Just for to clarify the pledges


    Now the Kickstarters is over and I'm glad I backed with will a large pledge, I'm just wonder that in my case, I got High Druid of Arboreus and its says "+ Creator Rewards" and so I get all the creator rewards, but do get all the lower rewards aswell because Creator has "+ All previous rewards".

    In hindsight should have asked before it ended, but I don't regret my pledge!


    Hi @Agracore,
    I think creator rewards includes all previous rewards. They said it like that because there are multiple pledge of 2,500€, to clarify that if you get one of them, you won't get the rewards of the other 2,500€ pledge.


    Okay perfect that's what I was thinking, thank you @endmyon!

  • Moderator

    @agracore All previous rewards, not just the Creator rewards.


    short answer: yes

    long answer: you get all this

    • Forum title: Supporter
    • Thank you from developer team
    • Newsletter
    • Wallpaper
    • Forum & ingame titles:
      • Recruit
      • Pioneer
      • Founder
      • Artisan
      • Patron
      • Proprietor
      • Knight
      • Immortal
      • Aristocrat
      • Creator
    • Forum & game avatar badges:
      • Iron (Recruit)
      • Bronze (Pioneer)
      • Silver (Founder)
      • Gold (Patron)
      • Gold (Knight) (repeated..??)
      • Amethyst (Immortal)
      • Sapphire (Governor)
      • Emerald (Aristocrat)
      • Ruby (Creator)
      • Diamond (High Druid)
    • Retail copy of game
    • Access from Alpha 1
    • Lifetime VIP
    • Lifetime Carpenter Contract
    • 30,000 Dynamight Gold
    • Pets:
      • Baby Dragon Hatchling (Stretch goal)
      • Baby Dragon Evolution #1 (Pioneer)
      • Baby Dragon Evolution #2 (Artisan)
      • Baby Dragon Evolution #3 (Patron)
      • Baby Dragon Evolution #4 (Knight)
      • Ghost Butler (Governor)
      • Golden Howl (High Druid of Arboreus)
    • Blueprints:
      • Founder Cottage (Founder)
      • Founder Villa (Patron)
      • Founder Palace (Proprietor)
      • Founder Manor (Governor)
      • Founder Castle (Aristocrat)
    • Furniture:
      • Founder Statue (Knight)
      • Painting of your character (Aristocrat)
    • DRM-free copy of soundtrack
    • +6 character slots
    • Appear in credits as Development Advisor
    • Full set of Crafting Stations to use in a land plot
    • 1 Mule + 1 Wagon
    • Reserve character name
    • Reserve guild name
    • Character & Horse Armor Skins:
      • Knight
      • Governor
    • Aristocrat
    • Access to developer forums
    • Begin game as Governor of a town
      • Name this town
      • Statue of you in the middle of town (permanent / can't be destroyed)
    • Design your own unique Guild Crest
    • invitation to Fractured launch party (travel costs not included)
    • Dynamight Studios shirt signed by all members
    • Private monthly Q&A with developers
    • Receive signed concept art of stuff you help design:
      • a Minor Deity
      • a Disciple of Galvanos
      • a Relic of Power (bring to a town and that town gets buffs)
      • a creature inhabiting one of the planets
    • Personal contact with Dynamight Studios
    • design a Druidic Sigil for yourself
    • An NPC village will honor you
      • displays your Druidic Sigil
      • statue of you in the middle of town (permanent / can't be destroyed)
      • has your lore in its lore
    • High Druid character armor skin with your Druidic Sigil
    • Design your own Weapon


    That is one impressive list.

    • Blueprints:
      • Founder Cottage (Founder)
      • Founder Villa (Patron)
      • Founder Palace (Proprietor)
      • Founder Manor (Governor)
      • Founder Castle (Aristocrat)

    A palace is less impressive than a Manor or a Castle?


    Super impressive list! Thanks a bunch @FibS

    ** Character & Horse Armor Skins**:


    Also Aristocrat!



    Ya I can get a castle being more impressive because its more fortified but a palace is far nicer than a manor


    @jozef I think they're using "Palace" to just mean a very nice estate, like a hacienda. That would fit with a noble while still being below a "Manor" which usually belongs to a baron or other semi-official governmental figure.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @jozef Well it must be impressive seeing that €2,500 is more than the monthly salary of many 🙂

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