Fan Weapon Type
@Jetah said in Fan Weapon Type:
So. i'm looking up the history of the hand fan and...
The origin of the hand fan is quite uncertain. Thanks to artistic representations we know that, around 3000 b.C. fans were used by Egyptians. Egyptian fans were big, fixed, and semicircular shaped, made with feathers and with long handles. They had double function: blowing air and scaring away insects. Also it was a sacred instrument, used in religious ceremonies. Greeks and Romans used fans, too. The most famous was the "Flabellum" that in the middle Ages was used during the Christian liturgy.
Seems the folding hand fan was invented in either China or Japan (maybe both around the same time). In the 1500's the folding hand fan was taking to Europe via trade routes.
Based on that, I don't see any reason to say they're Asian specifically.
Within Fractured, I can see the humans creating them and the Demons stealing the design and Beastkin trading for it. However, I do love the idea of ethnic DLC content that adds different styles of game play and cosmetics. I wouldn't be against an Asian content patch. Being Fractured is a community, maybe the community could vote on which ethnic to release then create lore in how it's added to the game.
considering all humans r on the same coninent (which compared to real life countries, is really small), i dont see how multiple ethnic groups would work in terms of variation of gear in such diversity. you can walk from one side of the continent to the other in less than 10h... walking... that isn't long at all.
it's a game. you create reasons for it. north might be cold. Russian ethnic. middle is hot and lots of sun, African ethnic. etc. there could be islands that introduce new ethnics.
maybe the items were diverse before the Fracture, maybe those items were found buried somewhere. then reproduced.
the humans have lore created that they're inventors. who knows.
I wouldn't mind having a few ethnics, especially those lesser unknown ones.
@Xzait Humans are not on only one continent, there is 3 continents on Syndesia, and the smallest, according to this Spotlight. So maybe we can have different ethnic groups ^^
@Jetah I would not be against this kind of "DLC", personnaly, can be fun, if not pushed too far.
@Xzoviac said in Fan Weapon Type:
@Esher said in Fan Weapon Type:
Something a bit like that ?(I don't think you can fire a lot of things with this kind of fan, but it can be in this style ^^
Or you have this one, way less steampunk, but can be used as a weapon
I Like the Knife, the other Reminds me of the giant Shurkens
More like along the lines of this:
Only, connect it to steam engine at your back, with a tube and let it blow the steam into people's faces.!
@deusex2 lmao that looks like a desk fan
@Pluto said in Fan Weapon Type:
I’d rather they kept away from the anime tropes that are currently hitting the major MMOs. I’d much rather see more unique things from like the Persians or something haha
Wouldn’t be too angry either way, would just prefer something a little more refreshing
definitely want to second this emotion. Nothing against anime (or Tolkien) per se, but with a world full of so many cultures to mine for tropes, hanging ten on the anime wave (or previous nordic-heavy fantasy realms) doesn't feature our devs' creativity the way adding the coolest costumes/weapons/mythos from less 'mined' areas would.
Persian sounds fun - so do Aztec & Ibo, Mauri & Tlingit.
Creating a fantasy space is one place that cultural appropriations can be truly constructive moves (c.f., N.K. Jemison's Hugo-winning spins of pan-African mythos)
@PeachMcD said in Fan Weapon Type:
@Pluto said in Fan Weapon Type:
I’d rather they kept away from the anime tropes that are currently hitting the major MMOs. I’d much rather see more unique things from like the Persians or something haha
Wouldn’t be too angry either way, would just prefer something a little more refreshing
definitely want to second this emotion. Nothing against anime (or Tolkien) per se, but with a world full of so many cultures to mine for tropes, hanging ten on the anime wave (or previous nordic-heavy fantasy realms) doesn't feature our devs' creativity the way adding the coolest costumes/weapons/mythos from less 'mined' areas would.
Persian sounds fun - so do Aztec & Ibo, Mauri & Tlingit.
Creating a fantasy space is one place that cultural appropriations can be truly constructive moves (c.f., N.K. Jemison's Hugo-winning spins of pan-African mythos)
Personally The theme I Like best is H. P. Lovecraft.
Some of the best monsters, are spawned from his Lore.
there's paid or free DLC. I can't see a developer deciding to put a whole amount of weapons, knowledge and whatever else behind a paywall.
i believe they'd make more putting in great cosmetics in the shop and allowing free players to obtain them in some way.
IE lets say the VIP is 9.99 a month. have the free user trade gold for a shop token that grants 9.99 (or whatever amount) to the account. the shop token can cost a user 15. limit the sales of the token to a marketplace UI with no seller information. dont allow any gifts of the token. These are the best ways i know to prevent trading items for cash via a token.I played BDO (Black Desert Online) for 2 weeks and noticed they had a method of putting an offer up on cash shop items. if someone purchased the shop item and sold it the system would randomly pick someone from the preorders to 'win' the item.
@Jetah Sure, of course. I know that all expansion on this game will be free, so, yeah, better to put this new content in the cosmetic shop. The idea seem nice, never played BDO, so I didn't know it. (when I said "not pushed too far", it's more about the items they can add, that they don't add idiot things that can totally break the immersion ^^ )
@Xzoviac Totally agree. I played at The secret world, and the first map is inspired by Lovecraft (from what I saw), and I really liked it (I read some Lovecraft books too, a bit long in the description but it's fine)
Please no anime in the game. Ty so much.
then no magic. got it.
@Xzoviac said in Fan Weapon Type:
@deusex2 lmao that looks like a desk fan
Haha, it is!
But that's besides the point. It looks steampunky enough to be in this game and at the same time not being a cheap anime trope.
So just use your imagination and imagine it being connected to a steam engine, hoisted at you back, and you attacking with it.
@deusex2 said in Fan Weapon Type:
@Xzoviac said in Fan Weapon Type:
@deusex2 lmao that looks like a desk fan
Haha, it is!
But that's besides the point. It looks steampunky enough to be in this game and at the same time not being a cheap anime trope.
So just use your imagination and imagine it being connected to a steam engine, hoisted at you back, and you attacking with it.
@Xzoviac said in Fan Weapon Type:
@deusex2 said in Fan Weapon Type:
@Xzoviac said in Fan Weapon Type:
@deusex2 lmao that looks like a desk fan
Haha, it is!
But that's besides the point. It looks steampunky enough to be in this game and at the same time not being a cheap anime trope.
So just use your imagination and imagine it being connected to a steam engine, hoisted at you back, and you attacking with it.
More like,"let off some steam..." ^_^
@deusex2 shout how about you let of some steaaaaaaaam just as you blast them in to the upper atmosphere
@Xzoviac said in Fan Weapon Type:
@deusex2 shout how about you let of some steaaaaaaaam just as you blast them in to the upper atmosphere
...I guess I'm too old to expect people to understand good'ol Commando reference. If you'd understood what I was talking about, you'd realize how perfect it was and would've simply agreed with me.
@deusex2 said in Fan Weapon Type:
@Xzoviac said in Fan Weapon Type:
@deusex2 shout how about you let of some steaaaaaaaam just as you blast them in to the upper atmosphere
...I guess I'm too old to expect people to understand good'ol Commando reference. If you'd understood what I was talking about, you'd realize how perfect it was and would've simply agreed with me.
I think iv probably seen most of arnys films including that one
I Just imagined a cheesy pokemon attack smashing team rocket in to the horizon, with a steam attack, over arny impaleing Bennett
@Xzoviac said in Fan Weapon Type:
@deusex2 said in Fan Weapon Type:
@Xzoviac said in Fan Weapon Type:
@deusex2 shout how about you let of some steaaaaaaaam just as you blast them in to the upper atmosphere
...I guess I'm too old to expect people to understand good'ol Commando reference. If you'd understood what I was talking about, you'd realize how perfect it was and would've simply agreed with me.
I think iv probably seen most of arnys films including that one
I Just imagined a cheesy pokemon attack smashing team rocket in to the horizon, with a steam attack, over arny impaleing Bennett
You are serious?! Did you just placed some lame pockemon attack over Arny's royal cheese?!
@deusex2 said in Fan Weapon Type:
@Xzoviac said in Fan Weapon Type:
@deusex2 said in Fan Weapon Type:
@Xzoviac said in Fan Weapon Type:
@deusex2 shout how about you let of some steaaaaaaaam just as you blast them in to the upper atmosphere
...I guess I'm too old to expect people to understand good'ol Commando reference. If you'd understood what I was talking about, you'd realize how perfect it was and would've simply agreed with me.
I think iv probably seen most of arnys films including that one
I Just imagined a cheesy pokemon attack smashing team rocket in to the horizon, with a steam attack, over arny impaleing Bennett
You are serious?! Did you just placed some lame pockemon attack over Arny's royal cheese?!
I would travel across the land searching far and wide, to find a arny film, that understands the power that's inside