Player generated quests (work orders)
Hi all,
First post, just wanted to say that everything I have read about this game so far sounds like it's going in the right direction and I am very excited to try it out in the next Alpha phase!
Having said that, this is more of a question turned statement (if it doesn't yet exist). Is there a mechanic already in the game, or in planning, to allow players to create quests similarly to those of work orders that other players can accept and complete? If it's not in the pipeline, I think this could add a great layer of player-driven content for the community to enjoy.
Here's an example of what I mean:
Say you want to build a structure but are limited on time because [ insert your reason here ]. So you head over to the marketplace or wherever the town has it's bulletin board and post up a work order (quest) that another player can accept and complete for currency or perhaps even a barter (labor for xyz). The player generating the quest must deposit into escrow whatever the amount or good is that they are paying for the service with (to avoid player scamming).
When that player accepts the quest they have X amount of time to complete the task. This time should be player driven. The player that accepts the quest will also have requisition or partial control of the structure blueprint that needs to be completed (if it's a structure).
Once the player has completed the task(s) involved, they turn in the quest to either the bulletin board, an NPC or the player himself who put it up. This then transfers whatever item was part of the quest to the player that completed it as payment.
I think it would also be great if the player had some control over the narrative of the quest to give it more role-play possibility but a template would suffice.
What do you guys think?
(p.s. does anyone need any rings gifted to them?
Hi Annatar, welcome to Fractured !
I love the idea, so far I only know of that you can build together on projects, but that would be limited to people you know and/or without such incentives.
Things like this can be a nice addition to the PvE version of "Mercenaries".
This is a good idea, but it's also very limited. As you say, one can hire someone to build their house and crafting stations, which take little time anyway. Then you could hire someone to repair your house, which is kind of risky when the downside is you can lose your plot if the person fails the quest and we have the carpenter NPC anyway. Other than that, I don't see which other quests they can implement and it will just be an obscure feature hardly anyone uses.
I like the idea. As long as players are generating all the transferred items and not the game then I don't see a way to scam the system. Crafters could generate orders for materials. One way I could see a problem is if these items were transferred to another area. This would circumvent the idea of having to manually transport goods to a civilization unless the player had to drop them off where the order was placed.
A bulletin board for the players to leave their notes for other players is a great idea and allows for roleplay opportunities, as well as improves in-game community engagement and interaction.
No need to overthink things-just allow players to make requests and let the rest sort out between them, in-game.
A evil lich may sneak in to town and place a quest for a unknowing adventurer to gather resorces, not knowing the last ingredient will be them.
There was a game that allowed houses, and all house tools, to be setup to be funded by other players. IE you click a wall of an unfinished house, you see the owner is offering 1g per unit of log and the wall needs 10 logs to be complete (that specific portion). You gather 10 logs, you bring them to that house then are paid 10g for those logs. Those logs are now added to the wall and that material is (full or zeroed out). Lets say the next material is mortar. same process: items are added to the wall, the person that supplied it is paid.
@Farlander said in Player generated quests (work orders):
I like the idea. As long as players are generating all the transferred items and not the game then I don't see a way to scam the system. Crafters could generate orders for materials. One way I could see a problem is if these items were transferred to another area. This would circumvent the idea of having to manually transport goods to a civilization unless the player had to drop them off where the order was placed.
The thing is most of the suggestions in this thread (and the one linked by Jetah) should be done via marketplace / auction house. Why would you hire someone to kill a few wolves and give you the mats when you can directly buy the mats via marketplace (or place a buy order in case you want to buy cheaper, but not right away)? Someone who offers bodyguard / transport services can scam you (by calling his friends) either if you have a contract or not. In the end, if you really need such a service you will filter the people by their reputation. Not to mention that such occasions will be rare because most people will be in guilds which will do big trade runs with reliable scouts and guards. All in all, it's a lot of work for a feature that will be used very little by very few people.
@deusex2 said in Player generated quests (work orders):
A bulletin board for the players to leave their notes for other players is a great idea and allows for roleplay opportunities, as well as improves in-game community engagement and interaction.
No need to overthink things-just allow players to make requests and let the rest sort out between them, in-game.
As far as I'm concerned this is how it should be done.
I'd like to see this if it could be something beyond just fetch and trade quests.
@Razvan However, marketplace bypasses the whole player-player interaction, which is kinda the drawback of it. Don't forget-the lack of marketplace and goods being magically delivered to your character is what's gonna make the rest of players to group up and create player driven trade settlements.
what if a player just decided to stop halfway through does the quest then go back on the bulletin board for another player to complete? Im not gonna lie it took like two hours to build a house ( including gathering the resources and fending off monsters )
@deusex2 On the other hand, marketplaces with buy/sell orders make the transactions smoother, create a better (more fair) economy based on demand and supply, greatly reduce the number of scams and make it easier to spot gold sellers. Local marketplaces were confirmed, so the items won't magically appear to your inventory, but you have to travel there and claim them.
If you played Albion, I imagine Fractured will have a similar system: if you sell <item A> in <town M>, the players have to physically be there to buy and claim it. Same with buy/sell orders: if I place a buy order for <item B> in <town M>, in the event someone travels to <town M> and decides to sell <item B> to me at the price I put the buy order, I have to go to <town M> and pick up the item. Both the seller and the buyer have to physically be in that town in order to place a buy/sell order and claim the item in that local marketplace.
@Razvan said in Player generated quests (work orders):
@deusex2 On the other hand, marketplaces with buy/sell orders make the transactions smoother, create a better (more fair) economy based on demand and supply, greatly reduce the number of scams and make it easier to spot gold sellers. Local marketplaces were confirmed, so the items won't magically appear to your inventory, but you have to travel there and claim them.
If you played Albion, I imagine Fractured will have a similar system: if you sell <item A> in <town M>, the players have to physically be there to buy and claim it. Same with buy/sell orders: if I place a buy order for <item B> in <town M>, in the event someone travels to <town M> and decides to sell <item B> to me at the price I put the buy order, I have to go to <town M> and pick up the item. Both the seller and the buyer have to physically be in that town in order to place a buy/sell order and claim the item in that local marketplace.there should be knowledge for business and trade. thus allowing a player to place remote orders (similar to Eve Online) within certain ranges. This allows a business player to buy/sell/transport goods between cities without needing to visit them.
@Jetah said in Player generated quests (work orders):
there should be knowledge for business and trade. thus allowing a player to place remote orders (similar to Eve Online) within certain ranges. This allows a business player to buy/sell/transport goods between cities without needing to visit them.
No way, no, because remote sell orders and transport would make the trade caravans risk-free, thus pointless. As of buy orders and quick travel, we should be able to teleport naked with nothing in the inventory from one town to another (with the exception of inter-planetary travel, of course, where this restriction doesn't apply).
@Razvan said in Player generated quests (work orders):
@Jetah said in Player generated quests (work orders):
there should be knowledge for business and trade. thus allowing a player to place remote orders (similar to Eve Online) within certain ranges. This allows a business player to buy/sell/transport goods between cities without needing to visit them.
No way, no, because remote sell orders and transport would make the trade caravans risk-free, thus pointless. As of buy orders and quick travel, we should be able to teleport naked with nothing in the inventory from one town to another (with the exception of inter-planetary travel, of course, where this restriction doesn't apply).
there's no quick travel in the game with goods, invasions aside. a remote order placed that needs to be transported has to be accepted by a player and has to move by a player. there's no p2w transport in Fractured. it's the only way to get a transportation profession existent. this was also mentioned in the Contracts Post which I linked to.
I see now what you meant about "transport goods between cities without needing to visit them" and how I misunderstood you. I still think this feature is unnecessary because a system of local marketplaces and local chests with ability to set up privileges can simulate just that without the need of being coded by developers: nobody will set up a trade route that it's worth less than the transport, so by default it's more profitable for the courier to have a friend gank him outside of town and split the money instead of doing the delivery. Of course, some people are honest and won't try to scam the patrons, which means that at the very least they can let us filter the good ones from the bad ones by only opening the contract to characters with over x deliveries and/or y% success delivery rate and/or value of successful transported goods divided by value of total transported goods is greater than z. In the end the very same result can be achieved by visiting the forums and picking up a reputable person that offers those services. For example in Albion, a game that is similar to Fractured, you know that this person is trustworthy. Another reason why I think this feature won't be very much used is that, as I said earlier, most guild will do trade runs.
About the second point (placing remote buy/sell orders), I don't really care because I don't plan to trade much, but I think it's unfair for someone who PVEs or ganks to flip the market in the downtime as easily as someone who primarily plans to be a merchant.
I've seen MMOs that had player generated quest feature, and in not a single one of those MMOs was that anything more than obscure niche thing used by rare players here and there.
Imho, working on that would be a waste of valuable resources.
@Razvan said in Player generated quests (work orders):
I see now what you meant about "transport goods between cities without needing to visit them" and how I misunderstood you. I still think this feature is unnecessary because a system of local marketplaces and local chests with ability to set up privileges can simulate just that without the need of being coded by developers: nobody will set up a trade route that it's worth less than the transport, so by default it's more profitable for the courier to have a friend gank him outside of town and split the money instead of doing the delivery. Of course, some people are honest and won't try to scam the patrons, which means that at the very least they can let us filter the good ones from the bad ones by only opening the contract to characters with over x deliveries and/or y% success delivery rate and/or value of successful transported goods divided by value of total transported goods is greater than z. In the end the very same result can be achieved by visiting the forums and picking up a reputable person that offers those services. For example in Albion, a game that is similar to Fractured, you know that this person is trustworthy. Another reason why I think this feature won't be very much used is that, as I said earlier, most guild will do trade runs.
About the second point (placing remote buy/sell orders), I don't really care because I don't plan to trade much, but I think it's unfair for someone who PVEs or ganks to flip the market in the downtime as easily as someone who primarily plans to be a merchant.
transport contracts have a deposit that the courier puts up first. that amount is up to the person placing the contract. if the amount is higher than the goods, the courier is out the deposit. in Eve Online the contents were in a locked container, the courier couldn't see the contents.
to me the most valuable method is transport; moving trash to another area or planet so it becomes treasure. remote orders can be limited too x per day (24 hours, rolling 24 hours, etc) or x total orders up simultaneously. I do like limited access to remote orders so Knowledge could limit remote orders to 5, as example. maybe an upgrade rank could make it 5 per real day, the third rank could be increased range of the orders.
to me open contracts are easier for players that will have trust issues. I can place 5 items in a chest for transport from A to B for a 500g deposit and pay 200g upon success. If people think the 200g payout is too little then it wont get accepted. if the contract is accepted but not completed (within a set time) then Karma can be reduced/increased.
I'd also love to see transportation guilds start up that can try to get NAP with alliances so they can get goods around the planets. Imagine a neutral transport guild that has NAP with 80% of the game so that pvp/pve guilds can fight with access to goods from other planets! those 20% that didn't agree could be retaliated by the 80% that did agree to them for messing up their supply of off-world goods! now you have competition between those that want to steal the goods, those that want to guard and those that want the goods to attack others.
I understand that the courier cannot see the contents, but the logic deduction is that the contract value is always less than the value of goods because otherwise the person who put the transport order is losing money. Everything that was said here can be agreed with a person who offers these services on the forums, with the advantage that you can pick who does the transport (if we have chests with tabs and set privileges, you don't even have to meet that person in game), and the disadvantage that it's slightly more work than having a system do it for you.
All in all, economy-wise this game won't be as big as Eve. Even if they add these features, most of them will rarely be used by very few people. Almost all caravans will be guild trade runs.
@Jetah Once again, I'd much rather players interact with other players, rather than game menus. As for scams-yes, that is an unfortunate risk, but those are always present in video games, one way or another.
As for gold sellers-it's the opposite. Less automation and more hands-on approach means scripting bots is less efficient, if non-applicable, at all.