Adept access
@harconjj Cheap for those who win in euros!
For those who receive in another currency it can be worth up to 5 times more.
As most things, it will become available at the lower income countries after some time, but the company has to be able to make a profit and pay for their expenses first. Which is why the lower income countries only get the chance to access the content after its been out for a while or if the company has enough capital to afford to sell it at such a reduced cost.
I’m really not taking the OP seriously... maybe they’re new to computer games.
@guduffra20 in a scale of 1 to 70 euros game copies cost, 25 is on the cheap side. Not to mention you get more than just a digital copy of the game, you get double its worth in extras. That is - in my opinion - cheap no matter what, compared to 60-70€ titles for example.
I cannot possibly help however currencies work elsewhere.
Perhaps it is more a question of whether it is the game for the OP or not.
Just bite the bullet and upgrade to Champion status lol
for 130 euros, I can buy a good laptop just for this game.
@ProstoSmile decisions decisions lol
@ProstoSmile read brother read what the shop says
@ProstoSmile said in Adept access:
for 130 euros, I can buy a good laptop just for this game."Good" laptop for 130 euros? Where?
And is it a stolen laptop?
I live in Belarus, our monetary currency is closer to the dollar, for example, the price for ps 5, like everyone else, but similar products, with a price intended purely for Western / Central Europe, are bad for us. 150 euros, this is our 500 Belarusian rubles. For 5 rubles, you can buy food very well. For 30-50 rubles, you can buy yourself a good mouse with laser optics and 10,000 dpi, for 80 rubles you can buy a power bank from xiaomi for 20,000 mah, for 200 rubles you can buy a lower-middle-level phone, already for 400 you can buy a good one, and for 500-600 rubles, you can buy a laptop with a processor from Intel, and a discrete video card that can easily pull this game. So yes, for me, 150 euros for an unfinished game, despite the fact that the developers already have enough money and they just milk the players to the last cent, that's a lot.
@ProstoSmile said in Adept access:
I live in Belarus, our monetary currency is closer to the dollar, for example, the price for ps 5, like everyone else, but similar products, with a price intended purely for Western / Central Europe, are bad for us. 150 euros, this is our 500 Belarusian rubles. For 5 rubles, you can buy food very well. For 30-50 rubles, you can buy yourself a good mouse with laser optics and 10,000 dpi, for 80 rubles you can buy a power bank from xiaomi for 20,000 mah, for 200 rubles you can buy a lower-middle-level phone, already for 400 you can buy a good one, and for 500-600 rubles, you can buy a laptop with a processor from Intel, and a discrete video card that can easily pull this game. So yes, for me, 150 euros for an unfinished game, despite the fact that the developers already have enough money and they just milk the players to the last cent, that's a lot.130 Euros is 142 US Dollars right now, so I don't know where your prices are coming from. The USD and the Euro are fairly close at the moment.
As for what your stating about milking the players...that's not it at all. All games and game companies are out to make money, so they can keep improving on games and make more...that's basic economics, that means they have to value their product, and decide when it is worthwhile to put something on sale, or lower a price permanently, or add/remove an incentive. They aren't milking anything...they are standing pat on prices that frankly do not need adjusting.
Just because it's not sufficient of a deal for you, in your budget, doesn't mean its not more than worth what it costs. You just think of your needs/wants more than others, which is purely natural...and the developers think from a business standpoint. Overall, Dyna has been outstanding in trying to make as many players happy as they can, and they continue to do so, but they simply can't make all of the people happy all of the time, and still remain in business.
I'm one of the ones who said they have plenty of capital...RIGHT NOW. More exactly, I said they have already made well more than they expected and are not currentlly in drastic need, but that all companies can use additional funds. Even having said that, your complaint, although I'm sure the developers have heard, and even considered it, because that's the kind of people they are, will most likely not be fulfilled, because in the long and short run of things, it is not what's best for the company and the game overall. A sad fact of the matter is, in addition to countries like Belarus having a weaker monetary unit, they also have less impact on the global marketplace...and that is actually why their money value is so much lower than others. In other words, the potential gain is not worth the actual loss of revenue you propose. You want the better incentives, buy the better packages...I live on disability, and I've gradually upgraded my package since I first got it during the kickstarter. If I can do it, it can be done. I don't know what your budget is, but if it's that tight, then investing in a new up and coming game is probably not the best use for your rubles in the first place.
- The economy does not work that simply, you cannot transfer currency in a calculator, and say that they are very close to some other currency of a small country, a trivial example (In the first place, you earn 2000 euros, we translate into Belarusian rubles, it turns out 6000 rubles, and that's it , you are an oligarch, but no matter how great it looks, it doesn’t work that way. Therefore, for different countries, they make different prices.
2.cyberpunk 2077, price, $ 30 (game from big developers, the game that everyone is waiting for, potentially great)
Destiny 2 deluxe edition, price, $ 20, (one of the best mmo projects, high online, a lot of goodies for deluxe edition)
baldurs gate 3, price, $ 30 (also early access, expected return)
etc.Well, now fractured, ~ $ 30 for unnecessary junk (nothing unique, except for such a useful title, which rather suggests that you are a sucker who bought the cheapest access) and a game that you will not play right away, ~ $ 60 for at least something interesting, and for access to the game (wow, that's generous!) which is also unfinished, well, yes, they don't milk in any way, it's probably difficult to support a team of a couple of people, and even two freelancers, yes, that's for sure so expensive that even 110,000 euros were not enough, they probably also invited some famous actors to voice acting. Against the background of more delicious projects, for the same or even less price, fractured looks magically not attractive. (as a game, it is different, and if there are price adjustments for different regions, I will tear it off with my hands for 15-20 bucks)
3.Oh yes, they care about the players, yes ... and they probably cannot make regional prices because of some kind of curse, Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic states, Belarus, etc. for these regions, the price of 25 euros just for the game and a couple of unnecessary buns, it's so-so. And the fact that they are an indie studio does not give them an excuse. (I note that in these countries, MMORPG is one of the most beloved genres, and I know a bunch of people who spend huge sums on them, so it looks strange that they did not even make banal regional prices, which would increase purchases from these regions)
4.I am not poor, not poor at all. Although I am a student, my monthly salary (I do not work, the university just gives me money every month) and this would be enough for the master package, but you know, I can spend that kind of money, for sure I will buy an adept pack when the beta test , maybe I will even update it to the master (so that at least I would have a normal title), but now it's useless to pay for the adept. And about the fact that it is not profitable to enter our region, this is not true, as a resident of this region, I can say that many MMORPGs are trying to enter this market, so far I have not seen a single popular MMORPG that has not adapted at least in some way way for the CIS, they may not make a Russian translation, but adjust prices for the CIS, because as I said, the MMORPG genre is very popular in our country, and people spend a lot of money on it, it happened historically because of L2 and Warcraft.
P.S. - If you read to here, then I thank you for your attention, you know, initially I was a little annoyed, but you know, after reading your comment, I realized that you are not a bad guy at all, you do not insult me, you are trying to explain to me exactly what and how , and I am grateful to you for that, seriously, I was even pleased to write this comment
But the problem is that you (western, central Europe) do not understand us, for obvious reasons, they either say on TV how poor we are, how we are not democratic (everything will be corrected soon), and they just say little about us. In general, thanks for the comment, I hope you understand me, and my problems
Дзякуй за разуменне (bel.)
Actually, I'm not European, I'm in the US.
The price for the game is very high for me too, but, the value is beyond the price, AND you are still forgetting the fact that this is really an extended Kickstarter crowdfunded project. Your not paying a studio that has outside backers, big or small. Your actually coming in and backing the game. Traditionally, that kind of funded game doesn't adjust prices at all for regional differences, because they can't. It's a backer-investment strategy.
My comment on the weaker economy was reflective of the weaker currency values, not on the culture. Any country's currency value in the global market represents that country's buying impact on the market at large. That is how the global marketplace works. Usually, when a company does regional adjustments to their pricing on a product, it is because, as you say, they are specifically trying to expand into that market, maybe because they have had previous products do well there and it's worth the gamble for them to take a bit of a loss to widen their reach. A company like Dynamight, however, isn't really looking for broadening their reach at this point in their marketing strategy. They will keep the packs out and available, and that, honestly, really is a courtesy at this point. Many other crowdfunded companies, at this point, would close the store for now, or start pre-selling for when they release, but 'founder's packs' would no longer be available. At best, those who have founder's packs would be able to upgrade them, but no new pack holders would be drawn in.
Dynamight Studios is being very agreeable, though, and still trying to allow others the ability to get in early, but without totally snubbing those who came in at the beginning when they really were just an idea with no real backing. They are also throwing in various ways to alpha test, including the end of each tests' stress weekend when they open the floodgates for 2-5 days. They are also not restricting Streaming of Alpha Content, something that is still relatively new on the market. Your lucky your able to still get a founder's pack at all right now, adept level or otherwise, and that you don't have to wait until the game actually releases (or at least goes into 'Open Beta')
I'm glad that there is a large MMORPG demand market where your from. It means your not hurting for options to play...and who knows, once the game fully releases, you might find some regional pricing breaks included, after the company does some careful market research into the viability of that strategy for their product. Remember, they wish to keep this game a Not Pay to Win game, mainly a pay once to play, or pay monthly for some vip perks play, and that's most of what they are going for. Almost everything else you will pay additionally for will be cosmetic in nature, prestige things that have nothing at all to reflect on the mechanical aspects of the game. In a day and age when almost every MMORPG is embracing the nickel and dime pay to win scheme, these guys are working hard to make something that stands out instead.
Thank you for your respectful comments, I really am only trying to defend Dynamight's business model. As I said, I live in a very tight budget myself, about $850.00 US per month as a fully disabled person, but I've been backing and following this game since it went to Kickstarter, and I've gradually upgraded my package to the Legend tier, and hope to get to Eternal tier before release, for the very real benefit of Lifetime VIP (gambling that the game will be around long enough to make that worthwhile)
See, that's the main gist of this. Unlike other games, as a crowdfunded game, each of us backers are gambling on the success or failure of this game making our investment in the game worthwhile or not. That's how it differs from just buying a game, and that's why they don't do much adjusting for regional pricing. If you follow the forums, there was even a thread about trying to get the system to autotranslate pricing into local currency, with some expecting the price to lock in, even if they keep the window open for a few days while the currency rate changed.