MMO you've played the longest?
@mikey14117 Yeah, so I have heard from some friends but I still have some friends who always go back to it for few months with every new expansion and they keep praising it. Mists of Pandaria is propably the only expansion that pretty much all of my friends disliked and that was the last time I tried playing it again
I still get the urge every now and then but have resisted it
Definitely SWTOR. A lot of other games close second, but this one was my poison for... over 3 years. Good times.
WARhammer, WARframe and DDO
Definitely Runescape. started in 2007, played for about 4 years, then took a 2 year break, started again in 2014, then stopped again in early 2016. Haven't played it lately though.
Runescape for 11 years
P.S: I am 18 years old.
Linkrealms,the most grind i ever had to do )
Should've just macroed to max level, and killed people for gear like a normal person. <:
Should've care-beared your way to max level, rejoicing in love and happiness
@holya i played like a year and half at first server which was pve,so not many ppl were doing pvp.
EverQuest for 5+ years!
teeboned TF#8 - GENERAL AMBASSADOR Aug 29, 2017, 9:27 PM last edited by teeboned Aug 29, 2017, 9:40 PM
Mine would be Runescape for sure, started playing a few months after it was released way back when I was in 6th grade lol. play it heavily on and off in 2-3 month cycles as i track the new updates for something to draw me back in.
Also played a lot of a game called Dransik/Ashen Empires until the community slowly drifted away.
Most of my gaming in recent years has been distributed through random steam games, Diablo and Runescape with some dabbling in other titles like ESO, LOTRO, ArcheAge, Terra and Albion online.
Edit: Forgot about Puzzle Pirates lol. put a good amount of time into that one.
World of Warcraft. I've played that by far the longest. After that it gets blury. Games like Star Ocean, Final Fantasy, and Skyrim I have a lot of time in, too.
I dont even know
@grimalkin said in MMO you've played the longest?:
Pretty old-school but Tibia (...)
Hah! Same! When did you play grimalkin?
I've played so many at this point, I don't know which one would be for the longest anymore.
Anarchy Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Ragnarok Online (public and private), Final Fantasy XI, World of Warcraft, Rift, a few dozen other smaller ones...If I had to pick the ones that have stuck in my head the longest - definitely DAoC, FFXI, and Rift. I still miss the golden days back when I used to play them.
@zillah13 said in MMO you've played the longest?:
If I had to pick the ones that have stuck in my head the longest - definitely DAoC, FFXI, and Rift. I still miss the golden days back when I used to play them.
While I never got huge into FFXI, I'm right there with you on DAoC and Rift being stuck in my head for long periods of time. Particularly DAoC.
Chronicles of Spellborn is another that I have fond memories of.