This will be a short summary of everything we currently know about the weapon system that isn't already included in Vengu's compilation thread, just to make it more convenient for new people who don't want to crawl through several articles and forum threads for basic information.
What we know so far:
- Confirmed weapon types: unarmed, short sword, great sword, spear, crossbow, bow. More are planned. ->
- Other weapons that have been mentioned: blunt weapons, polearms, shields, claws, daggers. ->
- Weapons can be enchanted, either temporarily or permanently, using abilities from the school of Enchanting. ->
- It is possible to dual wield weapons. ->
- Archers can choose between different types of arrows, which they can craft. ->
- Weapons aren't restricted, all races can craft and use all weapons (except for human-exclusive technologies). -> ->
- Weapons that you didn't personally craft or buy have to be identified before they can be used to their full potential. ->
- Weapon parameters currently include: damage, speed, range, area of effect (shape and size), accuracy, mobility. ->
- Humans will be able to use cannons in sieges. They will be phallic. ->