Support classes in Fractured
During the last Q&A Prometheus explained they are planning to implement support classes like Bard (yes!), but also Necromancer, Summoner and Animaltamer.
Also interesting is that he confirmed that charisma has not so much use in the game right now. It will be important for taming pets later on or for bards to increase their songs for example.
The option to charm monsters and let those fight against other monsters is a nice idea.
The controlling of summons seems to work differently for Summoners and Necromancers.
While Necromancer pets just follow you and attack your target the summons of the Summoner have a pet bar similar to that of a Tamer.
Also they will implement the ability to buff your party or debuff your enemies.
Once this one is in the game it will create a complete new dynamik for the party.
The bard will be the most interesting character for me.
It was mentioned that he can only have one passive aura active (like the passive mage skills) and will have combat abilitys to kill monsters as well.
He can play buff and debuff melodies, which is the main objective I guess.
Its time to get some nusic in the tavern!
What are your thoughts on that?Cheers Lil
Sounds like a pretty cool option for those that want to play a support/utility role in the party. It will also give some interesting options for building your party. And besides who doesn't like a good song?
yes bard for me as well
I look forward to test the support classes.
All options sound really interesting.
<--- Pet Tamer all the way!!!
(Sends out his army of pets as he sits back and relaxes while sipping on his green tea)
Good to see you, @LilCassiopeia !
I haven't watched the Q&A but I'm excited about the development of the charisma talent line and bardic/tamer abilities. Way more up my alley than hack n slash fighting. I love the idea of getting mobs to fight each other instead of me!
I'll look for the transcript if there is one... can't even make myself spend that kind of time watching a Q&A but grateful to those who can communicate highlights.
So happy to see Bard will be added i always play one when available!
(Shivers at all the bad singing he is bound to be hearing while the bards try to level to a descent level)
And the squeelling of the cords!!!! NOOOO!!! Just hope there aren't any DRUMS !!
(Puts earmuffs on all his pets' delicate ears)
I really loved the bard type in Allods Online.
Lets put aside for a moment that AO was (is) ultimate pay to win game. IF we disregard that, AO is amazingly designed game, especially classes wise, and really FUN to play. The only reason game is ruined is if you are unwilling to invest 10,000$+ to not suck against anyone else.
Otherwise, without that it would be one of best designed games ever made.
Bards in AO had passive songes they could play, one offensive, one defensive, but with choosing a talent build, this could be expanded. Talent builds for bards went either in direction of more support (more songs, more utility spells), or in direction of more offensive playing (keeping basic support but specialising in more damage dealing, or survival).
Absolutely all bard skills were connected with music, even the offensive ones, they were called by song type names, and executed with playing animations.
If someone is looking into designing bard types, I'd definitely reccomend getting familiar with AO bard, because that is how bards should look like.
@Gothix said :
"IF we disregard that, AO is amazingly designed game, especially classes wise, and really FUN to play. The only reason game is ruined is if you are unwilling to invest 10,000$+ to not suck against anyone else.Otherwise, without that it would be one of best designed games ever made."
Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln LOVED the play!
In case folks weren't able to watch the Q&A, here's the transcription done by a gem of the universe named @kellewic
@PeachMcD said in Support classes in Fractured:
In case folks weren't able to watch the Q&A, here's the transcription done by a gem of the universe named @kellewic
Thank you.
I wonder how that is going to 'combine' or develop synergies with the Wolf-Kin description of 'buffing' each other. The support and group oriented character of Wolf-Kin is what had me determined to play them, so I kind of hope that they remain 'special', without really taking away from the support roles of others, since I like to play support and can understand others who wouldn't want to play as Wolf-Kin.
@PeachMcD unfortunately this is the old Q&A from March the last one was from begin of August between Morrolan and Prometheus.
@Gothix Prometheus mentioned that it will cost some money to create a different song for each bard spell. As for now they will simplify this and maybe later on work on this task.
I also want to add that blood magic school for Necromancy using life is also coming. Also important is the restoration school with more healing spells like aoe healing/buffs so people can actually specialise in healing people.
But timeline when this will be available was not mentioned. My guess would be somewhere in Beta 1.
Creating only basic music for bards would be totally OK, and then give players the options of creating own music, but as premium option.
Basically players would pay for the time needed to certify their music, check that it's not some copywrighted ripoff, and that it's quality is high enough to be added to a game. Player would pay in advance for this time, with a risk that his song can be rejected.
Dunno how much that should cost, but I guess there would be players who create music, who would be interested in such a feature, to get their own music in game.
@Gothix said in Support classes in Fractured:
Or maybe just add an advance/master level skill that allows you to compose your own song in game... with trial and error like some games have done with the magic system.
I loved playing my bard in UO. It was easy money. Sit back and watch other creatures fight each other then go around and pick up all the loot lol. I also liked how SWTOR did their cantinas where players had to regain stats from dying. However, that really sucked when the server pop was low and you couldn't find any dancers.
In FFXIV the bard class has the ability to play different musical instruments outside of fights. The music outside of the fights doesn't have any advantages, but its kind of fun. There are even some bands that are make concerts...
@FluffKugel said in Support classes in Fractured:
In FFXIV the bard class has the ability to play different musical instruments outside of fights. The music outside of the fights doesn't have any advantages, but its kind of fun. There are even some bands that are make concerts...
SWG has music as a way to 'heal the mental state' and similar functions. it allowed those that didn't want to fight an option to not be a crafter or gatherer.
I am personally interested of the school of Illusion and spells what it can bring on the table. I presume there will be a good amount of support abilities, in enemy distraction way.