@dybuk said in [Discussion] Ingame currency system, what we want to get?:
[...] it is still abuse of the geo-politics. Merchants should be able to profit on buying cheap and selling high based on the production and availability of product in different places.
Oh, you mean like money?
The value of each nation's currency is a factor both of how much of it is in circulation and how much influence its accepting nation(s) have in global affairs.
i.e. the value of money depends on supply and demand, just like everything else.
It doesn't matter that the both places have got wood, you just exploit the system being able to deliver the wood cheaper then the people who produce it locally.
This kind of "business" would be able to do anybody without any insight into markets or without any knowledge.
What?? No it wouldn't.
First off, you're forgetting to account for the cost of transport. This is not merely one of money but of time. Any time spent transporting a good is time not spent on acquiring value, and therefore you make less money over a given time period. This is especially problematic with the difficulty of moving between planets. People maximizing profit will account for these shipping costs and will not travel a world and a half away for 10 silver.
Secondly, the value of the product would rapidly drop within the target market(s), while the value of the rapidly dwindling local currency would go up because there was less of it in turn. It would not be a sustainable venture, especially if "everyone" is doing it.
Third, if the demand is low enough because there is already so much wood, nobody will buy wood at any price and thus nobody will choose wood to try to game the system with, they will choose something that's already profitable and vulnerable to exchange rate shenanigans.
Fourth, you wouldn't actually be consistently profiting unless you were gaming the exchange rate like playing the stock market. This is not possible for someone with allegedy zero business sense / no economic savvy.