So i loved the crafting and building the house I know at lot of people dint like how slow it was, but i love grinding so i thought it was great.
I loved mass killing lores of wolfs, however in the end killing monsters felt mostly pointless
I killed each mob once mass killed mobs i could, built my house, made 5 different stat builds , and tried every spell combination.
I Think monsters not giving XP (i know the point of the game) made the killing feel hollow.
The monsters dont drop items so grinding has no point
my suggestion to improve the feel/reward of grinding mobs.
Have mobs give Knowledge Experience, so the more you kill a monster the more you level up the knowledge of said monster, could even have a mini skill bar for each monster that lets you skill up how much crit dmg loot drops, ability to track the monsters , ability to use the monsters body parts to create poisons healing potions whatever.
Sacrifice system that lets you sacrifice the mob to your chosen god, kill enough and you get to summon a spirit version as a pet, giving players something else to collect
Titles (Goblin Slayer)
Chicken kicker
Spiders bane
kill enough of said mob , and you can craft weapons specifically to hurt that mob more,
Go talk to Xzoviac the -Chicken kicker, he will make you a knife perfect for killing and skinning chickens, giving you more loot and chicken knowledge XP.
I Know this was alpha, and i dont know what the Knowledge system will be like to make combat feel like it has a point past getting resources which is fairly boring no one is gonna grind for hours and hours doing this.
If the game does not have some things to grind when the game is finished we will all run out of content very quickly- on the PVE side