We just has a discussion on the discord about, in my own words to make it brief, "giving Arboreus unique PvE rules to dissuade player trolls in a PvE environment." Specifically, rules that are not needed on the other two planets because you can simply kill trolls.
A lot of different examples were given of possible troll situations and how to reduce them. Some people obviously said no changes were needed, that's just what you have to deal with in PvE. For the people that said some change would be better than the current system, a "tag" system seemed to be a consensus (first tag, most damage, summoner, etc). The realization I had during this discussion was some kind of tag system might actually encourage people to help out others more often and more freely - totally separate from "tags" dissuading trolls.
In the current system, if you come across someone, think they might be struggling, you might not want to help for fear that they accuse you of trying to steal their kp/divines/loot. Even if you know you're not wanting to steal anything, the other person has no idea and can't even know if you do in the case of Divines. If you're the one fighting, do you really want someone jumping in, when you didn't need help, and possibly taking your loot or would you rather they didn't and just risk dying?
I feel like people are more likely not to help a random stranger and to not want the help themselves, which seems kinda contrary to the spirit of Arboreus. (A world without doors on their houses because no one would come in and do anything bad to you anyway.) If there was a tag system, you might end up with a lot more helping of random strangers as you ride down the road. You can dismount, pew pew, and ride off into the sunset having helped some random person without even the chance or suspicion of something nefarious.
I'm not totally sold on the need for special PvE rules for Arboreus, but I do have to admit player trolls could become a problem and that with my realization, it might actually make sense within the lore/balance of the three worlds, to have something special for Arboreus.
This is not really a specific suggestion, more of an observation and thinking exercise.