While I see why you want to control the city and the living arounds (as in who can build/join) I can see a big issue if you can so. Let's hop in a year after release or so, now a few big clans hold EVERY territory and let nobody join. How do you craft better stuff? How do you progress gear wise to conqest anything, alone conquer a city? At the end it's just like in Albion with territorys but even worse.

Posts made by Shivashanti
RE: The decision for public vs citizens-only crafting stations should be made by Governors, not Dynamight
RE: First Impressions on the new City System
@Logain On their yt channel. Or just click here
RE: How hyped are you?
@Stacy555 We haven't any real pve content yet beside of the mobs for abilities and kp (maybe legends but that's it). We will get dungeons, labyrinths and so on, so we can't tell yet how good it'll be
RE: [Bug] Frenzy skill disallows any kind of healing
@webaber at the time the bug report was written, the tooltip didn't state that, it came in with the last hotfix
RE: Ranged damage feels too high.
@Kazzier i hope the ttk will get better with all the support skills aka shields and healing stuff, if everybody runs word of power heal and healing wave now some fights are pretty long already but the burst focus dmg is way to high compared to the hp pool and healing cooldowns
Karma bug?!
So i was on the hunt for reds yesterday as good alignment, after i knocked out some of them and finished some of them off aswell i realized i got negative karma, is that intended?
RE: I could sure go for a few hours of Fractured...
I think the next test is the most awaited test, especially from all the PvP players. Can't wait to hop in again
RE: I wish casual players to have blacksmithing , leatherworking etc benches in their land.
Yeah we will see how it works out when we get permission settings for crafting stations and maybe a fee for it or something like that.
Btw you need citizens to get a better city rank, so smaller guilds will be totally fine with hermit living players joining them without exchange of labor, just to get the better city ranks they couldn't achieve without the numbers of players/citizens.
Then again you also need top tier houses (maybe decorations aswell) to push the prestige points. So we have to wait and see what they have for us in the fleshed out system.
RE: I wish casual players to have blacksmithing , leatherworking etc benches in their land.
So it' even less of a problem then, just live in a hermit plot and join a city to craft stuff, very solo friendly in my opinion, since you don't have to build up smelters (more then 100 stone iirc) and stuff
RE: I wish casual players to have blacksmithing , leatherworking etc benches in their land.
Btw i didn't test it last test but can you buy a 'hermit plot' and join a city? Shouldn't be a problem or?!
RE: I wish casual players to have blacksmithing , leatherworking etc benches in their land.
Casual players should join casual cities then, i don't see a problem there.
RE: Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System
Nice, can't wait for it. Bounty hunters with jails and friendly fire sounds fun!
RE: Hätte ich das mal vorher gewusst... [Thread für Tipps & Tricks]
Startet nicht "dumm" in euer Abenteuer
Achtet darauf bei der Charaktererstellung den Intelligenz-Pool nicht zu vernachlässigen, denn dieser legt eure maximale Memorization Points fest welche Ihr zum merken verschiedener Skills braucht. Mit 18 Int bekommt Ihr das maximum von 28 Memorization Points. Ich empfehle allen nahe an diesen Wert zu kommen um verschieden Builds ausnutzen zu können bzw mehrere starke Skills in ein vorgefertigtes Set zu bekommen. (sehr starke Skills können im Moment bis zu 6 Punkte kosten, die meißten guten kosten um die 4) -
RE: "PARTY MEMBER DOWN!" Messages in Chat
I agree, since i main healers in most games i would love some sort of grp ui and such messages onscreen.
RE: [FRAC-2314] Clover Harvest no results?
Maybe it has to do with the fact that soil nutrition just changes if you start looting after the harvest (on the other stuff like cereals for example)
RE: Death Penalty of losing all gear and inventory: WORST IDEA EVER!!!
I agree with @GamerSeuss . That and the early albion was way more hardcore than now, mobs finished players, no offscreen name tags, no perma mounts, etc pp, all the changes pretty much drove many players away before it went f2p, so bringing up albion is not the best idea
RE: Blank white window upon patcher launch.
I have a 1050 ti and the game runs just fine with it, do you have the latest drivers installed?