Personal asteroids as a form of housing


    Doesn't fit with Fractured's focus on single-instance game world. I personally wouldn't mind having it I guess, but it could undermine a lot of the game's existing housing and guild systems.


    I loved the Wildstar housing system 🙂
    It was a lot of fun and extremely versatile.

    I have a huge weak spot for fun housing options in game so looking forward to seeing how this is going to work 🙂


    @finland said in Personal asteroids as a form of housing:

    @jetah They do not plan to give housing for everyone. Otherwise the only way would be instanced housing that would be useless.

    prometheus said in Cities:

    There are area limits, both for cities and for other kinds of privately owned buildings - such as farms. The world definitely won't turn into "one big city" or a random mass of houses!

    I really don't know how they will manage it. Istanced is the way to give something to everyone. Otherwise will be limited somehow.

    nowhere in that quote does it say 'only a limited amount of housing plots exist so people will camp for them'.

    as i said they can offer multiple locations for different prices.



    prometheus already mentioned asteroids.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    Idk how I feel about asteroids per se, but I think it's a good idea to have a personal housing option. After all, not everyone is necessarily gonna join a guild. Though, if people will be free to have personal housing within a town/zone run by a guild of which they're not a member, it may not be an issue.


    @jetah said in Personal asteroids as a form of housing:


    prometheus already mentioned asteroids.

    Which are not "instanced" in the sense of calling dibs on exploring them; they're just procedurally-generated.


    @fibs each asteroid will have to be instanced, though it may support thousands. they aren't persistent for sure (which wouldn't make the player housing work but anyways). but with the human technology we could anchor a few asteroids to the planets for housing.


    @muker i agree


    I dont realy think it fits in Here...

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Naah, I think guild settlements are enough. Are u going to live in a settlement or it is possible to live alone in somewhere around the world??


    I think it's a good idea.

    And to solve the problem with guild settlements, just have guild settlements use different resources than personal housing and have guild settlements give nice bonuses (like % increase in resources/money found when killing npc's or harvesting nodes, or an % increase in chance to finding rare items/gear etc.) that people will want to have in order for them not to slack on guild settlements.


    Player housing has become quite the norm. I am all for it, love to see ideas get tossed around. Player housing done right can seriously be a reason to log in, getting just the right trophy from a monster to work with your collection so you can get a buff in the game, to even just aesthetics. I would however like to see a game, this game, make use of the house in a game related way outside just a crafting node. Why not build skills or spells out of finding interesting things to decorate your house with. Build aesthetic items into room themes with buffs in line with the aesthetics.

    A Necromancer would build a throne of skulls, each skull being of importance, different monsters, creatures and such would yield a different level of the buff it represented, the stronger the monster the stronger the buff, and different creatures might give different results, say monster X gives Strength and monster Y gives Stamina but monster Z gives a small bit of Dexterity with Stamina and Strength being equally half X and Y. Z being a rare creature and a bit stronger, say a mini boss. Thus a Necromancer that has been around longer will have better stats from the home buff. Players would be influenced to decorate their house with different items based on play style, and going to check out someones house can be beneficial for ideas. I am sure you can see where I am going with this.

    Put it on its own asteroid, give each one a racial type buff, make every decision about the players house count. I hope this discussion continues.


    @jetah said in Personal asteroids as a form of housing:

    @fibs each asteroid will have to be instanced, though it may support thousands. they aren't persistent for sure (which wouldn't make the player housing work but anyways). but with the human technology we could anchor a few asteroids to the planets for housing.

    I don't think you understand what instancing is.

    Just because you load into a geographically isolated and/or temporary map doesn't make it an instance; MMOs have been doing that since before instancing was even a thing.

    Instancing is defined by hosting multiple copies of a map and, with one single point of entry, forcibly splitting the population that uses that point of entry across those copies.

    Asteroids do not do this - the entire community has the same copy of the same asteroid - i.e. asteroids are not instanced. They are procedurally-generated (note: the entire game is, just asteroids have RNG seeds while the game world has a static one) and they are seasonal but they are not instanced.



    astroids can be instanced.


    This can also be an extra source of income for them.

    If housing on asteroids would be possible, that means that everyone can have own home (regardless of limited open world space), and this subsequently means that every player can be a customer for extra cosmetic housing items.

    Housing items could be gained just by playing as reward for activity, but cash shop could have extra housing cosmetics on sale, that I'm sure many people that love housing would buy.


    This is good idea


    Amazing idea


    I'm interested on this guild comunity sistem



    this brings up a good point.

    if astroids were used for player and guild housing then it could be possible to move said astroids so that a community could be started.

    Imagine a guild with 50 members all connected so that they can visit each other!

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @jetah personal housing is something that destroy a guild housing. People will care more about the personal city rather than the guild.

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