@Yitra well it gives me a lot to think about I guess ingame testing will be needed to find the optimal Build, thanks for the Info,
It's likely the monk style defensive buffs wont be worth the accuracy loss
@Yitra well it gives me a lot to think about I guess ingame testing will be needed to find the optimal Build, thanks for the Info,
It's likely the monk style defensive buffs wont be worth the accuracy loss
@Yitra said in Considering Character stats:
@Xzoviac said in Considering Character stats:
So atm, all stats start on 10 with 60 points to spend in allocation
Isn't that only for humans as they have 120 points, where beastlings
and demons only have 100 IIRC?
Considering that Perception also seems a major source of accuracy rating I suppose you can not neglect that stat (needed for bosses and PvP, or is that not a thing in this game?) Where I translate accuracy rating as a chance to hit with your spell.
Yeah I guess demons and beastmen would only have 2 max stats and the rest at 10, I dunno if perception effects accuracy, I thought that would be Dex, perception Is normally ability to find traps, and how good you are at perceiveing your environment to avoid danger or evaluate the prices of objects.
It may effect how often you critical hit though, if that's not done threw dexterity
@Roccandil hopefully the devs will consider adding quick tips notes over the stats explaining there uses, eg strength primary stat for warfare, martial art abilitys and smithing
Constitution primary stat for warfare abilitys, and increases crafting produce
So on and so forth
So atm, all stats start on 10 with 60 points to spend in allocation, you can lower these stats to bellow 10
For my example I will consider all stats at 10.
It costs 20 points to get a stat to max (18)
Str 10
DeX 10
Int 10 to 18 (60-40)
Con 10 to 18 (40-20)
Perc 10
Cha 10 to 18 (20-0)
The reason I bring this up is because all spells in the magic schools require INT
Three schools require charisma ( illusion necromancy conjuration)
One school requires, perception (divination)
Will it ever be worth sacrificing health for perception?
(necromancers will use CON as a side stat for blood magic).
I dont think it will be worth the sacrifice.
Therefore Divination will be a school we dont often see utilised to its max
Upgrade allocation costs
11-15 costs 2 points
15-17 costs 3
17-18 cost 4
The same issue is going to be in place for warfare, as it uses str, con and Cha, for its spells, allowing it to combine with only, musician, that also uses charisma
Unarmed martial arts (Dex str)
assassination (Dex perc)
marksman (dex perc)
can all be mixed together with the three stat combo
Could even reduce cha, int, to try max out con, for martial arts assassination mix
And reduce perception and int in the warfare build to include unarmed martial arts
@Gothix I cant think of something for constitution, possibly linked with end game alchemy like, sacrificed life to make philosophers stones
So, enchanting and alchemy both use Intelligence to improve items
As far as I know strength does not effect how well you can Smith items.
So the best crafters will always be Intelligence based, with this in mind.
I Hope strength Will improve smithing and metal work outcomes, dexterity should improve jewelry crafting and sewing garments
Wisdom could help you bless weapons and armour
@Farlander I think crafting will be a real time process in one of the spotlights it mentions tanning taking a similar time as it would in real life
@Thwunk maybe your minions could get resources around you and collect but imo they should not do it on a diffrent planet, and t being able to eventually get all skins sorts defeats the point in them being allignment based
If you really hate a allignment skin but want to be that morality, I guess hope for spell skins in store lol
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Welcome to Fractured , there is a discord if you would like to join https://discord.gg/y5MBnpa
Welcome to Fractured , there is a discord if you would like to join https://discord.gg/y5MBnpa
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@gabrinoel I hope you can find enough summons for every spell slot to fit your playstyle, different animations depending on your alignment would be cool
@sainto22 can you give more info please what's not working?
Gms will sort it for you if you let them know what's going on @Specter
@gabrinoel there is defenitly a necromancer class that summons skellys
And conjuring for items and objects like flying swords and thingsSummoners and necromancers are NOT the same thing and have NEVER been the same thing in any game... Necromancer summons are usually restricted to corpses and reanimation while Summoners usually summon elemental or in some cases beasts... additionally conjuring flying swords MAY be considered part of the summon class but if it's only summoning inanimate objects then the class can't be considered a complete summoner class...
There are no classes in this game just groups of spells in schools so you wanna be a summoner you may have to grab spells from different schools such as necromancy and conjuring.
NOT sure who YOU are ARGUING with or if you are telling me this information in capitals because I have offended you?
Hopefully i have helped you understand how character builds work a little better
@gabrinoel there is definitely a necromancer school that summons skellys
And conjuring for items and objects like flying swords and things