@waynestonchurchill the gambling controversy aside, as far as I know there will be no instanced pvp.

Posts made by Phaethonas
RE: Ingame Arenas In Example Boxing
RE: Ingame Arenas In Example Boxing
@finland Regardless, such a mechanic (even with fake money) would lead to controversy, that no game needs, especially now that lootboxes are considered gambling by many legislators.
RE: Major Milestones Approaching! (Or: Why We've Been So Silent)
@prometheus said in Major Milestones Approaching! (Or: Why We've Been So Silent):
Hi everyone!
[...]- Can I be βgankedβ while playing as a Beastman on Arboreus?
- If Iβm a Demon, how easily can I go for a killing spree on other planets?
- What constitutes a crime on Syndesia, and how is that punished?
Well, the next update, scheduled for next week, will finally give you all the answers! :slight_smile:
I hope one thing to be addressed (as well as others of course) and that is the definition of "ganking".
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
So, if you are a care bear that want nothing to do with pvp?
I told you 100 times that I'm going to play Human on Syndesia for the siege thingy. I'm just defending PvErs in general.
So, let me get this straight; You are not against PvP as you will play in a PvPvE environment, yet you dislike a core feature of the game (PvP at Arboreus), that won't affect you, and you dislike it so much, that you go as far as to say that you want to put pressure to the devs (through community pressure) in order to change that core feature!
OK. Got it!
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@tulukaruk said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
First of all there won't be any defenseless farmers. Is that so hard for you to understand? Beastkin will be able to arm themselves and will have an advantage because their adversaries will have debuffs on them.
Secondly, although the beast planet will be pve oriented, pvp will exist. Evil aligned players will bring that with them. Wanting something else is like wanting another game, in which case, go and find it.We have no idea what the debuff will be and how will it work - so don't give a Beastman easy win yet
PvE players quite often do PvE - when you fight a mob and a PvP player shows and joins the fight on mob side it can be really hard to survive. And then again - I disagree with you - pure PvE player are quite often very bad at PvP.
There will be regions on Beastman world that will be PvP free - no PvP at all there. How it will work? We'll find out in next spotlight.
I don't think they will make that planet completely PvP free but I surely don't want them to delete that pure PvE regions. I will try the game and see how it works and if I enjoy it I'll stay, if not I'll leave. They're promising game fun for PvE players so I do hope it will be fun. Some PvP players think that only way the game will be fun for them is if it's not fun for PvEers... that's why I still post in this topic
It's late so my post might be a bit chaotic.
And I think you're wrong about planets being race specific - they will be alignment specific.
Planets are race specific, read one of the first spotlights. That does not exclude traveling though.
As for the PvP vs PvE subject, I will repeat once more that; Beastkin will not be easy prey. So in the context of the mechanics and features of Fractured, PvE players won't be easy pickings for "gankers".
As we don't know a number of things, including how bad the debuffs will be for the demons, how long will the demons stay at Arboreus etc, anything we are discussing is moot. What is important is that these mechanics will be there and that they will be "optimized" throughout the game's lifetime.
What is important is for pvp players to accept those hindrances and for the pve players to accept that they will die occasionally. Both are aspects of the game. Both are core aspects of the game. If you don't like either, then you don't like what Fractured tries to be. In that case the person who doesn't like either of these features (or other core features) can move along and find something else.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
That said, I do not like your attitude.
Same. I don't like people that enjoy harassing in game the poor care bears.
I am not harassing anyone though and this game is not for the care bears.
ganking = harassment for some players
What these players call "ganking" and "harassment" needs to be understood that is standard open world pvp gaming.
If you don't like a game that will have open world pvp, then go play another game. The devs are making an open world game, which goes as far as not having instanced dungeons. And the devs are making a game that will include pvp, to the extent of having "demon invasions". These are core features of the game and won't change any time soon.
Demons invading Arboreus? It is here to stay!
Planets with different resources? It is here to stay!
Open world? It is here to stay!
Alignment mechanic? It is here to stay!
Each planet being race specific? It is here to stay!
How these will be implemented (for example how long an eclipse will last, if Arboreus will be eclipsed or not, what will be the difference at the resources, how the Karma/Justice system will work at the human planet etc) is something that will determined and will probably change throughout the game's lifetime.
But core features? They are here to stay!
So, if you are a care bear that want nothing to do with pvp? This is not a game for you. This game will have both open world pvp and pve. And this means that if I find you chopping wood at the forest, I will kill you. And that will be a feature.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@vengu said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
Eclipses will last several hours, and that's a big PvP event. (https://fracturedmmo.com/feature-spotlight-2-universe-planets-travels/)
How many hours?
2 hours will be too few cause the window of opportunity will be too small in order for people to enter the event. There are things like real life (e.g. work), time difference between areas and the like that will result at low population at the event if it lasts only 2 hours.
OK, so we know that we need the event to last longer, but how long should it be? Could it be a week? Probably it should not be a week. With that in mind we try to find the correct time. Chances are the correct time won't be found till after the first such event takes place. Trial and error will be required.
My opinion is that it should be at least 8-12 hours and no more than 48 hours, hence the "1-2 days" that I said. The time I expressed was not meant as a certainty as not even the devs know the "correct" time and most likely they will try several things before launching.
Must everything be explained in minute detail, for fuck's sake? It was so fucking obvious that the "1-2 days" that I said was a hypothesis based at the very unspecific "several hours" that can range from 2 hours to who knows how many, with 24 - 48 hours fitting that description.
I am pretty certain you're not going to be able to rain terror on Arboreus for days when the spotlight clearly mentions stargates won't last long
I didn't say "days though", now did I? I have mentioned a number of figures in different contexts.
For example I expect that invasions at Arboreus will be more difficult than those at the human planet and the invasions at the human planet will be easier during an eclipse, with the latter being confirmed. So, I expect in terms of difficulty;
Invasion at Arboreus > Invasion at human planet (no eclipse) >> Invasion at human planet during an eclipse.
Arboreus will not be eclipsed!
hours, if there will be a bleeding mechanic, something else or a combination of the above. So, in the end we don't have the slightest idea how long a demon will be able to stay at the beast planet.Frankly I expect the devs to design a system for let's say 8-12 hours, with players trying to find exploits and workarounds, which will result at players to stay for days maybe even weeks. Then the devs will try to cover that loophole and things repeating themselves. This is how things work.
Nobody knows how much of the planet will be PvE only, so you're speculating just as much as us.
My point exactly.
Prometheus has outright stated that buildings owned by players will be protected in general: https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/984/griefing-ganking/7
The only exception is city conquests, but that's a whole different story according to Prometheus.
Once more, my point exactly. I specifically said that not everything will be indestructible, as not everything will be destructible.
Prometheus goes as far and say that the protection at Arboreus is "high", which is in contrast to "absolute", which care bears want.
The devs have said they want Fractured to appeal to both PvE and PvP players, stop telling "carebears" to leave.
Not all PvE players are care bears. How many times must I say this?
Fractured can be attractive to PvE players while being unattractive to care bears.
Prometheus has stated no planet will have better or worse resources than the others, just different.
Isn't that which I described?
I never said that one planet will have "better"/"worse" resources. I used words like "abundance", "rare" and "unique". As a matter of fact I outright said that the beast planet won't be the planet with the "best" resources, and said that each planet will have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to resources.
Are you even reading what I am writing?
You need to understand, this game doesn't revolve around you, and that Arboreus isn't there to be bullied into submission
And you need to understand that I never suggested that, as a matter of fact I have agreed with the concept of having safe zones, although I will disagree if that mechanic is "abused".
People like you are the reason why Arboreus should have just been full PvE and why it might very well be if the devs value PvE players more than immersion.
People like me? You mean pvpers? Cause I did no suggest anything else but what is standard when talking about pvp and open world.
Now, if the devs want to please everyone, then they will outright fail. It is literally impossible to please everyone as is evident at this thread.
If you want a pvp/pve game (and as you said the devs want Fractured to be attractive to both) then both communities need to accept some compromises. I see the pvp community accepting those compromises (the debuffs for instance) but all I see from a vocal part of the pve community is whining because Fractured won't be attractive to them. These are the care bears! And I will say for Nth time, not all pvers are care bears. Pvers who can accept that they may be killed (albeit rarely) will have fun at Fractured, care bears won't.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
That said, I do not like your attitude.
Same. I don't like people that enjoy harassing in game the poor care bears.
I am not harassing anyone though and this game is not for the care bears.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@finland said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
So, have the devs said that all buildings, everywhere at Arboreus are indestructible? Bring proof of that. Not that I would mind that much, as I could still come to Arboreus, kill you, kill your wife, kill your children, steal your wheat, and any and all other resource you had so much trouble to gather/make, kill and eat all your chickens and spare only your cats.
So much hatred vs beast I really hope they will protect beasts. Btw I'll be on Syndesia.
@phaethonas said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
To your own admission, you don't like the game
I have nerver said that! I only don like the full pvp everywhere
I don't hate beastkin, I cannot hate something that is imaginary. That said, I do not like your attitude.
RE: The PvE vs PvP Thread
@tulukaruk said in The PvE vs PvP Thread:
@phaethonas players that want PvPvE will have that on Syndesia. Beastman that want more PvP will most probably move there as well. About defenseless farmers - pure PvE player usually fares very badly in PvP that in every game I played so far works a bit differently then PvE and fighting vs AI is different then fighting against human.
First of all there won't be any defenseless farmers. Is that so hard for you to understand? Beastkin will be able to arm themselves and will have an advantage because their adversaries will have debuffs on them.
Secondly, although the beast planet will be pve oriented, pvp will exist. Evil aligned players will bring that with them. Wanting something else is like wanting another game, in which case, go and find it.
At Fractured, you can't just have the beast planet in a protection bubble for the care bears. Fractured is not a game for the care bears. You know why you can't have the beast planet in a care bear protection bubble? Cause one main concept of Fractured is that each planet will have unique resources. Some resources will be rare at the demon planet but abundant at the beast planet, while some other resources will be entirely unique to the beast planet. And that doesn't work only in favor of the beast planet, but also against it. Some resources won't be found at the beast planet at all, and others will be rare there but abundant elsewhere.
Now, assuming that kind of economy mechanic, the alignment mechanic and the protection bubble, then demons and evil humans do not have access (at the very least immediate access) to all those materials/resources. That is an insane economy imbalance.
So, either you won't have the protection bubble (which you don't) or you won't have the alignment mechanic (which is a core feature) or you won't have the economy mechanic which not only is a core feature, but also is one of handful of things that separates Fractured from other games.