Idea: Ability that allows evil summoners to summon PC demons.


    This is an idea I had a while back over at Feature Spotlight #1: Three Races, Three Gameplays, but I thought I'd mention it again here to see what people think.

    Firstly to get this out of the way: This would not be in the game at launch, and maybe shouldn't be in the game at all. It would probably require quite a bit of work to implement, it would only impact evil aligned players who choose to opt-in to the concept, and arguably we could sort of do this using out-of-game resources like discord to organize things. So it might be that the development time could be better spent on features that would benefit the whole playerbase.

    But disclaimer aside: I think it would be kind of fun to have a Babilis worshiping human running around Syndesia that has an ability that lets them summon a demon from Tartaros. Which is to say, summon in an actual player character demon, controlled by that player and counting as a summon in the summoner's creature cap.

    I'm planning on playing a hellfire demon, and I think that this could be really neat. It would take some work, obviously. But so many of the pieces of the puzzle for that kind of gameplay are just sort of sitting there in the game design, waiting to be implemented. It sort of jumps out at you as obvious once you've seen it - or, at least, it does to me.

    So just some rough back-of-the-envelope thoughts from my original comment:

    For example, an evil human can cast a summoning spell that will teleport in a PC demon. A demon can be mentioned by name, or can be left unnamed and mentioned only by race. The PC can opt in or out. Unnamed will jump around online demon players until someone decides to opt in.

    The demon comes in and can fight for or trade with the summoner. If the demon does something illegal while under the 'control' of the human, the human carries all the legal penalties for the action as per normal Sundesian law.

    The demon can opt to teleport back to Tartaros whenever they feel like it.

    The human has a banish ability to try and force the demon back to Tartaros whenever the human likes it, but the demon has a chance to resist banishment based on stats and abilities.

    The summoning ability has a duration, at the end of which the banish effect will automatically trigger. The human has the option to trigger the banish effect early if desired.

    So long as the human doesn't banish the demon and the demon stays within proximity of the summoner, the demon gets to remain in Syndesia without the normal penalties. But once banishment happens the summoning effect ends, and if the demon resists then they begin to suffer the normal penalties.

    Prometheus has already commented on it here:

    @prometheus said in Feature Spotlight #1: Three Races, Three Gameplays:

    @KairosVal that's a nice original idea, but it would take a considerable amount of work to implement it - so, as you've said, it's unlikely we'll consider such mechanics early on. For sure there's no limit to how deep and creative we can go when it comes to racial mechanics though, so never say never!

    So I'm not really expecting anything any time soon. But I think it's a nifty concept that I'd really enjoy. 🙂


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    That will be amazing ,i feel like a child on the toy store just by reading suggestions like this ,it will really add to the player-driven story ,it will be like DF where you just tell great stories out of your gameplay


    could be added to the first expansion or free content patch.

    [e] the demon if accepted would have to stay for a certain length of time. otherwise they'd click yes then just banish themselves.

    I'd be down for this!

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    It's called necromancy and you can summon 😉


    @finland true, but his idea is unique in that the summoned is an actual player. I think that would be a pretty awesome mechanic.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    good idea, would be nice to see it in the game 😄


    @finland said in Idea: Ability that allows evil summoners to summon PC demons.:

    It's called necromancy and you can summon 😉

    necro refers to dead. Demons aren't dead..

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    dead deamons are 😉


    This is a pretty awesome idea and would be amazing. The only downside would be summoning a AFK demon lol. While in all practical purposes it would be awesome it would also have some interesting possibilities. If voip was a thing... summoning a foul mouthed 9 year old real life demon could be rather entertaining if nothing else to perform a banishment. I am all about entertainment and summoning player demons sounds pretty darn cool.


    @mazikar said in Idea: Ability that allows evil summoners to summon PC demons.:

    This is a pretty awesome idea and would be amazing. The only downside would be summoning a AFK demon lol. While in all practical purposes it would be awesome it would also have some interesting possibilities. If voip was a thing... summoning a foul mouthed 9 year old real life demon could be rather entertaining if nothing else to perform a banishment. I am all about entertainment and summoning player demons sounds pretty darn cool.

    if the demon has to click ok they aren't afk though.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Great idea!!!


    so many RP ideas for this too.

    can humans have a summon beast that does the same thing?

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    That would be a totally awesome idea! I would probably make it more of a pact type of summoning than just a pure transportation summons. Like tge caster gets some passive benefits for pacting with a specific demon and can summon the player when online with a decently long cooldown. This could be pretty overpowered if multiple demon summons is possible. The caster would potentially instantly double, or more, their fighting power with the summoning. Being able to summon a squad of players to your location would be just broken. Although, this could be offset by strict requirements to summon and a lengthy cast time, or perhaps a sizable manz upkeep.

    I am not sure that demons would actually benefit from this summonings. According to a spotlight they already are better at world hopping than the other races so while the lack of debuffs from the summons could be useful, if the demon is restricted too much to the proximity of the summoner it could be difficult to find demons for the summoning. A mechanicto incentivize the demon would likely be important.


    @morridin said in Idea: Ability that allows evil summoners to summon PC demons.:

    I am not sure that demons would actually benefit from this summonings. According to a spotlight they already are better at world hopping than the other races so while the lack of debuffs from the summons could be useful, if the demon is restricted too much to the proximity of the summoner it could be difficult to find demons for the summoning. A mechanicto incentivize the demon would likely be important.

    I have two ideas for the incentive for the demon.

    First of all, it could be a straight up trade. So the human sacrifices something to the demon, the demon accepts and agrees to serve the summoner for the duration. So payment works.

    But also, a demon in Syndesia when there isn't an eclipse will gradually rack up debuffs for being off-world. The idea for this summoning thing is that it would allow the demon to exist in Syndesia without the debuffs (or with reduced debuffs) for the duration of the summon ability, but with the donwside of having to serve the human summoner as an autonomous pet and being banishable.

    So it'd be about the tradeoff - gametesting would be important to ensure that the workaround of avoiding the Syndesia penalties wouldn't be grievously abusable.


    @kairosval Marvelous little gimmick... have it difficult to achieve... aka getting massive Favor with Babilis, and perhaps completing a really difficult challenge for him would reward you with the ability to summon the 1 daemon but you would need to pay a heavy price... I think gold, other vanity/ or perhaps sacrifice the hearts of defeated PCs. This way you can't really abuse the ability and you're also most certainly evil aligned and considered a criminal throughout Syndesia. Also, the summoning ritual should also involve negotiating with the daemon, Meaning that you can't just summon him on the fly, in the middle of combat. I'd also add a 50% dedicated manna cost for keeping the planar link that allows the Daemon to stay on Syndesia, meaning that while he benefits from the support of another player, the summoner only has half a manna pool for his own spell casting.


    @darian said in Idea: Ability that allows evil summoners to summon PC demons.:

    @kairosval Marvelous little gimmick... have it difficult to achieve... aka getting massive Favor with Babilis, and perhaps completing a really difficult challenge for him would reward you with the ability to summon the 1 daemon but you would need to pay a heavy price... I think gold, other vanity/ or perhaps sacrifice the hearts of defeated PCs. This way you can't really abuse the ability and you're also most certainly evil aligned and considered a criminal throughout Syndesia. Also, the summoning ritual should also involve negotiating with the daemon, Meaning that you can't just summon him on the fly, in the middle of combat. I'd also add a 50% dedicated manna cost for keeping the planar link that allows the Daemon to stay on Syndesia, meaning that while he benefits from the support of another player, the summoner only has half a manna pool for his own spell casting.

    Yeah, all of this stuff.

    This would be really fun. 🙂

    Maybe have something on the demon's side to, so you qualify for being summoned. Then the demon can activate or deactivate it as and when they want to use it. Kind of like a 'looking for group' flag, but with in-game mechanics.

    Another thing that might be good would be the option to bring in an AI demon if there's no PC demons available.


    This would be the perfect method to kill bots and gold spammers! I'd let @Finland summon me for this purpose!

    I'm going to need a second account if 3 character slots are the max.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @jetah said in Idea: Ability that allows evil summoners to summon PC demons.:

    This would be the perfect method to kill bots and gold spammers! I'd let @Finland summon me for this purpose!

    I'm going to need a second account if 3 character slots are the max.

    😂 yeah! @Jetah the bot pkapper XD.. I doubt you will enjoy killin bots XD



    never know till you try! i mean killing bots or player beastkin which do you prefer?

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @jetah said in Idea: Ability that allows evil summoners to summon PC demons.:


    never know till you try! i mean killing bots or player beastkin which do you prefer?

    If I'll summon you? Humm i think I could send you gathering or doing escort 😛

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