Patch Log - r.0.0c - Bug Fixes

  • DymStudios - CEO

    Hi all,

    we got plenty of bug fixes this time, including some classics! Since it's so many, we've split them by level of criticality. Enjoy!


    • The effects of potions and Iridia bonuses / maluses are now saved at logout and will be there at relog.
    • Players can no longer get stuck flying on top of charcoal piles under construction.
    • Fixed a bug that would make it impossible to claim or abandon some land parcels in the wild.
    • Fixed a bug that would make Steam-Fractured account linking impossible for players with certain special characters in their passwords.
    • Added a button to the quest tracker that points to unclaimed quest rewards.


    • Fixed a bug that would make toggle spells (sustained and summons) deactivate from time to time while playing for no apparent reason.
    • The summons of Peaceful players can no longer be attacked by other players.
    • The Summoner talents have been reworked and are now functional. The first talent gives 5%x4 Max Mana Cost reduction for Summon spells, the second adds 2 Control Slots.
    • The Iridia are now created with the correct amount of attribute bonuses.
    • Quick cart load / unload can be performed with wagons.
    • Cart stealing between Aggressive players is now functional.


    • Energy Staff now correctly gives Magical Power instead of Spiritual.
    • The city filter of View Market Requests no longer shows the Buy Orders of a city in the wrong continent.
    • All summons now display values with ALT.
    • It's no longer possible to create a character with unspent attribute points.
    • If a player receives more than 7 different types of special rewards (divine rewards, corrupted DRs, coins of fate - a very rare occurence), a second line shows up in the inventory instead of the new reward being lost.
    • The coin of fate "repair" roll now actually repairs.
    • Fixed progress issues with the "Bounty Hunter" (= kill bandits) quest.
    • Summons now correctly trigger the flee response of monsters like rabbits.
    • Summons can no longer be commanded to attack allied summons.
    • The death of legends is no longer announced in the global chat.
    • Each projectile of Magic Missiles now procs spell vamp.
    • Totems no longer disappear some time after being cast (visual bug).


    • Fixed a visual issue with % of crafting expertise.
    • Fixed a localization issue with Grilled Marrows and Raw Bear Meat.
    • Crurg Overgrown Vines now stack.
    • Fixed old Alignment and Karma texts in character menu.
    • Rest button now has a tooltip.
    • ESC button now closes Change Attitude menu.
    • Fixed typo on horse taming quest.
    • Fixed typo in Iridia description.


    what about the totem bug ???

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @grofire said in Patch Log - r.0.0c - Bug Fixes:

    what about the totem bug ???

    Which one? ^^


    @Prometheus all, any?
    the one that make the mobs reset when the totem die.

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @grofire said in Patch Log - r.0.0c - Bug Fixes:

    @Prometheus all, any?
    the one that make the mobs reset when the totem die.

    I'm personally working on that, it's a complex one, hopefully I'll be able to fix it tomorrow with a server-only patch (it applies to all summons by the way).

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Great stuff !
    I just wonder how a cart will know it's user is hostile or not, and what about a good player adding a hostile player to the carts friend list and then could the cart be unstealable?

  • @Prometheus If you want help, lemme know. ;D


    @Prometheus great! this bug made my life hell...


    The fragmentation bleed trap seems to not trigger when enemies get near it and walk over it, the Poison and acid traps trigger automatically after about 6 or 8 seconds I do not have the explosive trap, it seems the traps are not working as described or I am missing something. also, can we get the duration of untriggered traps extended to 90, 120, 180 seconds and give them stealth properties? Also, the first attack made from stealth should automatically be a critical if can be so and deal +20%, that would help with the assassin skill tree not feeling very assassiny. I know nothing of game designee and balance. I am just asking. I love the work guy Guys. the game look great. Of course, everything COULD be better. You guys have my sub.

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