Dont worry we still love you Prometheus.
...I bet it was @Kralith crashing it. Its always Kralith. No exception.
Dont worry we still love you Prometheus.
...I bet it was @Kralith crashing it. Its always Kralith. No exception.
@Forely said in Crownless Order in Spring-Alpha: Valhalla Atrium (No password required):
@LonelyCookie I'm already in a guild, sorry.
Nooo, you said youre here solo when I asked couple days ago
@GreatValdus Is the Fractured AI so good, its becoming self aware?!
@StormBug said in The Eviction/Refugee system ( Residential area solution for city takeovers ):
@Rife said in The Eviction/Refugee system ( Residential area solution for city takeovers ):
Which is another reason why a safe eviction system is good - it prevents alot of undesirable behaviour from taking place if people are forced to take drastic and griefing measures just to ensure they can live next to their city.
You’re talking about people that just conquered a city being worried about taking drastic action to live next to their city. Isn’t that somewhat of an oxymoron? I’m sorry, but I couldn’t resist
Eh, one is a game mechanic (siege), the other is pure griefing that should be discouraged by the devs...not encouraged by having a lack of way to get old guild to move somewhere else
@Bernu said in [-CO-] Crownless Order [EU based/Worldwide]:
5 hours left, then we Officially biggest starting city this alpha
Biggest city and biggest question is how long it will last before exploding "Totally Wont End In Disaster"-City
@Forely Why not bring back some of the good old days and come play with us again? Everyone is on the same Fractured-server afterall
@Robviously Noticed you joined the discord too, when you have time, look into it and just answer one quick question so I can give you access to our alpha channels (or more if you decide to stay past alpha)
@Logain Problem with "test and see" is that during alpha (and maybe even beta) we will never reach the limits of city capacity to test it. There has to be over 300 residential plots ( Myr is for 10k ppl max, 10k / 35cities => 300 give or take some). You will not encounter the problem Rife is describing until we either hit late beta "ultra-hype" with free-keys-galore or on release. And thats way too late.
+1 (good solution atleast in theory, hard to say about 'in practice' would need to try and test it, because as we all know, people ruin everything )
@Trug Would you give us names of your guildies please? So we can pair up names with guilds and hopefully lessen the chaos of "who tf is that" on 31st.
Update: Valhalla Atrium is now without a password!
@GamerSeuss Noticed you joined the city. Welcome
@Ostaff said in More defences:
They can stay as long as they like, but its still not considered to be permanent cause they are unable to claim land on Syndesia.
For the topic Bernu brought up, other races as mercs, it is "permament" as in "not forced from the planet"
@Logain said in More defences:
@Bernu said in More defences:
(...)demons they will have weaker stats on human world(...)
Races can not permanently stay on a different planet in Fractured. You'd be restricted to humans for defending human settlements.
That said, I'd wait and see for the first few iterations of sieges, that's difficult to balance and I'm sure a lot is going to change during development. Especially when balancing 'online versus offline'.
I thought Beastmen can stay on Syndesia as long as they want to and only lose their homeplanet buffs
Přípomínka, že existuje CZ/SK server (třeba si toho teď všimne víc lidí když je vyšší aktivita s blížící se alfou)
@GamerSeuss said in Valhalla (No password required):
@LonelyCookie My extremely small, more PvE guild, the DnDeviants are contemplating a new home for this test, and posting here to mark the thread. (there are only 3 of us, and one's in no-man's land for internet/cell service til tomorrow)
Hah, love the guild name Sure, youre welcome to make it your test-home if you decide for it.
It is my great pleasure to announce the city of Valhalla Atrium for the upcoming Spring Alpha test.
A dream of peace and prosperity born of diplomacy, teamwork and cooperation between Crownless Order (international worldwide), New Order (international) and Phoenix (german).
To continue in the spirit surrounding its foundation, it is open to all, player and guilds alike, none shall be turned away. (But youll be whacked over the head if youre naughty)
Good luck to all reading this and have fun
Update: Now without a password!
@Ostaff Thats XP
Think he means the forum reputation from getting upvoted. In which case...people must click the little ^ next to "Reply Quote"