Primitive weapons
Well, in most things you´re right about dota, but there is no horizontal moba game i can think ofNo matter.
Imo Fractured is basically Albion with less grind, why would it be niche game. I didn´t play Albion for long, but not much content appeared, just slow repetitive grind and superslow combat where one mistake cost you fight. I take Fractured as full pvp game and beastmen as just step necessary for abomination (tho it´s sad one can´t attack at least some region). As not-pve player I can´t answer you why would i grind character to not join fight, so you might be right about furries - many will sure convert to abominations, unless they can fight in invasions (on good guys side ofc).
let me tell you why you're wrong...
@asspirin said in Primitive weapons:
Imo Fractured is basically Albion with less grind, why would it be niche game. (.....)
Basically every full loot pvp game is a niche game and most sanboxes are too, so you have a double niche game here
@Shivashanti said in Primitive weapons:
@asspirin said in Primitive weapons:
Imo Fractured is basically Albion with less grind, why would it be niche game. (.....)
Basically every full loot pvp game is a niche game and most sanboxes are too, so you have a double niche game here
i typically see sandbox that are full loot. i know they're separate but they seem to be the same too.
@Shivashanti said in Primitive weapons:
Basically every full loot pvp game is a niche game and most sanboxes are too, so you have a double niche game here
This, and on top of that, some people advocate for basically no grind. Is there even any successful mmorpg without grind out there?
I played Albion long term and the devs are really active. They expanded the BZ, improved HG, added cgvg, portals to royals, cool season rewards, monthly challenges, solo and 5people party random dungeons (last I heard RD for big parties were planned), smaller castles (forgot their exact names), mount skins. The latest update finally introduces hideouts and a bunch of other things, clicky.
Before the introduction of random dungeons, the game was very grindy indeed (party because it was hard to find a spot to farm), but now I think the grind is about right. The reason why I quit playing is that if you wanna be in a guild, you have to join warcamps at least a few times a week. Sometimes people attacked and it was fun, but most of the time you'd just waste 1h waiting and riding horses. My problem is that I can only play about 2h in the weekdays and it wasn't fun.
@Razvan said in Primitive weapons:
some people advocate for basically no grind.
the developers put that claim out!
@Jetah said in Primitive weapons:
the developers put that claim out!
... but what it says on the front page leaves some room for interpretation.
@Razvan said in Primitive weapons:
@Yitra said in Primitive weapons:
@Razvan said in Primitive weapons:
The game will be A LOT more grindy than most people on the forums assume or it will fail within a couple of month after release because... what will people on Arboreus do after they unlock almost everything in the first 1-2 weeks? What will keep people pve-ing long term?
Enjoy the sunshine, have some
tailstales around the fireplace (RP) and kick the shit out of those invaders if the time has come. Besides that we have the dungeons, fishing, maybe become an abomination.And unlock 400 * 3 levels of skill in 1-2 weeks ?
Not everyone is a completionist and if your gamble is that RP will keep people playing, you appeal to a very niche kind of player from a genre that is almost a niche itself.
We RP-ers let you crazy PvP people pay for the game :).
On a serious note, of course, is that (RP) for a small percentage of the population of the game, that is why I mentioned the other stuff.
But you also have to keep in mind that there are a lot of (older) players who can (on average) spend max 2 hours a day (besides maybe weekends and holidays) on gaming. We have the patience to enjoy the game as it comes.
Rushing through content is no option, nor wanted. If Invasions will be a daily event (we don't know yet, and how time-consuming will they be, can I avoid them or not, so many questions) I will never come to a point that I can say: "Kill me now, I have seen it all"