Tapestry Rewards
I had noticed that so far there is only one kind of tapestry reward on the quests/rewards part of this game/website.
EMISSARY TAPESTRYWhy not others? Herald? Knight? Lord? Governor?
Why not add in other tapestries as "Tier Rewards" as well for housing when the game is released?
Just a thought but I would like to see more tapestry types.
Cheers Folks.
I know from every mmo I've played with housing everyone seems to like to decorate. I fully expect the devs to put out these kinds of things for players to spend real cash on.
Who knows what we will found when we open the Founder's chests you can earn in the Foundation.
If it's as easy as a new texture and makes people happy, I'm all for it. But I wouldn't consider it high priority right now. It's one of these things where I'm always in favor of 'get the game done, ensure that it's good and works well, then deliver fancy decoration stuff'.
Housing type of rewards are always cool, especially for the folks that like housing. If rewards get added for some more levels, who knows, we might see more tapestry rewards.
That being said, I completely agree, that designing the game has a lot more importance than designing foundation rewards.
I am hoping they have more decorations items for housing
@Gothix they seemed to have gone the easy route with the new set of foundation rewards only adding chests or dynamite gold (not that i'm complaining) but hopefully the founder chest items have some interesting items as the loot table?
Well for that... we already have hints how they can look like.
In the Startertown you find some nice Bear Trophies