Is there ever going to be a sort option for your inventory and chests?
I think the quality of life in-game feature that needs to be included in an upcoming test is a sort and collate inventory for your backpack and chests. It would make things much easier to organize within your inventory.
100% Yes. This was something I never knew I needed until I spent some time this last week with WT2 that has this feature. It is probably one of the best QoL things I've experienced.
Another quality of life necessary option
All the same stuff in one stack also.
Again, I remind people that in game design, QoL features are not a priority during Alpha testing and usually wait until late Beta to be introduced once more mechanics are locked down that might interact with them.
Personally I don't care when its introduced as long as it makes it into the game by launch. I really don't think it has to be in for testing and alpha, but man does it make a world of difference.