I'll do bit of a proper introduction. Im LonelyCookie, one of the many MMO-deprived people. Originally, I completely ignored Fractured as I felt like its not my type of a game at all, but the lack of MMOs is painfully real so I decided to give a chance (that doesnt mean Im convinced, on the contrary, very sceptical ). I'll try to get more people from my community to atleast take a look at Fractured, hopefully wont be hard to attract atleast a couple of eyes out of over 600ppl.
Something about me from real life, Im in my early 20s, university student of air traffic/transport (Yes, I know, current situation really promises me a "great" future Q_Q ), eh, theres actually not much to say. As for my gaming life, earliest gaming memory I have is playing some adventure with Winnie the Pooh, Serious Sam and Stronghold (great combo of games, I know) when I was around 5-6years old, been MMOs for last 12ish years which got me into various guild managing, which leads to my best accomplishment I'm most proud of, and thats leading and building a community I love to play with that I mentioned before.
See you all ingame...one day (I hope).