Alot of the mage stuff seems rather UP atm
Elemental staffs the stacks drop of way to fast in pvp not sure of there something to do with willpower/accuracy in play here but you realy cant stack your elemental buff up fast enough to get someone to hit by it unless you have like 4 people using that one element
Any kind of channeled mage skill seems bad since you just open up to being murdered or CC when you use them especialy since most of them are around you. these would be better if it was a ground target AOE you channel (like WoW blizzard/rain of fire) for example they can atleast be used to zone people out without basicly getting urself killed.
cobweb (I think thats the one the bolt spell that roots) this skill can literaly perma lock somone down till they die also forces everyone to max evasion top try and resist the thing especialy if your ranged since ull just get rooted then stabbed in the face constantly while u cant do much about it. (Think there should be some natural diminishing returns on consecutive CC after 3 roots for example u become immune for a short amount of time)
Willpower/fortitude/evasions seems a little strong although i dont have the best grasp on this system yet but seem like if you get these high enough u resist everything thats a debuff even when i get all the accuracy talents/high perception.
Heavy armor seems a little OP