Healthbars diablo-like
I like the ui and the skills on the bottom seems really neat. Maybe is possible to put health and mana\action on the ends of that bars, seems they will be fit perfectly and will let players to have immediate eyecontact with their hp even in a focussing two cents
@00 In Fractured fine is the interface of the health, stamina and mana. I personally do not really like the interface of skills, it is necessary to make in Diablo 3 and other MMO projects, as it looks cheap and not attractive
I feel like Fractured already knows what they're doing with the interface of hp and mana. I feel like if the interface was that big, people wouldn't see people coming from the bottom.
the UI is removed in the recent screenshots. There's a live play of the game with current pre-alpha UI.
@jetah said in Healthbars diablo-like:
the UI is removed in the recent screenshots. There's a live play of the game with current pre-alpha UI.
I will repeat that I don't really like the ability interface.
it's a typical action mmo UI. it's also pre-alpha so it's just what they need to function.
I prefer the one they have and by the way every good player just check nameplates
Personally don't care much how an UI as long as it's clean and not too cluttered.
So current Fractured UI looks good to me.
I'm ok with the current one, but would love customization options!
For a game like this, I personally prefer the Diablo style "Orbs" for health and mana.
@dulu said in Healthbars diablo-like:
For a game like this, I personally prefer the Diablo style "Orbs" for health and mana.
Fractured has 3 resources so the health or mana would have to be split similar to the demon hunter in D3.
@jetah Diablo 2, DAoC and Everquest also had 3 resources.
You're talking about Stamina I assume?
I don't remember the 3rd, although it could be 4 if they use rage or 5 if they use energy.
diablo best game ever
I prefer skill bars that you can move and customize depending on your own taste. It is 2018.
I agree but that has to be coded and has to work.
@gothix I think the best they can do is just presets, but we'll see what they can do.
The skill bar is fine IMO, I would however like the HP and mana to be more diablo like, it takes too much focus to check the current ones.
Making the UI customizable would be an easy way to make everyone happy though.
Something about that ability bar looks weird to me. I think it's all the empty space they have going on with it.
I was meaning something like this, with a toggle on\off if someone can get annoyed from the occuped space:
old >extra>