What unusual weapon types would you like to see?
@Esher something like a double bladed staff?
@finland Yep, maybe a little bit smaller ^^ Otherwise, it will be hard to carry
I took the 1st pic from web. Prolly comes from a korean game, they love thin chars with giant weapon but it s not bad at all
That's a double bladed sword! 1h weapon
mine was more like a 2h weapon.. double bladed staff
Definitly whould like to see Kusarigama or Meteor hammers or one handed Flail with shield .
-few types of quarterstaff(D-bladed also)
-sort of chain weapon,which wrap the arm-uses as offencive and defencive equipment
-battle gauntlets
A boomerang as a range weapon for scouting classes would be nice and a sickle for Druids.
Honestly I love using fists to just beat something to a pulp sometimes. Maybe a spell or talent in trees where fists become hardened with stone from the enviroment increasing damage by X decreasing swing time by X and providing a knock back, or blood swing speed increase by X every third hit boils the blood from your current target doing AOE damage or something.
@ildirettore This is what im talking about. Love my martial arts.
@ildirettore The game already has an entire martial school that focuses on unarmed combat.
i wish to see oriental weapon like chacram, katar etc...
Not just weapons though, I feel like some tools and objects could be used as items to do damage or utility.
Bottles, shovels, spades, rakes, pitchforks, heavy objects, and etc - hit or throw them at people.
Ropes, lassos, nets, webs, and more - Can cc people, forcing them to have to break out.
Lots of sand, Flour, Baking powder, Dust - Vision affecting items.
Liquids, Bandages - As well as other things that can be fairly bad when dirty/used
Broken glass, Anything that breaks in sharp ends - Self explanatory.
I would love to see a single glove that only covers the index fingers that can fire a strong magical fire, but it can only fire if the user taunts at the direction of the enemy. This may be a dumb weapon but, i would love to see any kind of enchanted clothing in this game.
A lot of fantasy games only use swords, axes, and maces - because you can reuse the same animations between all of them.
You can't do that for spears, though, and they're harder to balance in a video game context due to their grossly superior range, so a lot of games just don't have spears (Elder Scrolls even took them out post-Morrowind) and that's a shame. Spears are awesome.
I also like polearms such as pollaxes, halberds, glaives, etc. All the ones that dumb down to blades on the ends of sticks can probably share an animation set too.
I would love to see something like:
daggers: butterfly swords
swords (dual wield ofccutlasses and/or scimitars.
And for spears i would love to see something like glaives.
As you would guess i love cutting up my enemies
Chains/razorwhips/chain blades etc
War Fans/tessen
@fibs I'd argue that the sword moves around completely different from an ax and a mace. So is the spear different from glaives or halberds. They have completely different mechanics. The balancing is indeed an issue. Since in reality, plate armor makes you invulnerable to arrows and lightweight cutting implements like cutting centered swords, light axes, and such. While thrusting implements are only effective if highly precise, hitting gaps like visor, armpit, which the wearer will usually protect. The halberd was a dominant weapon in late XVI century because it was outright better. Video games usually mix "medieval weapons" from different time periods and try to balance the sword and board of the IX-th century, with the full plate and halberd of the XVI-th century. There are 700 years of technological evolution between the two. So, balancing them will never feel right. Just take the game for what it is, and enjoy your time!
Maybe a sychthe
Whip, scythes and full throwing weapons (like you are a ranger that only trows knifes)