Ranged damage feels too high.
Hi everyone. Just a simple observation from my short play of the current iteration of the game.
Ranged damage feels too high. Melee, doesn't seem quite as powerful, no matter which angle I look at it from.
Ideally I would say lower the ranged damage as opposed to increasing melee damage, as currently everything in the game seems to die very very fast.
If anything, I would like fights and battles to last longer than they are currently.
That said, the rest of the game feels amazing.
Kind regards and hope this feedback helps.
@Kazzier said in Ranged damage feels too high.:
If anything, I would like fights and battles to last longer than they are currently.
I like this, and would like to see it be a design principle. Since Fractured has so much territory, I'd like to see PvP be more about controlling parts of the map than getting kills.
@Kazzier I was doing pretty well with ranged until I started fighting Goblins with decent armor, then I was being destroyed and had to switch to shield and weapon and pound that goblin down. Of course once I tried magic missile, I was thinking forget the bow and lets try those armored goblins now, then a warg ate me. I find some stuff dies well with bow and magic and some stuff needs a longer armored fight.
That's actually how they are trying to design the game
They are trying to make it so that nothing is capable of handling everything but is better at some things than others. Creating Diversity where everything has its weak spot that can be exploited.
If that's the case, it would probably explain my experience. As such, I am totally fine with this.
I really like the idea that some builds are simply better at killing certain mobs than others. Obviously some classes will always perform better than others, but having a certain niche really encourages build diversity and the feeling of the character being your own design.
I'd still like fights to last a little longer than they currently do, but that's my preference.
@Kazzier i hope the ttk will get better with all the support skills aka shields and healing stuff, if everybody runs word of power heal and healing wave now some fights are pretty long already but the burst focus dmg is way to high compared to the hp pool and healing cooldowns
Balancing is what the Beta tests are for
They will eventually get there.
There was a bug with crit chances which made everything more killy.
This was particularly felt on ranged damage since archers have an increased crit multiplier.
So when that is fixed I won't get oneshot by Bow users anymore?
Not so sure.
Actually, many archers builds have a talent which makes the first shot automatically a crit, so if you were getting one shot then this isn't going to help.
I always liked pvp damage to be scaled down compared to pve. No one likes to get one shot lol.