Hi all,
this is the content of patch b08h, coming out tomorrow!
Quick Rest
It's among us! Hit K (default hotkey, can be changed) when out of combat to initiate a Quick Rest session.
When triggered, your character immediately sits down and recovers 10% of its max HP and mana per second. Taking any damage or negative effect that makes you enter Combat Mode immediately stops the Quick Rest. All types of rest now make you gain HP and mana this way instead of sending you to 100% right away.
Please note that Quick Rest doesn't make your lose the Max HP Debuff ("purple bar") from KOs - that only happens when resting in a house fire. Similarly, it doesn't allow you to change spells and abilities - that's only possible in front of a house fire or campfire.
New Ultimate Legends
Two new Ultimate Legend challenges have been added, one for each continent!
The Rumbling Valley challenge on Aerhen is shock&cold-themed and features Argadr the Stormcaller (Jotunn) and Fenris - Lady of the Frozen Waste (Artic Wolf) as bosses. This also brings into the game 3 new creatures: Jotunn Huntress, Jotunn Sorceress, Elder Arctic Wolf.
The Dancing Stones challenge on Terra is primordial-themed and sees Groove - Shaker of Worlds (Earth Elemental) and Murag-Gul (Mountain Troll) as bosses.
Who's going to claim them first?
Hotbar-only Items
Bandages and stat-changing consumables (teas, etc) can now be used from the hotbar only.
As it happens with spells, adding a new item of such kind to the hotbar triggers an instant 10 seconds cooldown for the whole category (so let's say you have 6 spells, 1 tea and add another tea => both teas will enter a 10s cooldown before they can be used).
We know, this is going to come as a shock for some of you, but that's how the mechanic was always supposed to work - you choose a mix of 8 items and spells for your combat session and roll with those. No clicking in the inventory manually or with hotkey-bound click-scripts (!).
Legends Loot
Summonable legends are now spawned immediately, without a 10-minutes wait. However, monsters keep spawning around them for as long as they are alive, and they now give 5 Divine Rewards instead of 10.
Ultimate legends now give 12 Divine Rewards each instead of 10, and an average of 5.7k gold instead of 2.1k.
Wandering legends now give 2 rewards instead of 1 and twice as much gold.
Here we are listing both balancing changes and bug fixes that affect combat balancing.
- Change: Magical Abilities can't be cast anymore with a shield unless it has the Spell Channeling property. The Round Shield now has it.
- Change: Shields Up now doubles only the Block Chance given by... shields
instead of that of weapons too.
- Change: Block Chance is now capped at 50%.
- Change: Weaken is now a T2 ability. Mana Cost: 180 => 360, Cooldown: 7.5 => 15, Damage: 12-18 => 16-24, Duration: 0.3 => 0.2-0.3.
- Change: the Temporary HP given by the Life Shield talent are now capped to 500 (flat) instead of 20% of the Max HP of the recipient.
- Change: Glass Barrier no longer gives Block Chance.
- Change: Bloodlust healing reduced from 1.6% x CON to 1.2% x CON.
- Change: Vicious Attacks bonus damage increased from 0.6-0.9% x CON to 0.8-1.2% x CON.
- Change: the damage of the Scimitar, Rapier and Handaxe have been slightly tweaked. The Armor Penetration on the Rapier has been doubled.
- The Healing Conversion talent is now functional, but nerfed to 5% per point.
- Fix: Confusion now only gives a chance to fail casting Magical abilities, not all abilities.
- Fix: the Full Set Bonus of the Cleric Armor now triggers only when healing other players.
Bug Fixes & Minor Changes
- Fixed a major bug that allowed players to duplicate items.
- Fixed a major bug that could make a player receive Divine Rewards of a level different from the one they were meant to receive.
- When a server process loses connection to our webserver it now reconnects automatically. This should fix all the issues the cities of Slave Empire and Lotus Garden experienced during this test.
- Silence no longer applies a cap to Wisdom.
- Fixed a bug that would make Totems turn on the Aggressive flag of players. For example, the AOE from a Frost Blast cast by the Totem of Winter would damage all players and make them Aggressive, including the caster of the Totem itself.
- Moving out of a siege boundary with a mobily spell now causes the player to be kicked back in once the spell is over - and the other way around.
- Co-owners can now add gold to plots maintenance.
- Killing the Wandering Legend of an event now correctly makes the event disappear to be respawned in the future.
- Rounding of numbers in the UI has been fixed in multiple places.
- Dough, flour and the Milling Stone have been removed from the game.
Unless there's any hotfix needed, this one will go to Steam! Cheers!