Posts made by LonelyCookie
RE: [-CO-] Crownless Order [EU based/Worldwide]
Since I did a small clean up and edit to the main post to correct inaccuracies that appeared over the months...
Crownless is still recruiting new peops to play with primarily on launch (teaming up with other guilds during tests for better common city benefits), guild attention remains on all planets with Human planet being planned as "main guild planet" for its PvX nature.
RE: Refunds, negative reactions to Gamigo deal
@Logain said in Refunds, negative reactions to Gamigo deal:
That's where you get 100-200k (and a fixed maximum of 739119 β¬).Think it includes raised money through KS so its less than that.
@spoletta said in Refunds, negative reactions to Gamigo deal:
I'm not referring to the economic scenario, which after your explanation has a basis.I was referring to this: (deleted for the sake of shorter quote)
This looks like a very optimistic outcome.Well...what can I say, any outcome is better than the darkest timeline we have now with variations on "Gamigo claims another victim", with that public image, you might as well write off Fractured as dead on arrival if they dont change their image. Few refunds are definitely cheaper than a failed publishing deal
Have you seen comments under KiraTV and Fractureds own video? Even the absolutely inactive Steam page has about 20comments (none of which seemed exactly positive). Forums and discord server are always "bastions of the blind believers", no matter what game, even for scams (CoE, Earth2 etc.), yet looking at the QnA channel/thread we are seeing mostly an exact opposite.
Problem I could imagine with the 6month wait period is that it could cause legal issues, like discrimination of group of people maybe (new customers having to pay while others are getting money back and can play) but to be fair, its extremely unlikely anyone would care to push it to make it a problem. Another issue (this depends on where you live, not sure if its EU laws but ill guess it is) but companies(and government) where I live are legally required to resolve requests/issues/repairs/warranties within 30days or prove they are actively trying to resolve it (for example my bank had to call me every 3-4weeks, for over half a year. to tell me they have no new info on my refund for CoE and are working on it). Not sure if sitting on refund requests for 6months would be legally ok
RE: Refunds, negative reactions to Gamigo deal
@spoletta said in Refunds, negative reactions to Gamigo deal:
I understand where you are coming from, but you are being quite careless on 2 points:
- Both you and cookie have no kind of metric or method to claim those "100-200k". Yours is just a very wild and baseless guess.
Its not really that baseless. Activity in between tests is dozens of players at best, if we include word of mouth between the unhappy, you would get hundreds, most likely low hundreds.
All of them would need to have Eternal pack for 300β¬ to break 100k barrier, based on what I know about purchases in my own guild (sample of about 100people), most common purchase is the 45β¬/50β¬ one followed by the cheapest and 90β¬ packs. Champion mostly ignored and Eternal owned by only few individuals. Based on that, we are probably not even talking about 100k but less.
All Gamigo and DS need to do with the "PR stunt" as @Logain called it, is time it right (not during or around announced test phase) and make it a time limited offer (which is completely reasonable thing to do), minimum costs and maximum positive effect as every content creator and news site will be blasting variations of "Did Gamigo change into good guys?!" with their current and future playerbase being much more trusting.
PS: It is peanuts, Gamigo yearly revenue was around 60 million with 30% YoY growth in 2019
RE: Refunds, negative reactions to Gamigo deal
@GamerSeuss said in Refunds, negative reactions to Gamigo deal:
Money already spent/earmarked can't be expected to be refunded, and a game developer has the right to go with any publisher they can contract with.
As for Gamigo paying the refunds, that's insane. A publisher isn't going n g to fund refunds from prior to their contract signing, especially outside of the refund window established.
Make a reasonable ask. This isn't one.
As @Selfish said above, thanks to EU law (applies to non-EU companies too since its entirely dependent on customer residency/citizenship), preorder can be cancelled anytime before full product delivery and without question, in case of videogames, full release (and/or in moment of delivery of last pack benefit). In fact, its applicable even on "third party merchants" like Xsolla if people were to go through their banks.
Anyway, the post was about Gamigo showing goodwill and offering the refunds, not if "refunds can or cannot be done" thats not the topic
, because just their reputation is enough to kill the playerbase and noone is going to buy into their empty promises they broke many times before. If they are serious about not using Fractured as a quick cashgrab, "show, dont tell"...barely anyone is buying into their lies these days.
Edit: KS tends to be unrefundable as those count as donations.
Edit2: Based on my previous experience with refunds, preorders are fully refundable even if the dev studio closes down.Tho, it does require your bank to step in as they are the needed "convincing" heavy weight
Edit3: I am asking for Gamigo/DS to offer refunds for people that want nothing to do with Gamigo. If people go through their banks or Xsolla, thats unnecessary drain on DS resources as that cant be brushed of with a simple "no". -
Refunds, negative reactions to Gamigo deal
Outside of couple (edit for @spoletta ->) very nice people that suspiciously joined at the peak of Gamigo deal rumours and immedietally started supporting Gamigo during every conversation ( <- edit end) week ago, the best reaction this deal got was roughly "I dont trust Gamigo, but I trust Prom" (this type of reaction used to be the worst when for example big changes to Syndesia PvP were happening..now its the "best" you got).
People dont trust Gamigo. Best they can do is offer refunds to the unhappy people and prove this isnt a quick cashgrab for them. If people see Gamigo is willing to take a small hit early on and is serious about the game, theyll buy back into it later on.
All of us bought into the vision of Fractured, because we liked it, only reason of the anger and distrust is Gamigo and its very real
reputation. If Gamigo proves their good intentions are real, people will come back and buy back into it. Just like they bought into it months or years ago. We like Fractured. None of us are angry because Fractured changed direction, because it didnt. If Gamigo shows they mean well, none of the people have a reason to not come back. On the other hand, if Gamigo gets stubborn, they risk "evangelist alienation" (think of it as reversed word of mouth PR), where their biggest loyal supporters, the lifeblood of the game for last several years, will turn on them. MMOs live and die by their communities and public image. And the biggest supporters tend to have the passion and time to both support...or the opposite.
Gamigo exists for about 20years (2000 founded, says google). They had plenty of times to take their "second chance" people offered them...and failed them over and over. After 20years, you dont get second chances. After 20years, you must show youre worthy of another second chance.
Nothing says "We mean well/are the good guys" or alternatively disproves the "You just want a quick cashgrab" claim like offering to take a small initial hit with refunds. Fractured isnt a game with massive following (yet), the refunds are dozens or low hundreds of people at most, that doesnt even translate into 100k β¬.
RE: Launcher crashes when opened
Theres no test, you cant play now. Wait until another alpha test starts.
RE: Gamigo Publishing Deal Q&A - List Your Questions!
Reposting from Discord QnA channel with 35 upvotes in the moment of reading this message.
Question 1: How will refund requests be handled?
Signing up a publisher is a big deal. Even bigger with one like Gamigo. It means theres very little worry in terms of funding compared to previous months and years. Confidence is on all time low, if you and the publisher have faith in the success, offering refunds would be a way to reassure that this isnt meant to be a quick revenue for Gamigo and people would be more likely to give it a chance (and reinvest/upgrade their packs later down the line).
Question 2: Is Micheles art coming back? The new one is just... generic asian mmo vibes Boring. Bad. Micheles art was great and unique.
Question 3: Will we be forced into some stupid separate-app Gamigo launcher once fully released? Instead of using Steam as originally planned.
Some games force people to download a separate app for their games, for example my.com does it with their Game Center. Other games have their launcher "inside" the Steam download, for example Total War games or games by Paradox Interactive, they have their own launcher but its "inside" and isnt a separate app (Not sure how to explain it) -
RE: [-CO-] Crownless Order [EU based/Worldwide]
The time has come, once again!
Same as last time, we are open to all players to join us this alpha on our journey. We wont be on this journey alone, but alongside our friends from Kralith's New Order and couple other people from guilds such as LooT and TMSD
RE: New Alpha Testing Methodology Recommended
With Sieges nowhere to be seen at the end of the month of a roughly month-long test that had sieges as one of its highlights, its time to bump this thread again and point out how harming the current testing setup is to the game, trust of its community and developers health .
Not to mention, its very unhealthy for the developers to be in neverending cycles of stress, very harsh deadlines and 12+hr workdays/weekends. Every test is the same, promising features for next test and Prometheus overworking himself every time.
Prometheus, please, change how testing is done. I am/We are asking this for good of the game and your own health and well-being.
Edit: With this, im going back to my sleepy slumber, if you react to me, expect an answer within a week or two when i look on the forums again
RE: Meridian's Spring 2021 Alpha test feedback - OPEN DISCUSSION ENCOURAGED!
@Prometheus said in Meridian's Spring 2021 Alpha test feedback - OPEN DISCUSSION ENCOURAGED!:
- Immediate residential disintegration: it only takes a couple hours to farm the 1000 units of gold needed for weekly maintenance, it's fair that if you don't even play for a couple hours for 1 week you lose the claim.
Summer/winter vacations (usually 1-2weeks?), university exam periods are usually a month at minimum, before-christmas chaos when people are going overtime at work for weeks. So many things that basically not allow people to play at all, let alone "couple hours".
Games with complete disregard for "real life" tend to be...not the most prosperous.
RE: Meridian's Spring 2021 Alpha test feedback - OPEN DISCUSSION ENCOURAGED!
Since I agree with some (mostly regarding directly cities like size or instant resident decay or abuses) and disagree with a lot (everything else like fast travel, prisons or food scarcity) of what Alexian wrote above but have very little time to go in detail, imma just skip it to what annoys me the most on this thread
On the disagree parts...I am simply not a fan of "second job/like real life" games. Games should be enjoyed, not suffered.
@Rife said in Meridian's Spring 2021 Alpha test feedback - OPEN DISCUSSION ENCOURAGED!:
Jails with playtime sentences : I dont think playtime should ever be a sentence because it's similar to a soft ban.
Killing PvErs and full looting them soft bans them from content they want to do just as jailing you soft bans you from content you want to do. As many PvPers love to say to complaining PvErs: "Its part of the game, deal with it". Play with fire, suffer by fire. Actually, suffer more as the perpetrator of 'evil' on neutral planet.
RE: New Alpha Testing Methodology Recommended
Bump for Prometheus after 8days
RE: [Suggestion] Make cities unable to be self sufficient
Having specialized cities sounds cool in theory but is the worst thing you can do. Noone will be in a city where he cant get what he wants. Youre essentially breaking up entire guilds with this (this=current tech tree to small extent and what you propose quite a lot). Just like only a small minority will trade or travel hours (and thats not even counting on all the PK along the way) somewhere else to get gear they want, most will just go "oh, fck this". We already see this behaviour with PvP so why promote Fractured going on full self-dectructive mode even more?
Result? People quitting or youre breaking up guilds.
Instead, let cities be able to get everything, but force specialization on efficiency. Faster smelting, needing less material for same output, smaller refiners with same output to save town space etc., you still put massive emphasis on large cities, without crippling everything else. "Less hard locking, more soft modifiers"
Edit: Good idea (for everyone) would be to get their heads down from the clouds back on the ground. Great idea doesnt always translate into healthy and good game mechanic. Going from unicorns-filled theory to grim real world is harsh as we have already seen with PvP
RE: Is this Alpha just PVP development
@Prometheus said in Is this Alpha just PVP development:
@Vialli said in Is this Alpha just PVP development:
@Prometheus this alpha had the chance for people to play for the whole month, unfortunately this alpha is over for a lot of people already. A lot of players are suffocated because they canβt access content due to large PVP groups killing anyone they cross.
Yes, as I've said before, we are aware and we are planning solutions, but that's not something we can deliver before the end of the test sadly.
Please be aware that all testing phases for backers last for 1 month (at least). This one (Spring Alpha) is the 7th one we have and there will be more
Can you atleast say what are the planned solutions? Not exactly what you will do, just what aspects its supposed to change etc.? We have a saying here, "Slibem nezarmoutΓΕ‘" which (brutal translation) is roughly "Cant do any wrong with a promise". (Maybe found english version of it "To promise the Moon.").
No offense, but without any specifics its like something the bigger devs and publishers love to do sadly "just calm them down, dont anger the rest", it kinda feels like an easy way to calm the angry PvE/PvP people, without making the criminal/ganker people angry, only to let it eventually be forgotten
Have you seen Ostaffs thread about better Alpha system and how to make them more effective and active? https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/13882/new-alpha-testing-methodology-recommended