About the VIP membership


    How does it work during testing phases? If i get knight pack will my 2 year vip mempership grant vip mempership to all of alphas and betas and will it be still 2 years in launch? Can vip mempership be earned trough in game means? Buy it with in game currency?

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    @dokuwan Each stage of VIP testing status will be updated. After the release of the VIP will be valid for the last time


    It won’t be consumed until the game is live or they otherwise say it’ll be consumed.


    Can the vip membership be bought with in game currency like in Albion? So u don't have to spend real $ for it.

  • Moderator

    @dokuwan No, it cannot be bought with ingame currency.


    not yet. until DS realizes it'll keep some of the gold farmers away.


    If players could trade ingame currency for subs (bought by other players), the game would become pay 2 win.

    $$ -> sub item -> ingame gold = P2W


    @gothix said in About the VIP membership:

    If players could trade ingame currency for subs (bought by other players), the game would become pay 2 win.

    $$ -> sub item -> ingame gold = P2W

    Isn't it already pay2win when u can buy vip with $$?


    actually it opens up subs to those that can't afford it or the currency is so horrible in value.

    I'd argue if everyone has access to VIP via trading tokens then it isn't P2W because it's accessible.


    If a way exists for a player to convert RL money into game gold, that's P2W, plain an simple. There is no argument to counter that.

    VIP by itself doesn't have to be P2W. It depends on what you get with VIP. Some games have VIP subscription as a form of P2W, yeah. Let's hope Fractured will have non P2W VIP (devs claimed it will be like that).

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    This is what the FAQ says about VIP membership:

    VIP membership is a monthly subscription planned to be priced around $10/month. It provides the following perks:

    • Discounts on Store items
    • Unique cosmetic rewards for accumulated VIP time
    • Other vanity rewards we might think of in the future
    • Additional study slots
    • Increased Knowledge Point gains

    Fractured characters are already competitive from day 1. The core of progression afterwards consists of completing tasks requiring you to travel and perform a wide range of exploration- and experimentation-related activities.
    The bonuses from VIP membership have nothing to do with the above, since they only impact the passive “studying phase” that kicks in once the tasks have been completed. Moreover, they've been balanced so that they only speed up progression for "completionists" who want to learn a ton of abilities (beyond what's actually useful for each character). Because of this, VIP membership ultimately has no impact on actual PvP competition, not between individuals nor between guilds.


    @needlehawk said in About the VIP membership:

    This is what the FAQ says about VIP membership:

    VIP membership is a monthly subscription planned to be priced around $10/month. It provides the following perks:

    • Discounts on Store items
    • Unique cosmetic rewards for accumulated VIP time
    • Other vanity rewards we might think of in the future
    • Additional study slots
    • Increased Knowledge Point gains

    Fractured characters are already competitive from day 1. The core of progression afterwards consists of completing tasks requiring you to travel and perform a wide range of exploration- and experimentation-related activities.
    The bonuses from VIP membership have nothing to do with the above, since they only impact the passive “studying phase” that kicks in once the tasks have been completed. Moreover, they've been balanced so that they only speed up progression for "completionists" who want to learn a ton of abilities (beyond what's actually useful for each character). Because of this, VIP membership ultimately has no impact on actual PvP competition, not between individuals nor between guilds.

    I see no P2W in the VIP as listed.

    There are two major types of players. Those with time and no money, those with money and no time. When these two meet up and trade gold/items whatever for tokens/VIP/PLEX/etc it's a wonderful income for the developers.

    Remember that there is full loot! If someone does buy a full outfit, they can lose it. (which isn't winning at all)

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    @jetah said in About the VIP membership:

    I see no P2W in the VIP as listed.

    Yep, agreed. That's why I posted the bit out of the FAQ.

  • @jetah said in About the VIP membership:

    There are two major types of players. Those with time and no money, those with money and no time. When these two meet up and trade gold/items whatever for tokens/VIP/PLEX/etc it's a wonderful income for the developers.
    Remember that there is full loot!

    Currency can be exchanged for both goods and services. How do you lose a service that you paid for? If I'm running for governor in a close race and drop a grand to bribe votes, I will have literally paid to win. You might argue that these sorts of transactions can occur outside the game, but it would be far less frequent and be punishable if caught.

    I really don't want to see irl wealth translate to in game wealth. If you don't have time to play the game, and it matters to you that much, take the money you'd be spending and pay someone to play your account for you.


    As i've understood devs are saying that neither equipment nor knowledge points directly increase power but increases options. But more options ofc increases power when u can find the "perfect combo" easier. So if amount of spells and their level matter more than equipment, then vip sub fee is more pay2win than buying sub tokens with irl cash and selling them for in game currency to buy more equipment. Also more knowledge points means u can get higher levels of the spells faster which directly increase power. And u don't lose spells like u lose equipment when u die. So pay2win with amount of spells and their level is a permanent power boost while pay2win with equipment is only temporary since they can be looted.


    And someone pays for mercenaries to invade that city, taking it from you. You’ve now paid to lose.

  • @jetah said in About the VIP membership:

    And someone pays for mercenaries to invade that city, taking it from you. You’ve now paid to lose.

    Are you trying to prove my point for me? The person that paid the mercenaries paid to win. I don't think it's healthy for the game when conflict is decided by whoever is willing to throw money around.


    @target said in About the VIP membership:

    @jetah said in About the VIP membership:

    And someone pays for mercenaries to invade that city, taking it from you. You’ve now paid to lose.

    Are you trying to prove my point for me? The person that paid the mercenaries paid to win. I don't think it's healthy for the game when conflict is decided by whoever is willing to throw money around.

    there's always 3rd party sales when it comes to games like this. either DS offers VIP directly for in game gold or those people seek it elsewhere. There was a person that spent 70k in Eve Online that was going to lose a war.

    I'd prefer DS offer VIP for gold (via the cash shop UI where the buyer and seller doesn't know each other) than it be an item that's traded directly.


    @jetah said in About the VIP membership:

    there's always 3rd party sales when it comes to games like this. either DS offers VIP directly for in game gold or those people seek it elsewhere. There was a person that spent 70k in Eve Online that was going to lose a war.

    I'd prefer DS offer VIP for gold (via the cash shop UI where the buyer and seller doesn't know each other) than it be an item that's traded directly.

    If VIP is available only as purchase through your account then you need RL cash to buy it, and no amount of ingame gold can help you, even through 3rd party sales.

    Gear will be easily craftable (due to nature of full loot MMO), and thus will not be worth loads of ingame gold, so selling gear over 3rd party websites to get $$ will not get you a long way + you risk getting banned.

    I'm curious, why are you lobbying for $$ to gold transfers (pay to win). Devs said there will be no P2W, and if it happens GL with server pop, because many people are here because this is one of very rare MMOs that's coming out without P2W. Introduce that and many (including me) are out of here, and you can enjoy playing on empty server.


    VIP is a fluff though. Why would DS only limit sales to the specific account when they could double their revenue by allowing people to buy it and trade it for gold (or w/e resource).

    when DS said there would be no P2W they meant from them. Anyone can visit a 3rd party site and buy gear there. I'd much prefer DS sell the VIP for a $ then allow the person to trade it for gold (or w/e resource) via an anon AH market UI.

    This enables someone with time an opportunity to get VIP without needing to pash cash for it. Remember that some places have horrible exchange rates and a VIP may be way out of that range. While others might not have PayPal or Credit Cards.

    Even if VIP is self purchased, like you want, what's to stop me from sending 15$ to someone so they can buy VIP?

    If you expect to never see cash exchanged for goods then video games aren't the place to see that. Even Diablo 3, which has account bound everything has spam for paragon grinding, unlocking certain greater rifts and other account services. If you really want no P2W then every gear has to be bound to the player.

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