Stats / Characters retained from Beta / Alpha
ok i go with you in most of the points (nearly all there)if you wipe in the alpha you force the testers through the early content again and again
this can be exactly what they want (i.e. character creation, gettings knowlegde and skills, the rudimental mechanics)
if you dont wipe in the later alpha/ or beta you get the testers to the lategame content so you cant test this tooso i think you need to do it in coordination to the results and the status of development of fractured
to sum it up
everything as pors and cons^^
@lohen Yeah basically that's how development cycles go. In my company at least we treat alpha and beta very differently. Alpha is almost never given to customers and even if it does we explicitly say that it's not meant to be used for anything except testing, that it may even completely break and that we reserve the right to make any changes regardless of implications. When the product reaches beta however it's a different story - some customers may opt to use beta products and we typically regard them as usable and something that should not seriously break. It's also feature frozen, i.e. changes are mostly limited to bug fixing. The only difference between beta and release is that on beta we're not liable for any damages if it does break and it's up to the customer to decide whether that's acceptable.
@nightcoder said in Stats / Characters retained from Beta / Alpha:
And one other thing - even after a wipe there's still some advantage to testers since you know how the map looks, what's available where and what certain events are.
Unless the world seed is changed explicitly to remove (most of) these advantages, of course! Fractured has 100% procedurally generated content and I believe it would be capable of doing this.
The remaining advantages on static knowledge will be relatively meager - a new player will likely catch up on what mats do what or "wats eclilpse" within a few days.
In a post or video -don't remember- they say the world will change, like going bigger, and with change on gameplay (logic) so I never considered a character will be maintained between phase progress.