Quando sarà rilasciata la pre-alpha?
E se già è stata rilasciata, come vi sarà possibile accedere?
@omega555 Hello, and I'm not a bot. Here is all the information you may need
- How to use tags + (RUS)
- What is the reputation of the account + (RUS)
- Jobs Fund + (RUS)
- How to create surveys+ (RUS) and Common features
- All we know about the game + (RUS)
Review sections, what's what:
News & Announcements - this information on the forum about the news, they can also be viewed on the official website in the "news" section"
Development Updates - short reviews of game development, not advertised on the official website
Welcome to Fractured - here greet new arrivals
General Discussions - here we publish the ideas of the players (you can get a reward in the form of points Fund).
It is desirable to create topics in the section with discussions in two languages-in English and in your native language, so you will be able to understand more people
Questions & Answers - in principle, questions are asked, which try to answer as quickly as possible
Guild Recruitment - information about existing guilds and about willing to join in them
Non-English Discussions - appeal of users to their language community
Off Topic - there is information about opportunities forum, theme with daily task and many
Also, if you posted a topic in the wrong section, you can write a moder with a request that it be rescheduled. In addition, you can ask him to remove your deleted post ( to make it disappear from the public, as there are comments and the link to the post).
Free alpha key will give the top 100-1000, or participants kickstarter
Kickstarter June 1st!
Fractured is still in development. Pre-alpha and alpha version of the game will be available in 4Q 2018
The game at the time of release will cost somewhere around $20 - $30 and is B2P
The game will not be on Android and ISO
Localization of the game will be on Spanish, (Brazilian) Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Polish and other languages
The servers will be located in North America, possibly in Europe
FAQ+(RUS, ITA, FRA, DE), I have in profile there is interesting information
@omega555 Later this year. Pre-alpha access is a reward from the Foundation.
@omega555 Ciao, la pre-alpha sarà closed daranno più di 100 ma meno di 1000 key. Si presume arrivi per ottobre-novembre, per esere precisi fall 2018. Mentre per le fasi Alpha e Beta tocca comprare il gioco da kickstarter.
@omega555 Hello, and I'm not a bot.
That's debatable
Kickstarter June 1st!
Well, somehow I have missed that. The last piece of information I had was that the kickstarter would take place some time during this summer.
Good to know.
quando consigliate di acquistare il founder da kickstarter?
quando consigliate di acquistare il founder da kickstarter?
Ora gli sviluppatori sono definiti con prezzi su kickstarter. Se il mio traduttore correttamente tradotto e lei ha detto: "quando acquistare", se non sbaglio kickstarter sarà andare 1 mese.
ora aggiornerò informazioni
esher said in Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs:
How many time the kickstarter will last ? (if I can found a little job during spring or next school year, maybe I can give a bit more ^^ )
30 days
@ganesha tutto dipende dalle notizie che circolano rispetto all'impegno che verrà profuso....a mio avviso non sono in molti a lavorare a questo titolo perchè è ancora una piccola realtà, però se si mettono sotto secondo me settembre/ottobre si potrebbe dare una mano
@ganesha Ciao kickstarter sarà up un mese solo: Giugno. Detto questo sta a te decidere quando se e come. Sicurametne dopo la campagna kickstarter saranno disponibili certi pacchetti anche sul sito di Fractured.
@finland solo 1 mese....mmmh allora la cosa è più intrigante
bisogna decidere in fretta se vale la pena fare un investimentino
@kibit speravo di provare la pre-alpha prima di cashare. Vedremo.
molte grazie. Credo che un minimo li aiuterò
mai comprare a muffo, provatelo prima
Pure io vorrei saperlo
@italianpanda la pre alpha è prevista per fine anno. Closed per quelli fortunati che riceveranno una key. Per quanto riguarda le fasi alpha e beta bisogna comprare un pacchetto da KS. il gioco sarà buy to play.