Can we get an answer on this?
So it's been on the Discord and "discussed" by a GM and players. Is there going to be any "size" added to Arboreus, IE another continent/s? Skycal said there would be further development to Arboreus/two more continents. Others have said no, so I'd like to ask.
If not, then why are we gimping the PvE community when this was first talked about long ago?
"Arboreus is the largest planet of the Elysium Ring, with a surface twice as wide as that of Syndesia – although the area of continents above sea level is roughly equivalent to that of the other planets."
I backed this game on Kickstarter when there was just hope of it coming out. Since then, it seems that Kickstarter people are just tossed off like it didn't matter. The developer forums haven't been touched in over a year, something we bought into. It's frustrating to say the least.
@Xulu i feel you, i invested in the kickstarter, and try to get people to the game, and nothing from what they promised is here, its all just new shit.
I'm confident we will at least got a 2nd continent in the next month or so. Almost certainly after the gate opens and we all max talents, skills, and whatnot on Myr/Arehen,
I'm not 100% certain (and Im to lazy to check), but i believe Aerhen was added roughly two months after Myr.
tbh the map to large for current playerbase
humans land should loose a continent atm
@DarthJafo Aerhen was added 2 years after Myr
I wouldn't count on another Arboreus continent coming out any time soon. For sure the next continent is from Tartaros. Then maybe the fifth one will indeed be a second Arboreus continent.
@spoletta said in Can we get an answer on this?:
(...) For sure the next continent is from Tartaros (...)
Just as an add on, there was a good 'roadmap news' (that I couldn't find anymore, but here's the picture that was posted back then) @Xulu .
Sadly, at launch, the game will have only 1 continent for Arboreus, 1 for Tarteros, and 2 for Syndesia, which is a huge problem for the PvE community, since the content they have available can be consumed in less than two days (many on Arboreus have already quit the game now two weeks after the test). Unfortunately, @Prometheus sees no problem there, as could be seen by his response in the last AMA and won't consider suggestions that would help mitigate the issue by providing more content to the PvE community with very little work by the developers.
Well that's not entirely true.
We are getting asteroids before release, which should provide the "Endgame pve" part of the game.
@spoletta said in Can we get an answer on this?:
(...)We are getting asteroids before release, which should provide the "Endgame pve" part of the game.
Wait a second there. Asteroids are supposed to be endgame PVP, not endgame PvE, aren't they? At least the announcement claims that and every time I've read on them stated them as PvP event. First I heard them being PvE without PvP is your posting right here.
I may be wrong, but as far as I understood they are meant to offer both. There will be high end PvE targets on there.
@spoletta said in Can we get an answer on this?:
(...)as far as I understood they are meant to offer both. There will be high end PvE targets on there.
If they are like Legendary creatures work on Syndesia right now (high PvP enforced end game PvE), that's a moot point for the audience that wants to play on Arboreus. Yes, they contain PvE, but it is gated by PvP and that somewhat defeats the whole idea behind Arboreus, doesn't it?
@spoletta i meant in terms of the beta that started roughly feb-march?
One continent at launch for Aboreus would be fine. PROVIDED THE TWO FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET
All skills for all classes need to be obtainable on the continent. Looking at Archers particularly. Either add some form of undead (skeletal tigers and bears oh my)
All metals/ores/materials need to be available.
Essentially, the planet needs to be entirely self-sufficient.
The population can't support the continents it has, let alone 3 per. Not doing so makes perfect sense. For the most part Im pretty sure the humans will be most populated (cause they breed like rabbits and infest the planet), and since the work has already been done, keep Aerhen.
But if it helps stabilize things for a successful launch then by all means, eliminate the other continents..just have them ready in case. An actual launch full game release won't survive nonsense like party bugs, farming issues, wagon/harbor issues, getting stuck with no means of unstucking..and on and on
Arboreus for sure will not have all the skills and resources, that goes against the design of the game.
A continent can be self sufficient by having enough, not everything.