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Posts made by Xzoviac
RE: Town Sieges
@Gothix or just have storage linked to the local bank a chest is like a placeable local bank (needs to be empty to move) , if house and chest are destroyed the items are still in the bank, but house and chest need rebuilding
If town is taken over bank is same just under a different rule, if bank is destroyed , town needs to rebuild to place any new items, but chests house chests can still empty its items but warn that you can not return the items till the town is rebuilt -
RE: First impression of Alpha1 -T1 with screen shots
Cant wait to play hope a2 is more then 3 days long
RE: What albion did wrong- not a bash thread
@Roccandil a gold seller sells in game currency for real life cash, the reason people dont like it is because it artificially scews the prices of items towards items being more expensive,
And more importantly people (players) feel like gold buyers have a massive advantage, although personally I dont rly care what people spend there money on, plus everyone has equal chance to buy from said sellers.
But if these sellers are botting and using stolen cards that's when it becomes a problem
RE: Dont forget the RPG
@muker thanks for sharing this, I'm a little disappointed about the questing news, but maybe if they give players the ability to give other players tasks to help them in some way, then give a reward.
Find me 100 frogs give - crafted potion and frog recipe.And having "hunter guilds" with quest boards you can become a member of and grab day to day quests from players,
The town where my house is built is getting raised by goblins, please clear out the goblin caves, -10 gold per head up to 3k gold -
Dont forget the RPG
The thing that a lot of MMOrpgs I have played, seem to miss is the RPG, for me personally my favourite ever RPG, is Baldurs gate.
The thing that made that game great imo is, multiple choice interactions with NPCs, everytime I play I can make a different main character and play the game a slightly different way.
I hope fractured feels like a real life world and npcs, can love hate fear distrust, and interact with you differently depending on how you speak and behave in public.
I also hope quests have a similar feeling, and can be done in multiple ways changing how the npcs react.
A World with good npcs makes mmos feel so much more alive.
Make our choices feel important
RE: Town Sieges
@Farlander hopefully you just have to pay land tax, if your offline a month your land will be sold to pay for the accumulation so someone else can use the land, dunno what destruction of property plans are
RE: Let's borrow some ideas from other games!
@Gothix yeah i cant see how this can work
RE: Who is in the forum background?/what race is he
@Sindariya when spiders get hungry they sometimes eat there own legs, mr horse is next
RE: Renaming of High Quality Items Suggestion
@Tuoni as long as only one player could have each legendary item then it's fine, items with story and names, need to be unique (if everyone is the same no one is special)-crafting could be one way but does it have to be the only way?
Not everyone has to be equal, it dosent mean these items need to be mega op though. Just cool different and give all players something to strive for
Brute strength
CunningThese All could be ways you come across something legendary, it will make you famous, wich will be dangerous for you as well as a blessing
RE: Renaming of High Quality Items Suggestion
@Tuoni could make it so it needs a huge amount like 100,000 and it needs to not be destroyed in that time- if it survives item becomes legendary, and is the only one.
if somone killed 1000 more dragons then legendary dragonslayer sword then your sword is destroyed, and someone else takes the enchantment
RE: Who is in the forum background?/what race is he
@Tuoni why you gotta pick on his disabilitys
RE: Let's borrow some ideas from other games!
@Tuoni if gold is a real in game item, and banks. Have the possibility of being robbed certain people, specially pirates and highway robbers will bury their gold.
maybe as a player you get a tip off that a bank is going to be robbed, put some of your gold in the bank, enchant your gold with a locator spell.
Track your gold too the highwaymans stash and boom. You are rich, or the saviour of the town, or Robin hood?. Having gold as a real item has lots of story driven content (if fractured gives us that ability)
RE: Who is in the forum background?/what race is he
@Sindariya I thought it was a weird square spider lmao
RE: Renaming of High Quality Items Suggestion
I Would like weapons to be known for its deeds, a sword that passes from person to person threw murder could become legendary, with extra stats- but force you in pvp mode even in safe areas, name changed Cursed (longsword) of death
An Axe that has beheaded and delimbed many monsters - The biter
A Players whos short sword focuses on killing goblins, A shortswords is better in small caves because there is less room to swing , it could end up name changeing to goblins bane
RE: Let's borrow some ideas from other games!
@Farlander a clothier job, crafting dyes and making patterns for guilds, nobles, farmers, peasants, kings, extra could be cool
What albion did wrong- not a bash thread
I think its important for the devs to not make the same mistakes as Albion,
I personally enjoyed the game up to a point.
However in my eyes and much of the public, the game is a failure
A few steam reviews -
RE: Week 70 - Weekly Drawing Winners
@Sindariya hope your day gets better
AND YEEEEEEEEEE thank you for these points, I shall horde my shineys under special rocks.
Rocky's love the shineys oh yes, yes they do -
RE: Let's borrow some ideas from other games!
@Esoba made me think there could be a bartender role serving drinks(buffs) and collecting rumours, to send people on quests.