Songs from games
Any songs from games that stick in your head?
I have a couple songs from a game called Ashen Empires that always make me go back and check up on it just so i can walk back through those song filled areas.I also have this thing where I can remember what I was doing in a game the first time I heard a song a lot of times so everytime I hear that song it makes me think back to that game.
Haven´t played in a long time now, but one of the MMORPGs I played for the longest time was Aion, there was one song there that really stuck with me even after all this years I haven´t forgot it. Here's the
Another one is from Guild Wars 2 that I still play nowadays from time to time, here music
And yeah they are both calm musics, not "rock" kind musics like most people usually like in games
There are others from FFXIV, BnS, but well not gonna list them all
, main theme song from Civilization IV.It's actually "The Lord's Prayer" in Swahili (some african? language). Which is pretty ballsy of Firaxis.
still haunts me after so many years.
I think the soundtracks of games often are underrated, i started like a year ago to collect all the good music i saw in games. I think its strange that i sometimes played a game just for the music instead of getting that soundtrack as a stand-alone. But better late then never^^
music ^^
Nice songs, I went and tracked down the song i was thinking about since everyone else was posting songs
And another is from Alan Wake called
, but that whole soundtrack is awesome and the band that did that song is one of my favorite bands today.
I noticed @Kapier mentioned Wizards and Warrior 2, but I feel the need to mention the first
. I hear that and immediately know where in the game I am. Serious nostalgia.I also second the mention of HOMM 3. I would add in
The opening of Chrono Cross, for sure. Even got my little brother playing it on the piano, haha.
Empire of Angels and Two Steps From Hell-Victory by Thomas Bergerson
@chrightt said in Songs from games:
Empire of Angels and Two Steps From Hell-Victory by Thomas Bergerson
Hum, "Empire of Angels" by Thomas Bergersen is better, no ?
Two Steps from Hell is an other band ^^ (but you have good taste
@esher two steps from hell composed by Bergersen too
I love the startup loading song from EQ, I heard it every day for 5 years.
Undertale's soundtrack is permanently stuck in my head
with crazy bassLike
@rofus Oh man, that red alert throw back. I also liked the Hell March 2 that was in the second game.
@chrightt Oh ok ^^ I looked on their official website, and Thomas Bergersen is a part of TSFH band ^^ So "Victory" was composed by Bergersen, but they write the name of the band in the music title ^^
@esher yeah, sorry I didn't explain properly, was typing this on my phone outside! xD
... they are my obssession.
i cant rember any song of a game but a lot from animes