

    in today's news said : "The uniqueness of resources in different biomes is an important drive for exploration, and is expected to generate heavy trading between towns located in different areas of the world" But I have a question, how will the trade between the planets develop? Can a demon visit a human planet for the purpose of buying resources? If yes, then it is not logical (If there is a place where you can buy or sell resources between worlds, then maybe it will be a separate asteroid or metiorit on which, instead of money, there will be an ordinary barter like in POE, because demons should not be interested in people's money ...


    We have already been told that we will have to RAID other planets for the sake of knowledge, skills and resources, so that trade may be included, but it is not clear how this mechanics will be made in the game. My friends and I have discussed this topic as a "safe city" for trading of all races can ruin the game.


    @ZagZag said in Trade:

    demons should not be interested in people's money ...

    Why not? How the hell are we supposed to buy shiny stuff to our demon chicks otherwise?

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @muker Not sure that the conflict is entirely necessary in that, merely assumed. I think a large portion of that will be things like knowledge for some skills being in places that the locals may not like you being around... but for the resources part I don't think that's a 100% truth.

    As to ruining the game, I highly doubt it. It might mean a few less people gather for world pvp(ve) around certain resources... but then those people aren't interested in that world pvp(ve) anyway, and are likely just to continue asking for ways to get around it if the resources are really needed to be viable. It's far better to have those interested in the conflicts participate. NOTHING ruins a game faster than trying to drag, say, those who only are interested in peaceful or mostly peaceful times (whether on Arboreus or hoping to work in safe-haven type situations on Sydensia) into the wrong content. People simply leave if it is required. Just like making a PvP focused player spend a week doing PvE focused RP helping new players for a token that allows participation in 1 battle isn't really going to work out that well. Simply put, it not only creates toxic responses, but it kills game population.

    That's not to say raiding has no place, merely that the idea that trade would destroy the game is the same sort of flimsy argument as saying that any ability to PvP means that the game is worthless (because there's some who even go so far as to say the two cannot coexist without causing problems even if the content is all instanced... and to some extent they are correct, as historically abilities for both change due to the other side's issues of course, that's a weak argument that has many potential fixes). Simply put, people who like the PvP will raid anyway, unless it is such a huge disadvantage that they find it far more painful than grinding... at which point balance changes are simply needed.


    @Jairone I'm not saying that trade between demons and humans will destroy the game. Just the game developer has already described the world in which Babilis wants to destroy the human world ... consider the genocide of all living things. I do not think it is logical to buy materials for weapons from the side you started to kill ... and it’s not logical to sell these materials to the enemies. It's a matter of course a developer, but in my opinion it’s strange to create a universe with conflict and not to take into account such important moments of "wartime"

  • Moderator

    @ZagZag Humans can do whatever they want. If a trader cares more about money than ethics, they will have no problem doing business with Demons. Others might be evil and supportive of Demons. Humans can worship Babilis after all.


    @Specter Thanks for the explanation, to my question it is “can demons visit the planet of people for the purpose of shopping on a massive scale (ie, every demon can buy) materials, weapons, accessories” because the war is coming) Understand correctly, I like the game and I will definitely play into it with all the friends. But the purchase of weapons by the premonites from people is like during WW2, Germany would buy patrons from the Russians in Moscow, forgive them, they came, they bought and continued to fight))

  • The races aren't factions. Demons will be fighting each other far more than they will the other races, and it doesn't seem inconceivable to me that clans of demons will ally with evil humans on Syndesia to get an advantage over other demons on their own planet.


    @Target I understand, but this is not the answer to the question)


    @Target The question was lore, not the game's features. The lore itself is then not believable in relation to the features, since the demons will be able to trade with another faction. Conventionally, the beastmen and the people of the first faction, demons of the second fraction, they are at war with each other. The second faction wants to kill the first in fact. And now we turn to the theme of Zagzag. Can demons (all demons), to trade with the first fraction, that is, conventionally, all without obstacles. If so, it's contrary to lore.

  • @muker I was talking lore. Nothing I've read suggests that any race is monolithic, just that tend towards certain ways. It's entirely possible that there are less scrupulous beastmen willing to trade with demons and demons who are willing to overcome their distaste of other races to gain an advantage over their fellow demons. As for your example, if you're talking about two different clans of different races at war with one another also trading with each other, I don't really see how that would play out in game without calling a truce.


    Because of the language barrier, we do not understand each other. The question that I asked should be postponed, a little later the information will appear by itself)


    @ZagZag said in Trade:

    and it’s not logical to sell these materials to the enemies

    You obviously do not follow todays weapon industry lol.
    War profiters do not care who they sell too, they just care who pays better.

    So selling weapons to the enemy is not only realistic, it's reality.


    @Gothix You didn't get the gist of the zagzag question. As he has already written, we can only wait for the news and find out whether they break the function of "world cities" (where all races can freely trade with each other on any of the planets) or it will not and then the game will not contradict the lore


    @Gothix in the reality ????? Give me at least one example, when in the protracted warring parties buy and sell weapons to continue the conflict. But not without hiding it from the rest of the rest of the world.


    @ZagZag said in Trade:

    @Gothix in the reality ????? Give me at least one example, when in the protracted warring parties buy and sell weapons to continue the conflict. But not without hiding it from the rest of the rest of the world.

    Goverments officially don't.

    Private enterprises and individuals do (secretly). It's called war profiteering.


    @Gothix yes yes yes, and Rockefeller is ruling the world))) there is no time for the parties involved in the conflict to deal with buying and selling weapons among themselves, do not tell anyone any more such nonsense. or do you want to say that during the Vietnamese war, America gave traded with Vietnam? or maybe in time Russian-German, did the Germans trade with the Russians? the game is a game, the life is life, but the logic must be present here and there, it is not an albion where everything is divided into factions and there is a free market, here it is about the destruction of people as races! and if the demon can safely enter the city of people shopping .... it's stupid

  • Wiki Editor

    @ZagZag said in Trade:

    @Gothix in the reality ????? Give me at least one example, when in the protracted warring parties buy and sell weapons to continue the conflict. But not without hiding it from the rest of the rest of the world.

    Thats quite easy.
    Terrorists are all our enemies, but the so called "first world" sends much weapons to formerly known terroristic unities to fight other terroristic organisations.
    A while later they wonder, why innocent people get killed with your countries weapons.

    But back to topic:
    Trading between worlds means, you can travel the other worlds and buy from their towns.
    It not says, it is safe to do that, but it will be maybe neccessary to get a special item.

    I would not like to have "Save Towns", where people just can jump in and out to get fast their stuff.
    If a Demon or Beast want something from each other, they can travel to each others planet, but that makes the whole thing not easier.
    But maybe Humans can be middlemen - they buy from both sides and create a very cool town shopping center to sell to both sides crosswise.

  • Moderator

    @muker Players of various races can trade with each other, it's a core aspect of the game. It's possible to transport goods from one planet to another, and players will be encouraged to trade because every planet has unique resources.

    Whether or not they can freely trade will depend on the restrictions on each planet. Demons for example can't enter most of Arboreus, and the areas they can enter will be so hostile they can't stay for long. So it's unlikely that a demon is going to do any trading on Arboreus. The same can be said for Beastmen on Tartaros.

    Syndesia is a different story. While Demons lose their demonic advantages and slowly leak vital energy after a few hours (except during eclipses), the restrictions aren't as punishing as on Arboreus. Also, keep in mind that Human players have total freedom over how they want to play their characters and the alignment of their towns. If some Humans want to trade with Demons, they are free to do so. Just because Babilis wants to kill Humans, doesn't mean all Humans are at war with all Demons. Babilis welcomes all who want to worship him, which includes evil Humans worshipping Babilis and Abominations.


    @Kralith I will write the last time. DEMONS and PEOPLE are not 10-100 characters and not even 1000. THIS IS A RACE, AND MEANS EVERYTHING! we are not saying that out of 1,000 demons there will be 10. I'm talking about the fact that any fucking demon, at any time can come to the city of people shopping !!! or do you want to say that terrorists are bought in the weapons shop and super markets ???? Stop writing nonsense.

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