Welcome friend
Posts made by LonelyCookie
RE: What is your biggest want in this game?
From "planned release" stuff (that i know of): Guild content, despite not using mic, my interest in a game usually dies with lack of the "community feel". For last 10ish years, Ive usually been in some form of "officer/leader" position, be it actual officer/leader or just recruiter, so the whole community building thing is pretty much engraved in my MMO-brain (to a point where i sometimes enjoy building the community more than the game)
As for the for future...hmm...ocean stuff with bosses would be cool OR mass PvE content, something like New Worlds Invasions except less instance-y and more dynamic would be cool. Since Fractured loves debuffs and curses, if players on some part of the map fail to fight back the AI "invasion", that part of the map could get a debuff that at the same time would serve as a buff for other races, for example triple the staying time for Demons, expand the PvP area on Arborea or similar.
Would add interesting dynamic and it can fit all the planets, even Arborea as it would be PvE (unless you lose).
RE: Alpha 2 - Test 3 Postponed
One day/week delay is nothing serious Youre still a beacon of light in an industry thats doing several month delays now
RE: Another Key raffle
(Personally i have access, but plenty of friends do not and they keep asking if theres a way to play in the alpha, which is why im trying this )
Im excited about the "planet focuses" on PvE/mix/PvP and how the teleportation between planets will play out.
Flavour to Lichs/Non-demon evils
No idea if this came up before (theres 55 pages in this section afterall), if its an "old thing" already discussed, well, Im sorry.
Friend had an idea of summoning demons. It would be an interesting flavour for Lichs and other non-demon bad boys to be able to summon a (player) demon (using an offering?) and support him. Support as in allow him to stay longer by magic or accepting a debuff for having a demon bound to them etc.
The offering could an unique item or any item the demon-player would accept as an offering.
RE: Who needs a key?
Youre great for doing this
Personally, I have a key already, but couple of friends dont, if i happen to win it, youll make some random internet person happy
RE: Mercenary from CoE
Welcome Mr. Gib gold, I kill Which planet will your mercenary band terrorize (or protect once they pay)?
RE: What type of servers does Fractured have on the Alpha/Beta/Release?
I think this could answer all your server questions.
https://fracturedmmo.com/going-worldwide-regional-servers-localization/From what others said, the connection to the alpha server was pretty good for people outside of US in previous tests, so even if theres no OCE server, all hope is not lost