that this is not the case.