@DarthJafo said in Feedback on the new durability:
There's no degrees to "grind" there either is, or there isn't. To even advertise "no grind" was both foolish and ill advised. There are however different levels of grind.
Every game has grind of some sort. Can't get away from it. The difference here is it takes 10 seconds to "mine" a flax plant. 10 minutes to gather enough to make a set of common cloths. Roughly the same for Hide, depending on the monsters you find.
Leather doesn't have much of a grind, because you get the mats by killing stuff. The delay here is it take 15 hours to tan the hides. I don't know anything at all about tanning, but is that even close to realistic? I really only know that it stunk. BAD
The highest level of grind is of course Metal. Even if you put your plot right on top of a node (which shouldn't be allowed) and just build smelters and such (which also shouldn't be allowed without a house of some sort) you still have to travel to the node, build a wagon (or drive a wagon to it which is even worse) Mine the ore, drive a slow arsed wagon back to your plot, build some smelters at 24 stone per, which is ANOTHER level of grind for this craft.
Oh but wait, there more. Now you have to go gather a fuel source. Same thing as above for coal, or build charcoal pits which take 15 hours to cook (jebus as I'm writing this im getting more ticked off about how unbalanced this all is). Then you have to smelt the ignots at 4 hours a batch. Now, a wagon will fill 6 smelters. So in four hours YOU HAVE TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN.
Now...is this in anyway, shape or form REMOTELY comparable to the other crafts?
And for all that effort all you get is a LITTLE more durability? EFFING FOR REAL? Not even a miniscule stat boost???
Metal actually pretty easy tbh and u can do it while watching netflix on another monitor 
Leather and cloth you have to spend a large portion of the map just running around to the mobs to kill since there usualy quite spaced appart and some like mammoths are quite a pain to kill also fighting said mobs can leave you vunerable to pvp since your skill will be on CD or HP/mana not full so thats the trade off there.
I will say maybe cloth should have a processing time and wood a drying time (Since you tend to dry wood before crafting anything with it) to bring in line with leather/metal
addition of automatic looms (Which is needed to craft all fabric appart from flax) and has 16 hr timer for a stack of 5 and can do 8 at once like tanning tubs
And drying racks for wood that works the same way