Forum Chat
Hey hey all, well I'm coming here with just a suggestion, even though we have discord, wouldn´t it be nice if devs added a chat box into this Forum? People would be able to talk more freely and not everyone uses discord as well so..
What do you all think? ^^
@frost I use discord but I think that a forum chat could be easier for a lot of member, so I agree.
@karuro Yeah I use discord as well, but I know many people don´t, and even if everyone used discord, a Forum Chat Box would simplify a lot the discussions among members imo. ^^
Thanks for agreeing
Definitely doesn't sound like a bad idea, but the forum is built on a third party framework. Probably depends on its has the capabilities.
If @Prometheus is alright with a chat thread in the off-topic section we can hit two birds with one stone. It would give us a thread to chat in while at same time giving people a thread to post in for their daily points.
@oobenonioo Usually a chat box is not hard to implement so shouldn´t be a problem I think, not sure tho..
@Vengu A chat thread would be a mess and really hard to use... The best is really a chat box.. imo ^^
I also agree. It would be a lot easier for people do discuss with each other
Nice idea, I agree !
@frost said in Forum Chat:
@oobenonioo Usually a chat box is not hard to implement so shouldn´t be a problem I think, not sure tho..
@Vengu A chat thread would be a mess and really hard to use... The best is really a chat box.. imo ^^
A chat thread is probably the easiest solution though, and like I said it would also give people a place to get their daily 50 points without spamming the rest of the forum.
@vengu It's just a message per day so I doubt the spam will be that much, and in a thread the discussions will be a total mess and will be a lot disorganized from my point of view ^^
Thanks for the suggestion guys, but we're not fond of public chat boxes in community boards. They require a lot of control and usually end up full of spam anyway. We'll consider it if there's really a lot of demand for it in the future.
On a side note, the forum already has a nice private chat system (including group chats) if you need to talk to your friends!
@prometheus I understand your point of view, but if you look at this the other way, it's better to spam a chat box than a forum thread, and many people have discussions while answering consecutively to forum threads which will cause even worse spam ^^ I know that your private chat system is great, but it still doesn´t go on par with the talking you can do in a chat box.. While in a private chat you can only talk with those that you add, in a normal chat box you can discuss your opinions with much more different people, people that you don´t even know and may start to know only after that.
Well this is just my personal opinion
Live chat or discord?
@frost great idea ! But eh it's all up to the Devs
HolyAvengerOne TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Aug 14, 2017, 2:08 AM last edited by HolyAvengerOne Aug 14, 2017, 2:16 AM
Edit: saw @Prometheus post too late!
Hey @Frost, @ooBENONIoo!
There is some chat functionality within this forum software actually, although it might not be as evident as it is in some other forum software.
You can then add one or more users to the conversation:
I'll invite as many users in this thread in a conversation, so we can test out what it does
@holyavengerone There will be a limit probably ahah
@frost Maybe... 5 millions?!? Am I close you think??
So we're 14 so far in the chat, let us know if you want in!
Chat does not count as daily post
I would only like to see a 'regular' chat system implemented if the chat logs are archived for later usage. Would be a shame if good suggestions/feedback get lost this way.