Monk-like build?
Every time a new game comes out I wish I had a monk build... but they are sadly underrepresented.
I see that Fractured is a classless system- are there any plans to give us full body fighters some love?Here's hoping!
@kitkiani Martial Arts is a fighting school in Fractured.
@kitkiani MARTIAL ARTS
The school of Martial Arts includes a set of fighting techniques typically adopted in unarmed combat.
Martial Arts abilities are close-combat, quick-blocking and counter-attack maneuvers that take advantage of the strength of the opponent to catch it off-guard and land critical hits. Most of the abilities in this group require a high degree of mobility from the fighter, which forces it to wear light to medium armor sets. To overcome this lack of protection, the users of Martial Arts have developed several techniques to strengthen their bodies, allowing them to compete with heavily armed (and armored) opponents.
The power of most abilities belonging to this school depends on the Dexterity and Strength of the fighter.
Awesome, thanks @muker and @Specter (and the insane quick replies!)
I clearly have a lot to catch up on, just heard about the game. Thanks again!
@kitkiani do you need General information?
I'm really glad to hear that unarmed combat will be part of the game. It's such an under-represented combat style. So many games focus on gear and just are not able to incorporate proper unarmed combat.
@muker Well, you guys showed me the Feature Spotlights, so currently reading those now. If you have anything in specific you feel isn't easily uncovered about the game I'm definitely open to hear it, but I think these and other News and forum topics will help me quite a bit!
@kitkiani Hello, and I'm not a bot, I'm SUPER BOT !
(click the cat) Old version of the post (some complained about the volume
Here is all the information you may need
- How to use tags + (RUS)
- What is the reputation of the account + (RUS)
- Jobs Fond + (RUS)
- How to create surveys+ (RUS) and Common features
- All we know about the game + (RUS)
If you have placed a topic in the wrong section, you can write a moder asking it to be moved or deleted.
-Free pre-alpha key will give the top 100 and useful participants ( who have received many awards weeks)
-People who invested in kickstarter can buy the entrance to the alpha or beta test (the improvement of the kickstarter + additional information)
-Kickstarter starts at the end of June and will last 1 month!
-Fractured is still in development. Pre-alpha and alpha version of the game will be available in 4Q 2018
-The game at the time of release will cost 25€ and is B2P
-Who will make kickstarter more than €25 (€20 early bird) will receive a copy of the game
-Fractured is not going to be on Steam anytime soon. The devs want to make sure the game is really polished before putting it there
-The game will not be on Android and ISO (official FAQ question №5)
-Localization of the game will be on Spanish, (Brazilian) Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Polish and other languages
-The servers will be located in North America, possibly in Europe
FAQ forum+(RUS, ITA, FRA, DE), I have some interesting things in my profile
@muker So much to read now
Thanks for the info!