Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs


    @krzych2 said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    I'm thinking about Founder or Patron, but well it depends on how good will be the pre-alpha.

    Pre-alpha will still not have as much content as we would like. So I think there will be serious differences with the alpha1 test, although it will also be in 2018

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    • Seems fair enough, although of course I would have liked the base game to be cheaper as the converted value cost is not looking very good for the currency that I am under.
    • Don't think I can afford more than Recruit.
    • Additional character slots being rewards for higher tiers is concerning if it is going to be a big problem for players that don't have them.
      Guild Crest customization is something that mostly every guild wants so it is kind of bad to put it under 1k in my opinion.
    • I do not think foundation points should be given as rewards as your whole purpose of having foundation points is to get people to be and stay in the community.


    Of course it may sound stupid, but would it not be better to make each country its own acceptable kickstarter, which will come from at least the wages of the peoples. Yes I am again talking about the inability to acquire the title in the kickstarter above. And Yes it is not clear then how people will confirm from what they country if it is possible to include VPN and to pretend to others.


    @specter I think that the news is not enough point from which payment kickstarter will be issued a copy of the game.

  • Moderator

    @muker I assumed the devs were going to use Dollars. I wasn't expecting Euros. 😉


    @specter said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    I assumed the devs were going to use Dollars. I wasn't expecting Euros.

    Yeah, I understand, so I'm not offended or anything.
    Wait, so it's definitely going to be 30 euros now?

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    Hello! I think prices are fair, but i hope a last price will be added: 50.000 € for a permanent bronze statue placed in the center of my real town commemorating me. I hope someone else has my same desire XD

  • Wiki Editor

    Do you think the prices are fair? If not, how would you change them?

    Okay, for first the packs sounds nearly fair from price.
    But what i directly read, the VIP is still in plan and not like in Q&A said "IF it will come".
    Lifetime VIP for almost 400 Euros maybe sounds a bit high for me, if i compare my previous B2P Games with Hybrid VIP Model. But maybe i just think too small, since you don't planned to take money for DLCs too.
    Maybe i would like to have an early bird for the Immortal too, miss it in your List.

    What pack would you be interested in?

    The Immortal pack, in reason of the Lifetime Membership.
    But even i have the money, its still a point to think about, because of the relative high set in.
    Maybe with an Early Bird Option for it 😉

    Is there anything missing you’d like to see – or perhaps something you think is “too much”?

    Hmm not sure if i just overreaded it, or if i don't understand, i miss this 1/2/3/x Copies in the packs.
    Also i don't get this retail comments in brackets. What it mean to get 10.000 Dynamight Gold (total 30.000)?

    Do you think Foundation Points should be included as a reward?

    As the other said, the Foundation points should stay in Foundation, because you would kick out maybe very active people here, who maybe not have the money to buy themself into the Leaderboard. It would not be fair for the loyal and active Follower.

  • Moderator

    @muker said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    Of course it may sound stupid, but would it not be better to make each country its own acceptable kickstarter, which will come from at least the wages of the peoples. Yes I am again talking about the inability to acquire the title in the kickstarter above. And Yes it is not clear then how people will confirm from what they country if it is possible to include VPN and to pretend to others.

    In that case every backer would just convert their currency to the weakest currency and buy the Kickstarter that way.

    Yeah, I understand, so I'm not offended or anything.

    Wait, so it's definitely going to be 30 euros now?

    The retail price of Fractured is going to be €30. Keep in mind that every Kickstarter pledge beyond €25 (€20 early bird) will also come with a copy of the game. That's why it says "+ ALL PREVIOUS REWARDS!" at the bottom of each tier.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @pury89 lucky you that you can burn 50.000 € 😉

  • Moderator

    @kralith said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    Is there anything missing you’d like to see – or perhaps something you think is “too much”?

    Hmm not sure if i just overreaded it, or if i don't understand, i miss this 1/2/3/x Copies in the packs.
    Also i don't get this retail comments in brackets. What it mean to get 10.000 Dynamight Gold (total 30.000)?

    10.000 Dynamight Gold (total 30.000) means you get 10k from the current tier + 20k from the previous tiers for 30k total.


    @prometheus said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    • Do you think prices are fair? If not, how would you change them?
    • What pack would you be interested in?
    • Is there anything missing you’d like to see – or perhaps something you think is “too much”?
    • Do you think Foundation Points should be included as reward?

    The pledge pack prices seem fair and reasonable. The bang for the buck increases as the package cost goes up.

    Patron looks to be the sweet spot between cost and value for me. It's that or recruit, depending on whether or not I want early access to testing. I spent a huge amount of money on early access to Crowfall, and have already gotten my money's worth out of early access testing, but I suspect that's the exception to the rule. I had no other game to play at the time. I expect that during Fractured's early testing, I will have Crowfall and Ashes of Creation to play, so I may wait for release and only get a Recruit pledge pack.

  • Wiki Editor

    @specter said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    10.000 Dynamight Gold (total 30.000) means you get 10k from the current tier + 20k from the previous tiers for 30k total.

    So simple! 😮
    You know, i'm a woman, i don't have it with counting right 😄


    Between the option of 40 and 375 euros, the question now will be the requirements we need for the game to run smoothly on our computer


    What I have missed is knowing when you have programmed at least the pre-alpha or some alpha to get an idea of ​​the speed you are going to take with this project.


    All level seems very fair to me but the gap between knight and immortal is huge... why not 2 pack like that :
    325€ > Knight Captain : Knight pledge+Lifetime VIP membership (without lifetime free carpenter)
    400€ > Immortal

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @Prometheus The VIP sub is going to be account wise or character wise?


    The prices are very fair.


    @baslak said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:

    What I have missed is knowing when you have programmed at least the pre-alpha or some alpha to get an idea of ​​the speed you are going to take with this project.

    pre-alpha will go 2-3 weeks


    Yeah the pricepoints seem reasonable enough and have good cadence for what they offer. My only qualm would be the 'VIP'-type ordeal going on as i am not a fan of those systems in general with all the 'freemium' games going on right now, other that that I'll probably go for the Pioneer or Founder pack. Also side note, it'll be fun to see what big shots come forward for the 10K packs. Here's to success everyone!

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