Magic resistance?
Save vs spells is understandable, because everyone has probably played some ADaD game, but magic resistance is not clear to me.
Int should rise it (up to 36% on 18 INT, probably 50% with 25int), then abilities like Mage armor(23% at 18 int, 30% at 25 int). If these are additive, then only 1 ability might give you 80% resist to magic (if it´s not capped to like 50% or so).
As there are resists to elements, will general magic res simply reduce any non-physical damage? Let´s hope there will be enough debuffs to do it or that it willhave cap, otherwise mage vs mage might take a while if both regularly heal themselves
@asspirin said in Magic resistance?:
Save vs spells is understandable, because everyone has probably played some ADaD game, but magic resistance is not totally clear to me.
Int should rise it (up to 36% on 18 INT, probably 50% with 25int), then abilities like Mage armor(23% at 18 int, 30% at 25 int). If these are additive, then only 1 ability might give you 80% resist to magic (if it´s not capped to like 50% or so).
As there are resists to elements, will general magic res simply reduce any non-physical damage? Let´s hope there will be enough debuffs to do it or that it willhave cap, otherwise mage vs mage might take a while if both regularly heal themselves
My guess is that resistance will be used last in the series of damage calculations after saving throw. So if you save vs XX, cool. If not, apply resistance which would act as mitigation the same way armor acts as physical damage mitigation.
why would being smart reduce the effects of cold or fire?
to me resistance should be with the clothes, not the attributes.
@Jetah I understand it that with high intelligence "youre smart so much you understand how to magically protect against other magic".
And it´s for balance purposes so magic guys deal more dmg to armored guys and vice versa (because otherwise glass canon vs glass canon could be one hit / one sequence of high dmg nukes figh)Its fantasy game after all.
Question was rather ment like "will magic resistance affect CC leght for example (frocentually - aka 3s stun against 50% magic res would stun for 1,5s)? And yes, i know STR will be defence against stun, just an example.
@asspirin said in Magic resistance?:
Save vs spells is understandable, because everyone has probably played some ADaD game, but magic resistance is totally not clear to me.
Int should rise it (up to 36% on 18 INT, probably 50% with 25int), then abilities like Mage armor(23% at 18 int, 30% at 25 int). If these are additive, then only 1 ability might give you 80% resist to magic (if it´s not capped to like 50% or so).
As there are resists to elements, will general magic res simply reduce any non-physical damage? Let´s hope there will be enough debuffs to do it or that it will have cap, otherwise mage vs mage might take a while if both regularly heal themselves
As far as I have seen "Magic Damage" is separated from other sources of damage and not considered Elemental damage: Magic Missiles does Magic Damage, Fireball does Fire damage, Chilling Touch does Cold damage etc.
So that would mean it doesn't give resistance to all non-physical, just to one kind of damage. Even If that wasn't the case it would make all other non-physical resistance obsolete. Which would be a big flaw in game design
Besides that: due to the long cd's on healing abilities, you can, of course, equip multiple healing skills, but that would leave no room for damage skills.
In Alpha 1 my Magic resistance was 86%, but there was no cap on INT that time (I got to 27, where it will be 25). On the other hand, my physical armour was capped to 400. Still very vulnerable to physical damage.
even that only works for the range of elements the receiver has access to. an ice mage can't protect themselves against poison unless they freeze their blood or ice block. there could be elements you can resist that are similar to what you have access to. but i dont like a high int player being highly resistant against all elements because they're smart, while wearing cloth. since elements can interact with each other. a high int player should be susceptible to a water attack followed by a cold attack then a heat attack.
this is also a game where the player has to dress for the environment. according to high int playing, the temp of areas wouldn't matter as they'd always have resistance to it.
that's interesting to hear.
@Jetah said in Magic resistance?:
this is also a game where the player has to dress for the environment. according to high int playing, the temp of areas wouldn't matter as they'd always have resistance to it.
I don't think this applies since the resistance is to magical effects not to cold/heat in general.
@kellewic said in Magic resistance?:
@Jetah said in Magic resistance?:
this is also a game where the player has to dress for the environment. according to high int playing, the temp of areas wouldn't matter as they'd always have resistance to it.
I don't think this applies since the resistance is to magical effects not to cold/heat in general.
what's the difference between a fireball and being on fire? what's the difference between being in a blizzard (weather) and someone casting blizzard?
@Jetah I was thinking exactly the same.
For example Bear-kin with already thick fur puts on fur coat - ready to sleep in the blizzard with comfort. Would some momentary cold damage him? Even people use Cryotherapy = -100°C for 2-4 mins without clothes. What monstrous sub zero temperature would it have to be to freeze a bear with winter clothes onEven absolute zero (−273.15°) wouldn´t do much to him if it only lasted a second. But i know, "it´s magic"
But check this, imo stone i throw at somebody would hurt him same was as stone summoned from another place via magic and both should be resisted with physical resist. Whats different with fire/freeze/whatever as Mr. Jetah says?
@Jetah said in Magic resistance?:
this is also a game where the player has to dress for the environment. according to high int playing, the temp of areas wouldn't matter as they'd always have resistance to it.
INT will give you resistance to certain kinds of Magical (Damage). The character sheet actually calls them Magic Resistances. Heat, Cold, Moist I have never considered to be magical (maybe a sunset you sometimes consider magical :P)
Therefore I see no direct connection, being able to handle high or low temperature for example. I still expect you to need the proper equipment for being in certain environments.
And before people start to play the RL card again, this is a game, ever seen a deer walking on 2 feet wielding a sword or a bow ? Not everything (or mostly nothing) will be like RL or logical
Every class has to have strengths and weaknesses, otherwise that class would be OP and 90% of the players would roll it.
If magic can provide resistance against everything, then GG you can either play a mage or go find another game.
So no, for sure magic will not be able to give you resistance against EVERYTHING, that's a logical fact, no point even in discussing that.
@asspirin said in Magic resistance?:
Save vs spells is understandable, because everyone has probably played some ADaD game, but magic resistance is not clear to me.
Int should rise it (up to 36% on 18 INT, probably 50% with 25int), then abilities like Mage armor(23% at 18 int, 30% at 25 int). If these are additive, then only 1 ability might give you 80% resist to magic (if it´s not capped to like 50% or so).
As there are resists to elements, will general magic res simply reduce any non-physical damage? Let´s hope there will be enough debuffs to do it or that it willhave cap, otherwise mage vs mage might take a while if both regularly heal themselves
No, magic resistance will counter only the magic damages.
Beyond the physical resistances (slash, pierce and crush) there are the three elemental ones and three more (magic, acid, poison).
This was an excellent question! Thanks to @asspirin for asking and to @Znirf for clarification.
I'm always amused when I 'hear' folks talking about game mechanics as though they ought to be (or are) completely intuitively obvious. In fact, game mech is utterly arbitrary - whatever devs say they are. So I'm always looking for clues and NEVER assuming.
@Gothix Well these massive resists sure make it obvious, but game is in alpha.
..allright, maybe it was stupid question :D, but i still look at game mechanics like it takes something from ADaD, so I had to be sure. If nothing more, case is closed :). Thanks devs for clarifycation.
but i'm asking the difference between a fireball being magic and someone throwing a torch at the same target. i'm asking the difference between someone casting a blizzard and there naturally being a blizzard happening. i'm asking how is magic lightning different from natural lightning. magic is typically based on natural elements. sometimes it's the elementals that grant the user the ability to use those elements.
if a group of players are headed to a cold location then i expect them to be dressed in warm clothes (or have them in the inventory). if a frost mage decides to attack and cast blizzard while in the cold area, i dont see how the warm clothes wouldn't protect them from this blizzard being cast.
@Jetah Either by wearing thick fur you get resist to cold, or it´s not logical until "cold resist" becomes "magic cold resist", because magic damage is separate as we now know and therefore cold damage is the same no matter the source (caster / weather). But now we just play with words
, my question was rather whether elemental damage is kind of magical damage - it´s not.
@asspirin said in Magic resistance?:
@Jetah Either by wearing thick fur you get resist to cold, or it´s not logical until "cold resist" becomes "magic cold resist", because magic damage is separate as we now know and therefore cold damage is the same no matter the source (caster / weather). But now we just play with words
, my question was rather whether elemental damage is kind of magical damage - it´s not.
in my mind that doesn't make sense. how can a cast of an element be different from a natural element? how can lightning/fire/cold/etc be different?
@Jetah It doesn´t, but it´s magic, so it doesn´t have to make sense, right ?
@Jetah said in Magic resistance?:
in my mind that doesn't make sense. how can a cast of an element be different from a natural element? how can lightning/fire/cold/etc be different?
How is spontaneously grown love different from drinking a love potion? One is natural, one is magic.
@Yitra But burns from campfire and from Fireball are still the same